"""Generalized (C=3) Haldane model - Chern insulator example
Based on the model in [Yang2012]_
# Copyright (C) TeNPy Developers, Apache license
import numpy as np
from tenpy.algorithms import dmrg
from tenpy.networks.mps import MPS
from tenpy.networks import site
from tenpy.models.model import CouplingMPOModel
from tenpy.networks.site import FermionSite, GroupedSite
from tenpy.models import lattice
class TripartiteTriangular(lattice.Lattice):
def __init__(self, Lx, Ly, siteA, **kwargs):
basis = np.array(([3., 0.], [0.5, 0.5 * np.sqrt(3)]))
pos = np.array(([0., 0.], [1., 0.], [2., 0.]))
kwargs.setdefault('order', 'default')
kwargs.setdefault('bc', 'periodic')
kwargs.setdefault('bc_MPS', 'infinite')
kwargs.setdefault('basis', basis)
kwargs.setdefault('positions', pos)
super().__init__([Lx, Ly], [siteA, siteA, siteA], **kwargs)
self.NN = [(0, 2, np.array([-1, 1])), (0, 1, np.array([0, 0])), (0, 0, np.array([0, -1])),
(1, 0, np.array([0, 1])), (1, 2, np.array([0, 0])), (1, 1, np.array([0, -1])),
(2, 1, np.array([0, 1])), (2, 0, np.array([1, 0])), (2, 2, np.array([0, -1]))]
self.nNNA = [(0, 2, np.array([-1, 2])), (0, 2, np.array([0, -1])),
(0, 2, np.array([-1, -1])), (1, 0, np.array([0, 2])), (1, 0, np.array([1,
(1, 0, np.array([0, -1])), (2, 1, np.array([0, 2])), (2, 1, np.array([1,
(2, 1, np.array([0, -1]))]
self.nNNB = [(0, 1, np.array([0, 1])), (0, 1, np.array([-1, 1])), (0, 1, np.array([0,
(1, 2, np.array([0, 1])), (1, 2, np.array([-1, 1])), (1, 2, np.array([0,
(2, 0, np.array([1, 1])), (2, 0, np.array([0, 1])), (2, 0, np.array([1, -2]))]
self.nnNN = [(0, 1, np.array([-1, 2])), (0, 2, np.array([0, 0])), (0, 0, np.array([0,
(1, 2, np.array([-1, 2])), (1, 0, np.array([1, 0])), (1, 1, np.array([0,
(2, 0, np.array([0, 2])), (2, 1, np.array([1, 0])), (2, 2, np.array([0, -2]))]
class FermionicC3HaldaneModel(CouplingMPOModel):
def init_sites(self, model_params):
conserve = model_params.get('conserve', 'N')
fs = FermionSite(conserve=conserve)
gs = GroupedSite([fs, fs], labels=['A', 'B'], charges='same')
gs.add_op('Ntot', gs.NA + gs.NB, False)
return gs
def init_lattice(self, model_params):
Lx = model_params.get('Lx', 1)
Ly = model_params.get('Ly', 3)
fs = self.init_sites(model_params)
lat = TripartiteTriangular(Lx, Ly, fs)
return lat
def init_terms(self, model_params):
t = np.asarray(model_params.get('t', -1.))
V = np.asarray(model_params.get('V', 0))
phi_ext = 2 * np.pi * model_params.get('phi_ext', 0.)
t1 = t
t2 = 0.39 * t * 1j
t3 = -0.34 * t
for u1, u2, dx in self.lat.NN:
t1_phi = self.coupling_strength_add_ext_flux(t1, dx, [0, phi_ext])
self.add_coupling(t1_phi, u1, 'CdA', u2, 'CB', dx, 'JW')
self.add_coupling(np.conj(t1_phi), u2, 'CdB', u1, 'CA', -dx, 'JW')
self.add_coupling(V, u1, 'Ntot', u2, 'Ntot', dx)
for u1, u2, dx in self.lat.nNNA:
t2_phi = self.coupling_strength_add_ext_flux(t2, dx, [0, phi_ext])
self.add_coupling(t2_phi, u1, 'CdA', u2, 'CA', dx, 'JW')
self.add_coupling(np.conj(t2_phi), u2, 'CdA', u1, 'CA', -dx, 'JW')
for u1, u2, dx in self.lat.nNNB:
t2_phi = self.coupling_strength_add_ext_flux(t2, dx, [0, phi_ext])
self.add_coupling(t2_phi, u1, 'CdB', u2, 'CB', dx, 'JW')
self.add_coupling(np.conj(t2_phi), u2, 'CdB', u1, 'CB', -dx, 'JW')
for u1, u2, dx in self.lat.nnNN:
t3_phi = self.coupling_strength_add_ext_flux(t3, dx, [0, phi_ext])
self.add_coupling(t3_phi, u1, 'CdA', u2, 'CB', dx, 'JW')
self.add_coupling(np.conj(t3_phi), u2, 'CdB', u1, 'CA', -dx, 'JW')
def plot_lattice():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca()
fs = site.FermionSite()
lat = TripartiteTriangular(3, 3, fs)
lat.plot_coupling(ax, lat.NN, linestyle='--', color='green')
lat.plot_coupling(ax, lat.nNNA, linestyle='--', color='red')
lat.plot_coupling(ax, lat.nNNB, linestyle='--', color='blue')
lat.plot_coupling(ax, lat.nnNN, linestyle='--', color='black')
def run(phi_ext=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 7)):
data = dict(phi_ext=phi_ext, QL=[], ent_spectrum=[])
model_params = dict(conserve='N', t=-1, V=0, Lx=1, Ly=3)
dmrg_params = {
'mixer': True, # setting this to True helps to escape local minima
'mixer_params': {
'amplitude': 1.e-5,
'decay': 1.2,
'disable_after': 30
'trunc_params': {
'svd_min': 1.e-10,
'lanczos_params': {
'N_min': 5,
'N_max': 20
'chi_list': {
0: 9,
10: 49,
20: 100
'max_E_err': 1.e-10,
'max_S_err': 1.e-6,
'max_sweeps': 150,
prod_state = ['full_A empty_B', 'empty_A full_B', 'full_A empty_B'
] * (model_params['Lx'] * model_params['Ly'])
eng = None
for phi in phi_ext:
print("=" * 100)
print("phi_ext = ", phi)
model_params['phi_ext'] = phi
if eng is None: # first time in the loop
M = FermionicC3HaldaneModel(model_params)
psi = MPS.from_product_state(M.lat.mps_sites(), prod_state, bc=M.lat.bc_MPS)
eng = dmrg.TwoSiteDMRGEngine(psi, M, dmrg_params)
del eng.options['chi_list']
M = FermionicC3HaldaneModel(model_params)
E, psi = eng.run()
return data
def plot_results(data):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(data['phi_ext'], data['QL'], marker='o')
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Phi_y / 2 \pi$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$ \langle Q^L(\Phi_y) \rangle$")
ax = plt.gca()
colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
color_by_charge = {}
for phi_ext, spectrum in zip(data['phi_ext'], data['ent_spectrum']):
for q, s in spectrum:
q = q[0]
label = ""
if q not in color_by_charge:
label = "{q:d}".format(q=q)
color_by_charge[q] = colors[len(color_by_charge) % len(colors)]
color = color_by_charge[q]
ax.plot(phi_ext * np.ones(s.shape),
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Phi_y / 2 \pi$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$ \epsilon_\alpha $")
ax.set_ylim(0., 8.)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# plot_lattice()
data = run()