
Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.VariationalApplyMPO


VariationalApplyMPO.__init__(psi, U_MPO, options)

Initialize self.


Perform N_sweeps sweeps without optimization to update the environment.


Return necessary data to resume a run() interrupted at a checkpoint.


Define the schedule of the sweep.

VariationalApplyMPO.init_env(U_MPO[, …])

Initialize the environment.


Create new instance of self.EffectiveH at self.i0 and set it to self.eff_H.


Algorithm-specific actions to be taken after local update.


Prepare everything algorithm-specific to perform a local update.


Reset the statistics.


Resume a run that was interrupted.

Run the compression.


One ‘sweep’ of a sweeper algorithm.



VariationalApplyMPO.update_local(_[, optimize])

Perform local update.


Given a new two-site wave function theta, split it and save it in psi.

Class Attributes and Properties



the number of sites to be optimized over at once.


class tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.VariationalApplyMPO(psi, U_MPO, options, resume_data=None)[source]

Bases: tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.VariationalCompression

Variational compression for applying an MPO to an MPS (in place).

To apply an MPO U_MPO to an MPS psi, use VariationalApplyMPO(psi, U_MPO, options).run().

The goal is to find a new MPS phi (with N tensors) which is optimally close to U_MPO|psi>, i.e. it is normalized and maximizes | <phi|U_MPO|psi> |^2. The network for this (with M tensors for psi) is given by

.——-M[0]—-M[1]—-M[2]—- … —-.
| | | | |
LP[0]—W[0]—-W[1]—-W[2]—- … — RP[-1]
| | | | |
.——-N[0]*—N[1]*—N[2]*— … —-.

Here LP and RP are the environments with partial contractions, see also MPOEnvironment. This algorithms sweeps through the sites, updating 2 N tensors in each update_local(), say on sites i0 and i1 = i0 +1. We need to maximize:

|     .-------M[i0]---M[i1]---.
|     |       |       |       |
|     LP[i0]--W[i0]---W[i1]---RP[i1]
|     |       |       |       |
|     .-------N[i0]*--N[i1]*--.

The optimal solution is given by:

|                                     .-------M[i0]---M[i1]---.
|   ---N[i0]---N[i1]---               |       |       |       |
|      |       |          = SVD of    LP[i0]--W[i0]---W[i1]---RP[i1]
|                                     |       |       |       |
|                                     .-----                --.
  • psi (MPS) – The state to which

  • U_MPO (MPO) – MPO to be applied to the state.

  • options (dict) – See VariationalCompression.

  • resume_data (None | dict) – By default (None) ignored. If a dict, it should contain the data returned by get_resume_data() when intending to continue/resume an interrupted run, in particular ‘init_env_data’.


config VariationalApplyMPO
option summary

chi_list (from Sweep) in Sweep.reset_stats

By default (``None``) this feature is disabled. [...]

combine (from Sweep) in Sweep

Whether to combine legs into pipes. This combines the virtual and [...]

init_env_data (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.init_env

Dictionary as returned by ``self.env.get_initialization_data()`` from [...]

lanczos_params (from Sweep) in Sweep

Lanczos parameters as described in :cfg:config:`Lanczos`.

N_sweeps (from VariationalCompression) in VariationalCompression

Number of sweeps to perform.

orthogonal_to (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.init_env

List of other matrix product states to orthogonalize against. [...]

start_env (from Sweep) in DMRGEngine.init_env

Number of sweeps to be performed without optimization to update [...]

sweep_0 (from Sweep) in Sweep.reset_stats

Number of sweeps that have already been performed.

trunc_params (from VariationalCompression) in VariationalCompression

Truncation parameters as described in :cfg:config:`truncation`.


Used to keep track of renormalization in the last sweep for psi.norm.



init_env(U_MPO, resume_data=None)[source]

Initialize the environment.

  • U_MPO (MPO) – The MPO to be applied to the sate.

  • resume_data (dict) – May contain in

update_local(_, optimize=True)[source]

Perform local update.

This simply contracts the environments and theta from the ket to get an updated theta for the bra self.psi (to be changed in place).


alias of tenpy.algorithms.mps_common.TwoSiteH


Perform N_sweeps sweeps without optimization to update the environment.


N_sweeps (int) – Number of sweeps to run without optimization


Return necessary data to resume a run() interrupted at a checkpoint.

At a checkpoint, you can save psi, model and options along with the data returned by this function. When the simulation aborts, you can resume it using this saved data with:

eng = AlgorithmClass(psi, model, options, resume_data=resume_data)

An algorithm which doesn’t support this should override resume_run to raise an Error.


resume_data – Dictionary with necessary data (apart from copies of psi, model, options) that allows to continue the simulation from where we are now.

Return type



Define the schedule of the sweep.

One ‘sweep’ is a full sequence from the leftmost site to the right and back. Only those LP and RP that can be used later should be updated.


schedule – Schedule for the sweep. Each entry is (i0, move_right, (update_LP, update_RP)), where i0 is the leftmost of the self.EffectiveH.length sites to be updated in update_local(), move_right indicates whether the next i0 in the schedule is rigth (True) of the current one, and update_LP, update_RP indicate whether it is necessary to update the LP and RP. The latter are chosen such that the environment is growing for infinite systems, but we only keep the minimal number of environment tensors in memory.

Return type

iterable of (int, bool, (bool, bool))


Create new instance of self.EffectiveH at self.i0 and set it to self.eff_H.

property n_optimize

the number of sites to be optimized over at once.

Indirectly set by the class attribute EffectiveH and it’s length. For example, TwoSiteDMRGEngine uses the TwoSiteH and hence has n_optimize=2, while the SingleSiteDMRGEngine has n_optimize=1.


Algorithm-specific actions to be taken after local update.

An example would be to collect statistics.


Prepare everything algorithm-specific to perform a local update.


Reset the statistics. Useful if you want to start a new Sweep run.

This method is expected to be overwritten by subclass, and should then define self.update_stats and self.sweep_stats dicts consistent with the statistics generated by the algorithm particular to that subclass.

option Sweep.sweep_0: int

Number of sweeps that have already been performed.

option Sweep.chi_list: None | dict(int -> int)

By default (None) this feature is disabled. A dict allows to gradually increase the chi_max. An entry at_sweep: chi states that starting from sweep at_sweep, the value chi is to be used for trunc_params['chi_max']. For example chi_list={0: 50, 20: 100} uses chi_max=50 for the first 20 sweeps and chi_max=100 afterwards.


Resume a run that was interrupted.

In case we saved an intermediate result at a checkpoint, this function allows to resume the run() of the algorithm (after re-initialization with the resume_data). Since most algorithms just have a while loop with break conditions, the default behaviour implemented here is to just call run().


Run the compression.

The state psi is compressed in place.


max_trunc_err – The maximal truncation error of a two-site wave function.

Return type



One ‘sweep’ of a sweeper algorithm.

Iteratate over the bond which is optimized, to the right and then back to the left to the starting point. If optimize=False, don’t actually diagonalize the effective hamiltonian, but only update the environment.


optimize (bool, optional) – Whether we actually optimize to find the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian. (If False, just update the environments).


max_trunc_err – Maximal truncation error introduced.

Return type



Given a new two-site wave function theta, split it and save it in psi.