"""Provides exact ground state energies for the transverse field ising model for comparison.
The Hamiltonian reads
.. math ::
H = - J \\sum_{i} \\sigma^z_i \\sigma^z_{i+1} - g \\sum_{i} \\sigma^x_i
# Copyright (C) TeNPy Developers, Apache license
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
import warnings
import scipy.integrate
def finite_gs_energy(L, J, g, return_psi=False):
"""For comparison: obtain ground state energy from exact diagonalization.
Exponentially expensive in L, only works for small enough `L` <~ 20.
if L >= 20:
warnings.warn("Large L: Exact diagonalization might take a long time!")
# get single site operaors
sx = sparse.csr_matrix(np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]))
sz = sparse.csr_matrix(np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]]))
id = sparse.csr_matrix(np.eye(2))
sx_list = [] # sx_list[i] = kron([id, id, ..., id, sx, id, .... id])
sz_list = []
for i_site in range(L):
x_ops = [id] * L
z_ops = [id] * L
x_ops[i_site] = sx
z_ops[i_site] = sz
X = x_ops[0]
Z = z_ops[0]
for j in range(1, L):
X = sparse.kron(X, x_ops[j], 'csr')
Z = sparse.kron(Z, z_ops[j], 'csr')
H_zz = sparse.csr_matrix((2**L, 2**L))
H_x = sparse.csr_matrix((2**L, 2**L))
for i in range(L - 1):
H_zz = H_zz + sz_list[i] * sz_list[(i + 1) % L]
for i in range(L):
H_x = H_x + sx_list[i]
H = -J * H_zz - g * H_x
E, V = eigsh(H, k=1, which='SA', return_eigenvectors=True, ncv=20)
if return_psi:
return E[0], V[:, 0]
return E[0]
def infinite_gs_energy(J, g):
"""For comparison: Calculate groundstate energy density from analytic formula.
The analytic formula stems from mapping the model to free fermions, see P. Pfeuty, The one-
dimensional Ising model with a transverse field, Annals of Physics 57, p. 79 (1970). Note that
we use Pauli matrices compared this reference using spin-1/2 matrices and replace the sum_k ->
integral dk/2pi to obtain the result in the N -> infinity limit.
def f(k, lambda_):
return np.sqrt(1 + lambda_**2 + 2 * lambda_ * np.cos(k))
E0_exact = -g / (J * 2. * np.pi) * scipy.integrate.quad(f, -np.pi, np.pi, args=(J / g, ))[0]
return E0_exact