
Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tenpy.algorithms.dmrg.DMRGEngine


DMRGEngine.__init__(psi, model, options, ...)


Diagonalize the effective Hamiltonian represented by self.


Perform N_sweeps sweeps without optimization to update the environment.


Gives an approximate prediction for the required memory usage.


Remove no longer needed environments after an update.


Return necessary data to resume a run() interrupted at a checkpoint.


Define the schedule of the sweep.

DMRGEngine.init_env([model, resume_data, ...])

(Re-)initialize the environment.


Determines if the algorithm is converged.


Create new instance of self.EffectiveH at self.i0 and set it to self.eff_H.


Set self.mixer to the class specified by options['mixer'].


Cleanup the effects of a mixer.


Deactivate the mixer.

DMRGEngine.plot_sweep_stats([axes, xaxis, ...])

Plot sweep_stats to display the convergence with the sweeps.

DMRGEngine.plot_update_stats(axes[, xaxis, ...])

Plot update_stats to display the convergence during the sweeps.


Perform any final steps or clean up after the main loop has terminated.

DMRGEngine.post_update_local(E0, age, N, ...)

Perform post-update actions.


Perform preparations before run_iteration() is iterated.


Prepare self for calling update_local().


Reset the statistics, useful if you want to start a new sweep run.


Resume a run that was interrupted.

Run the DMRG simulation to find the ground state.


Perform a single iteration, consisting of N_sweeps_check sweeps.


Emits a status message to the logging system after an iteration.


Determines if the main loop should be terminated.

DMRGEngine.sweep([optimize, meas_E_trunc])

One 'sweep' of the algorithm.

DMRGEngine.switch_engine(other_engine, *[, ...])

Initialize algorithm from another algorithm instance of a different class.


Update the left and right environments after an update of the state.

DMRGEngine.update_local(theta[, optimize])

Perform site-update on the site i0.


Update the singular values at the boundaries of the segment.

Class Attributes and Properties





The number of sites to be optimized at once.


class tenpy.algorithms.dmrg.DMRGEngine(psi, model, options, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: IterativeSweeps

DMRG base class with common methods for the TwoSiteDMRG and SingleSiteDMRG.

This engine is implemented as a subclass of Sweep. It contains all methods that are generic between SingleSiteDMRGEngine and TwoSiteDMRGEngine. Use the latter two classes for actual DMRG runs.

A generic protocol for approaching a physics question using DMRG is given in Protocol for using (i)DMRG.


config DMRGEngine
option summary

chi_list (from Sweep) in IterativeSweeps.reset_stats

By default (``None``) this feature is disabled. [...]

chi_list_reactivates_mixer (from Sweep) in IterativeSweeps.sweep

If True, the mixer is reset/reactivated each time the bond dimension growth [...]

combine (from Sweep) in Sweep

Whether to combine legs into pipes. This combines the virtual and [...]

diag_method in DMRGEngine.diag

One of the following strings: [...]

E_tol_max in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

See `E_tol_to_trunc`

E_tol_min in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

See `E_tol_to_trunc`

E_tol_to_trunc in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

It's reasonable to choose the Lanczos convergence criteria [...]

lanczos_params (from Sweep) in Sweep

Lanczos parameters as described in :cfg:config:`KrylovBased`.

max_E_err in DMRGEngine.is_converged

Convergence if the change of the energy in each step [...]

max_hours (from IterativeSweeps) in DMRGEngine.stopping_criterion

If the DMRG took longer (measured in wall-clock time), [...]

max_N_for_ED in DMRGEngine.diag

Maximum matrix dimension of the effective hamiltonian [...]

max_N_sites_per_ring (from Algorithm) in Algorithm

Threshold for raising errors on too many sites per ring. Default ``18``. [...]

max_S_err in DMRGEngine.is_converged

Convergence if the relative change of the entropy in each step [...]

max_sweeps (from IterativeSweeps) in DMRGEngine.stopping_criterion

Maximum number of sweeps to perform.

max_trunc_err (from IterativeSweeps) in IterativeSweeps

Threshold for raising errors on too large truncation errors. Default ``0.00 [...]

min_sweeps (from IterativeSweeps) in DMRGEngine.stopping_criterion

Minimum number of sweeps to perform.

mixer (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.mixer_activate

Specifies which :class:`Mixer` to use, if any. [...]

mixer_params (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.mixer_activate

Mixer parameters as described in :cfg:config:`Mixer`.

