
  • full name: tenpy.networks.terms

  • parent module: tenpy.networks

  • type: module


Inheritance diagram of tenpy.networks.terms


Operator names, site indices and strengths representing two-site coupling terms.


Represent a sum of exponentially decaying (long-range) couplings.


Operator names, site indices and strengths representing general M-site coupling terms.


Operator names, site indices and strengths representing onsite terms.

TermList(terms[, strength])

A list of terms (=operator names and sites they act on) and associated strengths.


order_combine_term(term, sites)

Combine operators in a term to one terms per site.

Module description

Classes to store a collection of operator names and sites they act on, together with prefactors.

This modules collects classes which are not strictly speaking tensor networks but represent “terms” acting on them. Each term is given by a collection of (onsite) operator names and indices of the sites it acts on. Moreover, we associate a strength to each term, which corresponds to the prefactor when specifying e.g. a Hamiltonian.