Measurements for Simulations


When we run a simulation performing a time evolution, we are interested in measurements after every (n-th) time step, but it would be too costly (in terms of disk space) to save the full psi at each time step; we only have the |psi(t)> during the simulation, not afterwards. Hence, we need to define what measurements we want to perform for a given simulation before running it.


For variational ground state searches, e.g. DMRG, the situation is better: we’re not interested in how we got to the ground state, but only properties of the ground state itself. In this case, we can first run DMRG, save the state, and then perform additional measurements and analysis after finishing the simulation, so it is not crucial to define all the measurements before the simulation.

The setup for simulations in TeNPy is as follows.

  1. For each measurement that is to be done, we need a measurement function that evaluates whatever we want to measure, e.g., the expectation value or correlation function of some operators. If needed, you can define your own, custom functions.

  2. For a given simulation, we specify the list of measurement functions in the simulation parameter Simulation.connect_measurements.

  3. When the simulation runs, it calls the make_measurements() method each time a set of measurements should be performed, e.g. on the initial state, during the time evolution, and on the final state. This causes a call to each of the measurement functions specified in the Simulation.connect_measurements parameter, passing the current state psi, model, simulation as arguments (possibly amongst other keyword arguments also specified in Simulation.connect_measurements). Moreover, it passes a dictionary results, in which measurement results should be saved. At the end of make_measurements, the simulation class merges the obtained results into the collection results of all previous measurements

  4. At the end of simulation, the results are saved and returned for further analysis (e.g. plotting).

Measurement functions

In the simplest case, a measurement function is just a function, which can take the keyword arguments results, psi, model, simulation and saves the measurement results in the dictionary results. The other arguments psi and model are the current MPS and model that can be used for measurements, and simulation gives access to the full simulation class, in case other additional data is needed.

Within TeNPy, we use the convention that measurement functions (taking these arguments and saving to results instead of simply returning values) start with an m_ in their name. A few generic measurement functions are defined in measurement.

As a first, somewhat trivial example, let us look at the source code of m_entropy():

def m_entropy(results, psi, model, simulation, results_key='entropy'):
    results[results_key] = psi.entanglement_entropy()

As you can see, it’s a simple wrapper around the MPS method entanglement_entropy(). Note that usually the psi and model arguments are the same as the simulation attributes simulation.psi and simulation.model, but they can be different in certain cases, e.g. when grouping sites. In most cases, you should directly use the passed psi and model.

Of course, you can also do some actual calculations in the measurement functions. A good example of this is the m_onsite_expectation_value() - take a look at it’s source code. Another example could be the m_pollmann_turner_inversion measurement function defined in the example from the Simulations guide.

The connect_measurements parameter

The Simulation.connect_measurements parameter is a list with one entry for each measurement function to be used. Each function is specified by a tuple module, func_name, extra_kwargs, priority. Here, module and func specify the module and name of the function, extra_kwargs are (optional) additional keyword arguments to be given to the function, and priority allows to control the order in which the measurement functions get called. The latter is useful if you want to “post-process” results of another measurement function.

For example, say you want to measure local expectation values of both Sz and Sx with m_onsite_expectation_value(), then you could use

    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sx
    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sz

These measurement functions have default results_key under which they save values in the results, so you can then read out results['<Sx>'] and results['<Sz>'] in the simulation results. If you want other keys, you can explicitly specify them with the results_key argument of the function, e.g.,

    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sx
        results_key: X_i     # save as results['X_i']
    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sz
        results_key: Z_i     # save as results['Z_i']

Some measurements are actually that common that they get added by default to the simulations (unless you explicitly disable them with Simulation.use_default_measurements); for example the tenpy.simulations.measurement.m_entropy() is measured for any simulation, as it appears in default_measurements.

Often, what you want to measure is just calling a method of the state psi, so there is a special syntax in the connect_measurements parameter: if you specify the first entry to be psi_method, model_method or simulation_method, you can call a method of the corresponding classes. As for global measurement functions, we pass the corresponding results, psi, model, simulation keyword arguments, e.g. psi_method measurement functions need to accept results, model, simulation as arguments, and simulation_method measurement functions should accept results, psi, model.

This is already very useful to call measurement functions defined inside (custom) models or simulation classes, yet methods of psi don’t follow the measurement function call structure, but simply return values. For those cases, you can use another special syntax, namely to simply add `wrap` before the function name. In this case, we don’t pass results, psi, model, simulation, but simply save the return values of the function in the results, under the results_key that gets passed as extra keyword argument, see (the source code of) measurement_wrapper(). The results_key defaults to the function name.

To make this clearer, let’s extend the example above with more measurements:

    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sx
    - - tenpy.simulations.measurement
      - m_onsite_expectation_value
      - opname: Sz
    - - psi_method
      - wrap correlation_function   # call psi.correlation_function()
      - results_key: '<Sz Sz>'      # save returned value as results["<Sz Sz>"]
        ops1: Sz                    # other (necessary) arguments to psi.correlation_function
        ops2: Sz
    - - simulation_method
      - wrap walltime               # "measure" wall clock time it took to run so far
    - -
      - wrap memory_usage           # "measure" the current RAM usage in MB


The *_method and wrap syntax are (currently) special to the Simulation.connect_measurements parameter, and do not apply to e.g. Simulation.connect_algorithm_checkpoint, which uses an analogous setup to allow calling functions at each algorithm checkpoint.