N_sweeps_check in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

Number of sweeps to perform between checking convergence [...]

norm_tol in DMRGEngine.post_run_cleanup

After the DMRG run, update the environment with at most [...]

norm_tol_final in DMRGEngine.post_run_cleanup

After performing `norm_tol_iter`*`update_env` sweeps, if [...]

norm_tol_iter in DMRGEngine.post_run_cleanup

Perform at most `norm_tol_iter`*`update_env` sweeps to [...]

P_tol_max in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

See `P_tol_to_trunc`

P_tol_min in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

See `P_tol_to_trunc`

P_tol_to_trunc in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

It's reasonable to choose the Lanczos convergence criteria [...]

start_env (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.init_env

Number of sweeps to be performed without optimization to update the environment.

trunc_params (from Algorithm) in Algorithm

Truncation parameters as described in :cfg:config:`truncation`.

update_env in DMRGEngine.run_iteration

Number of sweeps without bond optimization to update the [...]


A dictionary with detailed statistics of the convergence at local update-level. For each key in the following table, the dictionary contains a list where one value is added each time DMRGEngine.update_bond() is called.




An update was performed on sites i0, i0+1.


The number of physical sites involved in the simulation.


The total energy before truncation.


Dimension of the Krylov space used in the lanczos diagonalization.


Wallclock time evolved since time0 (in seconds).


1. - abs(<theta_guess|theta_diag>), where |theta_guess> is the initial guess for the wave function and |theta_diag> is the untruncated wave function returned by diag().




A dictionary with detailed statistics at the sweep level. For each key in the following table, the dictionary contains a list where one value is added each time Engine.sweep() is called (with optimize=True).




Number of sweeps (excluding environment sweeps) performed so far.


Number of updates (including environment sweeps) performed so far.


The energy before truncation (as calculated by Lanczos).


The change in E (above) since the last iteration.


Mean entanglement entropy (over bonds).


The change in S (above) since the last iteration.


Max entanglement entropy (over bonds).


Wallclock time evolved since time0 (in seconds).


The maximum truncation error in the last sweep


Maximum change or Energy due to truncation in the last sweep.


Maximum bond dimension used.


Error of canonical form np.linalg.norm(psi.norm_test()).




While the mixer is on, the S stored in the MPS is a non-diagonal 2D array. To check convergence, we use the approximate singular values based on which we truncated instead to calculate the entanglement entropy and store it inside this list.


list of {None, 1D array}


Perform preparations before run_iteration() is iterated.


The object to be returned by run() in case of immediate convergence, i.e. if no iterations are performed.

Return type:



Perform a single iteration, consisting of N_sweeps_check sweeps.


option DMRGEngine.E_tol_to_trunc: float

It’s reasonable to choose the Lanczos convergence criteria 'E_tol' not many magnitudes lower than the current truncation error. Therefore, if E_tol_to_trunc is not None, we update E_tol of lanczos_params to max_E_trunc*E_tol_to_trunc, restricted to the interval [E_tol_min, E_tol_max], where max_E_trunc is the maximal energy difference due to truncation right after each Lanczos optimization during the sweeps.

option DMRGEngine.E_tol_max: float

See E_tol_to_trunc

option DMRGEngine.E_tol_min: float

See E_tol_to_trunc

option DMRGEngine.N_sweeps_check: int

Number of sweeps to perform between checking convergence criteria and giving a status update.

option DMRGEngine.P_tol_to_trunc: float

It’s reasonable to choose the Lanczos convergence criteria 'P_tol' not many magnitudes lower than the current truncation error. Therefore, if P_tol_to_trunc is not None, we update P_tol of lanczos_params to max_trunc_err*P_tol_to_trunc, restricted to the interval [P_tol_min, P_tol_max], where max_trunc_err is the maximal truncation error (discarded weight of the Schmidt values) due to truncation right after each Lanczos optimization during the sweeps.

option DMRGEngine.P_tol_max: float

See P_tol_to_trunc

option DMRGEngine.P_tol_min: float

See P_tol_to_trunc

option DMRGEngine.update_env: int

Number of sweeps without bond optimization to update the environment for infinite boundary conditions, performed every N_sweeps_check sweeps.


  • E (float) – The energy of the current ground state approximation.

