
Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tenpy.networks.terms.CouplingTerms



Initialize self.

CouplingTerms.add_coupling_term(strength, i, …)

Add a two-site coupling term on given MPS sites.


Add terms from coupling_terms to an MPOGraph.

CouplingTerms.coupling_term_handle_JW(…[, …])

Helping function to call before add_multi_coupling_term().

CouplingTerms.from_hdf5(hdf5_loader, h5gr, …)

Load instance from a HDF5 file.


Determine the maximal range in coupling_terms.

CouplingTerms.plot_coupling_terms(ax, lat[, …])

“Plot coupling terms into a given lattice.


Remove entries close to 0 from coupling_terms.

CouplingTerms.save_hdf5(hdf5_saver, h5gr, …)

Export self into a HDF5 file.


Convert onsite_terms into a TermList.


Convert the coupling_terms into Arrays on nearest neighbor bonds.

class tenpy.networks.terms.CouplingTerms(L)[source]


Operator names, site indices and strengths representing two-site coupling terms.


L (int) – Number of sites.


Number of sites.




Filled by add_coupling_term(). Nested dictionaries of the form {i: {('opname_i', 'opname_string'): {j: {'opname_j': strength}}}}. Note that always i < j, but entries with j >= L are allowed for bc_MPS == 'infinite', in which case they indicate couplings between different iMPS unit cells.


dict of dict


Determine the maximal range in coupling_terms.


max_range – The maximum of j - i for the i, j occuring in a term of coupling_terms.

Return type


add_coupling_term(strength, i, j, op_i, op_j, op_string='Id')[source]

Add a two-site coupling term on given MPS sites.

  • strength (float) – The strength of the coupling term.

  • j (i,) – The MPS indices of the two sites on which the operator acts. We require 0 <= i < N_sites and i < j, i.e., op_i acts “left” of op_j. If j >= N_sites, it indicates couplings between unit cells of an infinite MPS.

  • op2 (op1,) – Names of the involved operators.

  • op_string (str) – The operator to be inserted between i and j.

coupling_term_handle_JW(strength, term, sites, op_string=None)[source]

Helping function to call before add_multi_coupling_term().

  • strength (float) – The strength of the coupling term.

  • term ([(str, int), (str, int)]) – List of two tuples (op, i) where i is the MPS index of the site the operator named op acts on.

  • sites (list of Site) – Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to check whether the operators need Jordan-Wigner strings.

  • op_string (None | str) –

    Operator name to be used as operator string between the operators, or None if the Jordan Wigner string should be figured out.


Arguments for MultiCouplingTerms.add_multi_coupling_term() such that the added term corresponds to the parameters of this function.

Return type

strength, i, j, op_i, op_j, op_string

plot_coupling_terms(ax, lat, style_map='default', common_style={'linestyle': '--'}, text=None, text_pos=0.4)[source]

“Plot coupling terms into a given lattice.

This function plots the coupling_terms

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The axes on which we should plot.

  • lat (Lattice) – The lattice for plotting the couplings, most probably the of the corresponding model M, see lat.

  • style_map (function | None) – Function which get’s called with arguments i, j, op_i, op_string, op_j, strength for each two-site coupling and should return a keyword-dictionary with the desired plot-style for this coupling. By default (None), the linewidth is given by the absolute value of strength, and the linecolor depends on the phase of strength (using the hsv colormap).

  • common_style (dict) – Common style, which overwrites values of the dictionary returned by style_map. A 'label' is only used for the first plotted line.

  • text (format_string | None) – If not None, we add text labeling the couplings in the plot. Available keywords are i, j, op_i, op_string, op_j, strength as well as strength_abs, strength_angle, strength_real.

  • text_pos (float) – Specify where to put the text on the line between i (0.0) and j (1.0), e.g. 0.5 is exactly in the middle between i and j.

See also


plot the sites of the lattice.


Add terms from coupling_terms to an MPOGraph.


graph (MPOGraph) – The graph into which the terms from coupling_terms should be added.


Convert the coupling_terms into Arrays on nearest neighbor bonds.


sites (list of Site) – Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to translate the operator names into Array.


H_bond – The coupling_terms rewritten as sum_i H_bond[i] for MPS indices i. H_bond[i] acts on sites (i-1, i), None represents 0. Legs of each H_bond[i] are ['p0', 'p0*', 'p1', 'p1*'].

Return type

list of {Array | None}


Remove entries close to 0 from coupling_terms.


tol_zero (float) – Entries in coupling_terms with strength < tol_zero are considered to be zero and removed.


Convert onsite_terms into a TermList.


term_list – Representation of the terms as a list of terms.

Return type


classmethod from_hdf5(hdf5_loader, h5gr, subpath)[source]

Load instance from a HDF5 file.

This method reconstructs a class instance from the data saved with save_hdf5().

  • hdf5_loader (Hdf5Loader) – Instance of the loading engine.

  • h5gr (Group) – HDF5 group which is represent the object to be constructed.

  • subpath (str) – The name of h5gr with a '/' in the end.


obj – Newly generated class instance containing the required data.

Return type


save_hdf5(hdf5_saver, h5gr, subpath)[source]

Export self into a HDF5 file.

This method saves all the data it needs to reconstruct self with from_hdf5().

This implementation saves the content of __dict__ with save_dict_content(), storing the format under the attribute 'format'.

  • hdf5_saver (Hdf5Saver) – Instance of the saving engine.

  • h5gr (:class`Group`) – HDF5 group which is supposed to represent self.

  • subpath (str) – The name of h5gr with a '/' in the end.