full name: tenpy.tools.misc
parent module:
type: module
Warning category that we emit in new code that still needs to be tested better. |
Error class that is raised when a consistency check fails. |
Warning category that is emitted when a consistency check fails. |
Return |
check whether any entry of a ndarray a is 'NaN'. |
wrapper around np.argsort to allow sorting ascending/descending and by magnitude. |
Transform a into a 2D array, filling missing places with pad_item. |
Perform a consistency check, raising an error if it is violated. |
Convert between different memory units. |
For a given base class, recursively find the subclass with the given name. |
Obtain a flat dictionary with all key/value pairs of a nested data structure. |
Iterate through values and return first entry closer than eps. |
Extract specific value from a nested data structure. |
Find groups of indices for which (energy) values are degenerate. |
reverse sorting indices. |
wrapper around |
Given a list l of objects, construct a lookup table. |
Merge nested dictionaries nested1 and nested2. |
Pad an array along a given axis. |
Same as |
Configure the |
Convert a to an numpy array and tile to matching dimension/shape. |
If a is a not iterable or a string, return |
If a is a non-string iterable of length L, return a, otherwise return [a]*L. |
Returns a list of lists T, such that |
Wrapper around |
set real and/or imaginary part to 0 if their absolute value is smaller than tol. |
Module description
Miscellaneous tools, somewhat random mix yet often helpful.