  • psi (MPS) – The current ground state approximation, i.e. just a reference to psi.

status_update(iteration_start_time: float)[source]

Emits a status message to the logging system after an iteration.


iteration_start_time (float) – The time.time() at the start of the last iteration


Determines if the algorithm is converged.

Does not cover any other reasons to abort, such as reaching a time limit. Such checks are covered by stopping_condition().


option DMRGEngine.max_E_err: float

Convergence if the change of the energy in each step satisfies |Delta E / max(E, 1)| < max_E_err. Note that this might be satisfied even if Delta E > 0, i.e., if the energy increases (due to truncation).

option DMRGEngine.max_S_err: float

Convergence if the relative change of the entropy in each step satisfies |Delta S|/S < max_S_err


Perform any final steps or clean up after the main loop has terminated.


option DMRGEngine.norm_tol: float

After the DMRG run, update the environment with at most norm_tol_iter sweeps until np.linalg.norm(psi.norm_err()) < norm_tol.

option DMRGEngine.norm_tol_iter: float

Perform at most norm_tol_iter`*`update_env sweeps to converge the norm error below norm_tol.

option DMRGEngine.norm_tol_final: float

After performing norm_tol_iter`*`update_env sweeps, if np.linalg.norm(psi.norm_err()) < norm_tol_final, call canonical_form() to canonicalize instead. This tolerance should be stricter than norm_tol to ensure canonical form even if DMRG cannot fully converge.


Run the DMRG simulation to find the ground state.


  • E (float) – The energy of the resulting ground state MPS.

  • psi (MPS) – The MPS representing the ground state after the simulation, i.e. just a reference to psi.


Reset the statistics, useful if you want to start a new sweep run.

sweep(optimize=True, meas_E_trunc=False)[source]

One ‘sweep’ of the algorithm.

Thin wrapper around tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.Sweep.sweep() with one additional parameter meas_E_trunc specifying whether to measure truncation energies.

update_local(theta, optimize=True)[source]

Perform site-update on the site i0.

  • theta (Array) – Initial guess for the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian.

  • optimize (bool) – Whether we actually optimize to find the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian. (If False, just update the environments).


update_data – Data computed during the local update, as described in the following:


Total energy, obtained before truncation (if optimize=True), or after truncation (if optimize=False) (but never None).


Dimension of the Krylov space used for optimization in the lanczos algorithm. 0 if optimize=False.


Current size of the DMRG simulation: number of physical sites involved into the contraction.

U, VH: Array

U and VH returned by mixed_svd().

ov_change: float

Change in the wave function 1. - abs(<theta_guess|theta>) induced by diag(), not including the truncation!

Return type:


post_update_local(E0, age, N, ov_change, err, **update_data)[source]

Perform post-update actions.

Compute truncation energy and collect statistics.


**update_data (dict) – What was returned by update_local().


Update the singular values at the boundaries of the segment.

This method is called at the end of post_update_local() for ‘segment’ boundary MPS. It just updates the singular values on the very left/right end of the MPS segment.


Diagonalize the effective Hamiltonian represented by self.

option DMRGEngine.max_N_for_ED: int

Maximum matrix dimension of the effective hamiltonian up to which the 'default' diag_method uses ED instead of Lanczos.

option DMRGEngine.diag_method: str

One of the following strings:


Same as 'lanczos' for large bond dimensions, but if the total dimension of the effective Hamiltonian does not exceed the DMRG parameter 'max_N_for_ED' it uses 'ED_block'.


lanczos() Default, the Lanczos implementation in TeNPy.


lanczos_arpack() Based on scipy.linalg.sparse.eigsh(). Slower than ‘lanczos’, since it needs to convert the npc arrays to numpy arrays during each matvec, and possibly does many more iterations.


full_diag_effH() Contract the effective Hamiltonian to a (large!) matrix and diagonalize the block in the charge sector of the initial state. Preserves the charge sector of the explicitly conserved charges. However, if you don’t preserve a charge explicitly, it can break it. For example if you use a SpinChain({'conserve': 'parity'}), it could change the total “Sz”, but not the parity of ‘Sz’.


full_diag_effH() Contract the effective Hamiltonian to a (large!) matrix and diagonalize it completely. Allows to change the charge sector even for explicitly conserved charges. For example if you use a SpinChain({'conserve': 'Sz'}), it can change the total “Sz”.


theta_guess (Array) – Initial guess for the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian.


  • E0 (float) – Energy of the found ground state.

