
  • full name: tenpy.version

  • parent module: tenpy

  • type: module

Module description

Access to version of this library.

The version is provided in the standard python format major.minor.revision as string. Use pkg_resources.parse_version before comparing versions.

tenpy.version.version = '0.99.0'

current release version as a string

tenpy.version.released = True

whether this is a released version or modified

tenpy.version.short_version = 'v0.99.0'

same as version, but with ‘v’ in front

tenpy.version.git_revision = '2dd286ec807e4369339b1afc192c2822466fdcd2'

the hash of the last git commit (if available)

tenpy.version.full_version = '0.99.0'

if not released additional info with part of git revision

tenpy.version.version_summary = 'tenpy 0.99.0 (not compiled),\ngit revision 2dd286ec807e4369339b1afc192c2822466fdcd2 using\npython 3.11.6 (main, Feb  1 2024, 16:47:41) [GCC 11.4.0]\nnumpy 1.26.4, scipy 1.12.0'

summary of the tenpy, python, numpy and scipy versions used