
  • full name: tenpy.networks.terms.MultiCouplingTerms

  • parent module: tenpy.networks.terms

  • type: class

Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tenpy.networks.terms.MultiCouplingTerms



MultiCouplingTerms.add_coupling_term(...[, ...])

Add a two-site coupling term on given MPS sites.


Add a multi-site coupling term. :param strength: The strength of the coupling term. :type strength: float :param ijkl: The MPS indices of the sites on which the operators acts. With i, j, k, ... = ijkl, we require that they are ordered ascending, i < j < k < ... and that 0 <= i < N_sites. Inidces >= N_sites indicate couplings between different unit cells of an infinite MPS. :type ijkl: list of int :param ops_ijkl: Names of the involved operators on sites i, j, k, .... :type ops_ijkl: list of str :param op_string: Names of the operator to be inserted between the operators, e.g., op_string[0] is inserted between i and j. A single name holds for all in-between segments. :type op_string: (list of) str :param switchLR: The site where we switch from building the coupling from the left to building the coupling from the right for an efficient MPO representation. Default is (i+l)/2 :type switchLR: int.


Add terms from coupling_terms to an MPOGraph.


Helping function to call before add_coupling_term().

MultiCouplingTerms.from_hdf5(hdf5_loader, ...)

Load instance from a HDF5 file.


Determine the maximal range in coupling_terms.


Helping function to call before add_multi_coupling_term(). Handle/figure out Jordan-Wigner strings if needed. :param strength: The strength of the term. :type strength: float :param term: List of tuples (op_i, i) where i is the MPS index of the site the operator named op_i acts on. We require the operators to be sorted (strictly ascending) by sites. If necessary, call order_combine_term() beforehand. :type term: list of (str, int) :param sites: Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to check whether the operators need Jordan-Wigner strings. :type sites: list of Site :param op_string: Operator name to be used as operator string between the operators, or None if the Jordan Wigner string should be figured out. .. warning :: None figures out for each segment between the operators, whether a Jordan-Wigner string is needed. This is different from a plain 'JW', which just applies a string on each segment! :type op_string: None | str.

MultiCouplingTerms.plot_coupling_terms(ax, lat)

"Plot coupling terms into a given lattice.


Remove entries close to 0 from coupling_terms. :param tol_zero: Entries in coupling_terms with strength < tol_zero are considered to be zero and removed. :type tol_zero: float.

MultiCouplingTerms.save_hdf5(hdf5_saver, ...)

Export self into a HDF5 file.


Convert coupling_terms into a TermList.


Convert the coupling_terms into Arrays on nearest neighbor bonds. :param sites: Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to translate the operator names into Array. :type sites: list of Site.

class tenpy.networks.terms.MultiCouplingTerms(L)[source]

Bases: tenpy.networks.terms.CouplingTerms

Operator names, site indices and strengths representing general M-site coupling terms. Generalizes the coupling_terms of CouplingTerms to M-site couplings. The structure of the nested dictionary coupling_terms is similar, but we allow an arbitrary recursion depth of the dictionary and build from the left and right simultaneously. :param L: Number of sites. :type L: int


Number of sites.




Counts the number of couplings, use negative numbers to avoid confusion with site numbering.




Nested dictionaries of the following form for left and right:

left = {ijkl[0]: {(ops_ijkl[0], op_string[0]):
            {ijkl[1]: {(ops_ijkl[1], op_string[1]):
                          {ijkl[n]: {(ops_ijkl[n],  op_string[n]):
                                            {counter: strength}}}
            }         }
 }         }
 right = {ijkl[-1]: {(ops_ijkl[-1], op_string[-1]):
            {ijkl[-2]: {(ops_ijkl[-2], op_string[-2]):
                           {ijkl[m]: {(ops_ijkl[m],  op_string[m]):
                                             {counter: switchLR}}}
            }         }
 }         }
switchLR indicates the site where we switch from building the coupling from the left to building the
coupling from the right.
n is the last index such that ijkl[n] <= switchLR.
m is the first index such that ijkl[m] > switchLR.
For a M-site coupling, this involves a nesting depth of ``2*M`` dictionaries.
Note that always ``i < j < k < ... < l``, but entries with ``j,k,l >= L``
are allowed for the case of ``bc_MPS == 'infinite'``, when they indicate couplings
between different iMPS unit cells.

dict of dict

add_multi_coupling_term(strength, ijkl, ops_ijkl, op_string='Id', switchLR=None)[source]

Add a multi-site coupling term. :param strength: The strength of the coupling term. :type strength: float :param ijkl: The MPS indices of the sites on which the operators acts. With i, j, k, … = ijkl,

we require that they are ordered ascending, i < j < k < ... and that 0 <= i < N_sites. Inidces >= N_sites indicate couplings between different unit cells of an infinite MPS.

  • ops_ijkl (list of str) – Names of the involved operators on sites i, j, k, ….

  • op_string ((list of) str) – Names of the operator to be inserted between the operators, e.g., op_string[0] is inserted between i and j. A single name holds for all in-between segments.

  • switchLR (int) – The site where we switch from building the coupling from the left to building the coupling from the right for an efficient MPO representation. Default is (i+l)/2

multi_coupling_term_handle_JW(strength, term, sites, op_string=None)[source]

Helping function to call before add_multi_coupling_term(). Handle/figure out Jordan-Wigner strings if needed. :param strength: The strength of the term. :type strength: float :param term: List of tuples (op_i, i) where i is the MPS index of the site the operator

named op_i acts on. We require the operators to be sorted (strictly ascending) by sites. If necessary, call order_combine_term() beforehand.