  • theta (Array) – Ground state of the effective Hamiltonian.

  • N (int) – Number of Lanczos iterations used. -1 if unknown.

  • ov_change (float) – Change in the wave function 1. - abs(<theta_guess|theta_diag>)

plot_update_stats(axes, xaxis='time', yaxis='E', y_exact=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot update_stats to display the convergence during the sweeps.

  • axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The axes to plot into. Defaults to matplotlib.pyplot.gca()

  • xaxis ('N_updates' | 'sweep' | keys of update_stats) – Key of update_stats to be used for the x-axis of the plots. 'N_updates' is just enumerating the number of bond updates, and 'sweep' corresponds to the sweep number (including environment sweeps).

  • yaxis ('E' | keys of update_stats) – Key of update_stats to be used for the y-axis of the plots. For ‘E’, use the energy (per site for infinite systems).

  • y_exact (float) – Exact value for the quantity on the y-axis for comparison. If given, plot abs((y-y_exact)/y_exact) on a log-scale yaxis.

  • **kwargs – Further keyword arguments given to axes.plot(...).

plot_sweep_stats(axes=None, xaxis='time', yaxis='E', y_exact=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot sweep_stats to display the convergence with the sweeps.

  • axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The axes to plot into. Defaults to matplotlib.pyplot.gca()

  • xaxis (key of sweep_stats) – Key of sweep_stats to be used for the x-axis and y-axis of the plots.

  • yaxis (key of sweep_stats) – Key of sweep_stats to be used for the x-axis and y-axis of the plots.

  • y_exact (float) – Exact value for the quantity on the y-axis for comparison. If given, plot abs((y-y_exact)/y_exact) on a log-scale yaxis.

  • **kwargs – Further keyword arguments given to axes.plot(...).


Perform N_sweeps sweeps without optimization to update the environment.


N_sweeps (int) – Number of sweeps to run without optimization


Gives an approximate prediction for the required memory usage.

This calculation is based on the requested bond dimension, the local Hilbert space dimension, the number of sites, and the boundary conditions.


mem_saving_factor (float) – Represents the amount of RAM saved due to conservation laws. By default, it is ‘None’ and is extracted from the model automatically. However, this is only possible in a few cases and needs to be estimated in most cases. This is due to the fact that it is dependent on the model parameters. If one has a better estimate, one can pass the value directly. This value can be extracted by building the initial state psi (usually by performing DMRG) and then calling print(psi.get_B(0).sparse_stats()) TeNPy will automatically print the fraction of nonzero entries in the first line, for example, 6 of 16 entries (=0.375) nonzero. This fraction corresponds to the mem_saving_factor; in our example, it is 0.375.


usage – Required RAM in MB.

Return type:


See also


global function calling this.


Remove no longer needed environments after an update.

This allows to minimize the number of environments to be kept. For large MPO bond dimensions, these environments are by far the biggest part in memory, so this is a valuable optimization to reduce memory requirements.


Return necessary data to resume a run() interrupted at a checkpoint.

At a checkpoint, you can save psi, model and options along with the data returned by this function. When the simulation aborts, you can resume it using this saved data with:

eng = AlgorithmClass(psi, model, options, resume_data=resume_data)

An algorithm which doesn’t support this should override resume_run to raise an Error.


sequential_simulations (bool) – If True, return only the data for re-initializing a sequential simulation run, where we “adiabatically” follow the evolution of a ground state (for variational algorithms), or do series of quenches (for time evolution algorithms); see run_seq_simulations().


resume_data – Dictionary with necessary data (apart from copies of psi, model, options) that allows to continue the algorithm run from where we are now. It might contain an explicit copy of psi.

Return type:



Define the schedule of the sweep.

One ‘sweep’ is a full sequence from the leftmost site to the right and back.


schedule – Schedule for the sweep. Each entry is (i0, move_right, (update_LP, update_RP)), where i0 is the leftmost of the self.EffectiveH.length sites to be updated in update_local(), move_right indicates whether the next i0 in the schedule is right (True), left (False) or equal (None) of the current one, and update_LP, update_RP indicate whether it is necessary to update the LP and RP of the environments.

Return type:

iterable of (int, bool, (bool, bool))

init_env(model=None, resume_data=None, orthogonal_to=None)[source]

(Re-)initialize the environment.

