
  • full name:

  • parent module:

  • type: function, x, y, fit_par, xfunc=None, kwargs={}, plot_fit_args={})[source]

Utility function used the plot an algebraic fit function next to the data.

  • plot_module – This is either the module matplotlib.pyplot or an instance of matplotlib.pyplot.subplot.

  • x (array_like [M]) – The (real-valued) data.

  • y (array_like [M]) – The (real-valued) data.

  • fit_par (tuple(float, float, float)) – The fit parameters (a, b, c), e.g. as returned by alg_decay().

  • xfunc (callable, optional) – If given, this function is used to scale the x-axis of the plot.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments that are passed to the plot_module.plot function.

  • plot_fit_args (dict) –

    A dictionary that controls how the fit is shown via the following key value pairs:

    =================== ====== ========= =======================================================================
    key                 type   default   description
    =================== ====== ========= =======================================================================
    show_data_points    bool   True      If the datapoint `x`, `y` should be plotted.
    ------------------- ------ --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_interp            int    30        The number of points to plot for the fit.
    ------------------- ------ --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    show_fit            bool   True      If the fit should be plotted.
    ------------------- ------ --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    extrap_line_start   int    -2        Define the start of the extrapolation line as ``x[extrap_line_start]``.
    ------------------- ------ --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    extrap_line_end     int    ...       Define the end of the extrapolation as ``x[extrap_line_end]``.
                                         Per default, it ends at the end of the x-axis.
    =================== ====== ========= =======================================================================