  • sites (list of Site) – Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to check whether the operators need Jordan-Wigner strings.

  • op_string (None | str) –

    Operator name to be used as operator string between the operators, or None if the Jordan Wigner string should be figured out. .. warning

    ``None`` figures out for each segment between the operators, whether a
    Jordan-Wigner string is needed.
    This is different from a plain ``'JW'``, which just applies a string on
    each segment!


Arguments for MultiCouplingTerms.add_multi_coupling_term() such that the added term corresponds to the parameters of this function.

Return type

strength, ijkl, ops_ijkl, op_string

add_coupling_term(strength, i, j, op_i, op_j, op_string='Id', switchLR=None)[source]

Add a two-site coupling term on given MPS sites.

  • strength (float) – The strength of the coupling term.

  • i (int) – The MPS indices of the two sites on which the operator acts. We require 0 <= i < N_sites and i < j, i.e., op_i acts “left” of op_j. If j >= N_sites, it indicates couplings between unit cells of an infinite MPS.

  • j (int) – The MPS indices of the two sites on which the operator acts. We require 0 <= i < N_sites and i < j, i.e., op_i acts “left” of op_j. If j >= N_sites, it indicates couplings between unit cells of an infinite MPS.

  • op1 (str) – Names of the involved operators.

  • op2 (str) – Names of the involved operators.

  • op_string (str) – The operator to be inserted between i and j.


Determine the maximal range in coupling_terms. :returns: max_range – The maximum of j - i for the i, j occuring in a term of coupling_terms. :rtype: int


Add terms from coupling_terms to an MPOGraph. :param graph: The graph into which the terms from coupling_terms should be added. :type graph: MPOGraph


Remove entries close to 0 from coupling_terms. :param tol_zero: Entries in coupling_terms with strength < tol_zero are considered to be

zero and removed.


Convert coupling_terms into a TermList. :returns: term_list – Representation of the terms as a list of terms. :rtype: TermList


Convert the coupling_terms into Arrays on nearest neighbor bonds. :param sites: Defines the local Hilbert space for each site.

Used to translate the operator names into Array.


H_bond – The coupling_terms rewritten as sum_i H_bond[i] for MPS indices i. H_bond[i] acts on sites (i-1, i), None represents 0. Legs of each H_bond[i] are ['p0', 'p0*', 'p1', 'p1*'].

Return type

list of {Array | None}

coupling_term_handle_JW(strength, term, sites, op_string=None)[source]

Helping function to call before add_coupling_term().

  • strength (float) – The strength of the coupling term.

  • term ([(str, int), (str, int)]) – List of two tuples [(op_i, i), (op_j, j)] where i is the MPS index of the site the operator named op_i acts on; we require i < j.

  • sites (list of Site) – Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to check whether the operators need Jordan-Wigner strings.

  • op_string (None | str) –

    Operator name to be used as operator string between the operators, or None if the Jordan Wigner string should be figured out.


    None figures out for each segment between the operators, whether a Jordan-Wigner string is needed. This is different from a plain 'JW', which just applies a string on each segment!


Arguments for MultiCouplingTerms.add_multi_coupling_term() such that the added term corresponds to the parameters of this function.

Return type

strength, i, j, op_i, op_j, op_string

classmethod from_hdf5(hdf5_loader, h5gr, subpath)[source]

Load instance from a HDF5 file.

This method reconstructs a class instance from the data saved with save_hdf5().

  • hdf5_loader (Hdf5Loader) – Instance of the loading engine.

  • h5gr (Group) – HDF5 group which is represent the object to be constructed.

  • subpath (str) – The name of h5gr with a '/' in the end.


obj – Newly generated class instance containing the required data.

Return type


plot_coupling_terms(ax, lat, style_map='default', common_style={'linestyle': '--'}, text=None, text_pos=0.4)[source]

“Plot coupling terms into a given lattice.

This function plots the coupling_terms

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The axes on which we should plot.

  • lat (Lattice) – The lattice for plotting the couplings, most probably the of the corresponding model M, see lat.

  • style_map (function | None) – Function which get’s called with arguments i, j, op_i, op_string, op_j, strength for each two-site coupling and should return a keyword-dictionary with the desired plot-style for this coupling. By default (None), the linewidth is given by the absolute value of strength, and the linecolor depends on the phase of strength (using the hsv colormap).

  • common_style (dict) – Common style, which overwrites values of the dictionary returned by style_map. A 'label' is only used for the first plotted line.

  • text (format_string | None) – If not None, we add text labeling the couplings in the plot. Available keywords are i, j, op_i, op_string, op_j, strength as well as strength_abs, strength_angle, strength_real.

  • text_pos (float) – Specify where to put the text on the line between i (0.0) and j (1.0), e.g. 0.5 is exactly in the middle between i and j.

See also


plot the sites of the lattice.

save_hdf5(hdf5_saver, h5gr, subpath)[source]

Export self into a HDF5 file.

This method saves all the data it needs to reconstruct self with from_hdf5().

This implementation saves the content of __dict__ with save_dict_content(), storing the format under the attribute 'format'.

  • hdf5_saver (Hdf5Saver) – Instance of the saving engine.

  • h5gr (:class`Group`) – HDF5 group which is supposed to represent self.

  • subpath (str) – The name of h5gr with a '/' in the end.