This function is useful to (re-)start a Sweep with a slightly different model or different (engine) parameters. Note that we assume that we still have the same psi. Calls reset_stats().

  • model (MPOModel) – The model representing the Hamiltonian for which we want to find the ground state. If None, keep the model used before.

  • resume_data (None | dict) – Given when resuming a simulation, as returned by get_resume_data(). Can contain another dict under the key init_env_data; the contents of init_env_data get passed as keyword arguments to the environment initialization.

  • orthogonal_to (None | list of MPS | list of dict) – List of other matrix product states to orthogonalize against. Instead of just the state, you can specify a dict with the state as ket and further keyword arguments for initializing the MPSEnvironment; the psi to be optimized is used as bra. Works only for finite or segment MPS; for infinite MPS it must be None. This can be used to find (a few) excited states as follows. First, run DMRG to find the ground state, and then run DMRG again while orthogonalizing against the ground state, which yields the first excited state (in the same symmetry sector), and so on. Note that resume_data['orthogonal_to'] takes precedence over the argument.


option Sweep.start_env: int

Number of sweeps to be performed without optimization to update the environment.


ValueError – If the engine is re-initialized with a new model, which legs are incompatible with those of hte old model.


Create new instance of self.EffectiveH at self.i0 and set it to self.eff_H.


Set self.mixer to the class specified by options[‘mixer’].

option Sweep.mixer: str | class | bool | None

Specifies which Mixer to use, if any. A string stands for one of the mixers defined in this module. A class is assumed to have the same interface as Mixer and is used to instantiate the mixer. None uses no mixer. True uses the mixer specified by the DefaultMixer class attribute. The default depends on the subclass of Sweep.

option Sweep.mixer_params: dict

Mixer parameters as described in Mixer.

See also



Cleanup the effects of a mixer.

A sweep() with an enabled Mixer leaves the MPS psi with 2D arrays in S. This method recovers the original form by performing SVDs of the S and updating the MPS tensors accordingly.


Deactivate the mixer.

Set self.mixer=None and revert any other effects of mixer_activate().

property n_optimize

The number of sites to be optimized at once.

Indirectly set by the class attribute EffectiveH and it’s length. For example, TwoSiteDMRGEngine uses the TwoSiteH and hence has n_optimize=2, while the SingleSiteDMRGEngine has n_optimize=1.


Prepare self for calling update_local().


theta – Current best guess for the ground state, which is to be optimized. Labels are 'vL', 'p0', 'p1', 'vR', or combined versions of it (if self.combine). For single-site DMRG, the 'p1' label is missing.

Return type:



Resume a run that was interrupted.

In case we saved an intermediate result at a checkpoint, this function allows to resume the run() of the algorithm (after re-initialization with the resume_data). Since most algorithms just have a while loop with break conditions, the default behavior implemented here is to just call run().

stopping_criterion(iteration_start_time: float) bool[source]

Determines if the main loop should be terminated.


iteration_start_time (float) – The time.time() at the start of the last iteration


option IterativeSweeps.min_sweeps: int

Minimum number of sweeps to perform.

option IterativeSweeps.max_sweeps: int

Maximum number of sweeps to perform.

option IterativeSweeps.max_hours: float

If the DMRG took longer (measured in wall-clock time), ‘shelve’ the simulation, i.e. stop and return with the flag shelve=True.


should_break – If True, the main loop in run() is broken.

Return type:


classmethod switch_engine(other_engine, *, options=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize algorithm from another algorithm instance of a different class.

You can initialize one engine from another, not too different subclasses. Internally, this function calls get_resume_data() to extract data from the other_engine and then initializes the new class.

Note that it transfers the data without making copies in most case; even the options! Thus, when you call run() on one of the two algorithm instances, it will modify the state, environment, etc. in the other. We recommend to make the switch as engine = OtherSubClass.switch_engine(engine) directly replacing the reference.

  • cls (class) – Subclass of Algorithm to be initialized.

  • other_engine (Algorithm) – The engine from which data should be transferred. Another, but not too different algorithm subclass-class; e.g. you can switch from the TwoSiteDMRGEngine to the OneSiteDMRGEngine.

  • options (None | dict-like) – If not None, these options are used for the new initialization. If None, take the options from the other_engine.

  • **kwargs – Further keyword arguments for class initialization. If not defined, resume_data is collected with get_resume_data().


Update the left and right environments after an update of the state.


**update_data – Whatever is returned by update_local().