"""Simple Lanczos diagonalization routines.
These functions can be used in d_dmrg.py and e_tdvp to replace
the eigsh and expm_mulitply calls, as commented out in the code.
# Copyright (C) TeNPy Developers, Apache license
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm
import numpy as np
import warnings
default_k = 20
def lanczos_ground_state(H, psi0, k=None):
"""Use lanczos to calculated the ground state of a hermitian H.
If you don't know Lanczos, you can view this as a black box algorithm.
The idea is to built an orthogonal basis in the Krylov space spanned by
``{ H^i |psi0> for i < k}`` and find the ground state in this sub space.
It only requires an `H` which defines a matrix-vector multiplication.
T, vecs = lanczos_iterations(H, psi0, k)
E, v = np.linalg.eigh(T)
result = vecs @ v[:, 0]
if abs(np.linalg.norm(result) - 1.) > 1.e-5:
warnings.warn("poorly conditioned lanczos. Maybe a non-hermitian H?")
return E[0], result
def lanczos_expm_multiply(H, psi0, dt, k=None):
"""Use lanczos to calculated ``expm(-i H dt)|psi0>`` for sufficiently small dt and hermitian H.
If you don't know Lanczos, you can view this as a black box algorithm.
The idea is to built an orthogonal basis in the Krylov space spanned by
``{ H^i |psi0> for i < k}`` and evolve only in this subspace.
It only requires an `H` which defines a matrix-vector multiplication.
T, vecs = lanczos_iterations(H, psi0, k)
v0 = np.zeros(T.shape[0])
v0[0] = 1.
vt = expm(-1.j*dt*T) @ v0
result = vecs @ vt
if abs(np.linalg.norm(result) - 1.) > 1.e-5:
warnings.warn("poorly conditioned lanczos. Maybe a non-hermitian H?")
return result
def lanczos_iterations(H, psi0, k):
"""Perform `k` Lanczos iterations building tridiagonal matrix T and ONB of the Krylov space."""
if k is None:
k = default_k
if psi0.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("psi0 should be a vector")
if H.shape[1] != psi0.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Shape of H doesn't match len of psi0.")
psi0 = psi0/np.linalg.norm(psi0)
vecs = [psi0]
T = np.zeros((k, k))
psi = H @ psi0
alpha = T[0, 0] = np.inner(psi0.conj(), psi).real
psi = psi - alpha* vecs[-1]
for i in range(1, k):
beta = np.linalg.norm(psi)
if beta < 1.e-13:
# print(f"Lanczos terminated early after i={i:d} steps:"
# "full Krylov space built")
T = T[:i, :i]
psi /= beta
psi = H @ psi - beta * vecs[-2]
alpha = np.inner(vecs[-1].conj(), psi).real
psi = psi - alpha * vecs[-1]
T[i, i] = alpha
T[i-1, i] = T[i, i-1] = beta
return T, np.array(vecs).T