
Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.DummyTwoSiteH


DummyTwoSiteH.__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Return the hermitian conjugate of self


Combine the legs of theta, such that it fits to how we combined the legs of self.


Calculate the action of the operator on a vector vec.


Contract self to a matrix.

DummyTwoSiteH.update_LP(env, i[, U])

Equivalent to env.get_LP(i, store=True); optimized for combine.

DummyTwoSiteH.update_RP(env, i[, VH])

Equivalent to env.get_RP(i, store=True); optimized for combine.

Class Attributes and Properties



class tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.DummyTwoSiteH(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: EffectiveH

A dummy replacement for TwoSiteH() with similar methods but no actual MPO.

This allows to base the VariationalCompression on the Sweep class.


Combine the legs of theta, such that it fits to how we combined the legs of self.


theta (Array) – Wave function to apply the effective Hamiltonian to, with uncombined legs.


theta – Wave function with labels as given by self.acts_on.

Return type:



Return the hermitian conjugate of self

If self is hermitian, subclasses can choose to implement this to define the adjoint operator of self.


Calculate the action of the operator on a vector vec.

Note that we don’t require vec to be one-dimensional. However, for square operators we require that the result of matvec has the same legs (in the same order) as vec such that they can be added. Note that this excludes a non-trivial qtotal for square operators.


Contract self to a matrix.

If self represents an operator with very small shape, e.g. because the MPS bond dimension is very small, an algorithm might choose to contract self to a single tensor.


matrix – Contraction of the represented operator.

Return type:


update_LP(env, i, U=None)[source]

Equivalent to env.get_LP(i, store=True); optimized for combine.

  • env (MPOEnvironment) – The same environment as given during class initialization.

  • i (int) – We update the part left of site i. Can optimize if i == i0 and combine is True.

  • U (None | Array) – The tensor on the left-most site self acts on, with combined legs after SVD. Only used if trying to optimize.

update_RP(env, i, VH=None)[source]

Equivalent to env.get_RP(i, store=True); optimized for combine.

  • env (MPOEnvironment) – The same environment as given during class initialization.

  • i (int) – We update the part right of site i. Can optimize if i == i0 + 2 - length and combine is True.

  • U (None | Array) – The tensor on the right-most site self acts on, with combined legs after SVD. Only used if trying to optimize.