To-Do list

You can check for things to be done.

The following list is auto-generated by sphinx, extracting .. todo :: blocks from doc-strings of the code.


Write UserGuide!!!

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.algorithms.dmrg, line 32.)


Rebuild TDVP engine as subclasses of sweep.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.algorithms.mps_common, line 21.)


  • implement or wrap netcon.m, a function to find optimal contractionn sequences


  • improve helpfulness of Warnings

  • _do_trace: trace over all pairs of legs at once. need the corresponding npc function first.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.algorithms.network_contractor, line 10.)


This is still a beta version, use with care. The interface might still change.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.algorithms.tdvp, line 12.)


long-term: Much of the code is similar as in DMRG. To avoid too much duplicated code, we should have a general way to sweep through an MPS and updated one or two sites, used in both cases.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.algorithms.tdvp, line 16.)


add further terms (e.g. c^dagger c^dagger + h.c.) to the Hamiltonian.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.fermions_spinless, line 3.)


WARNING: These models are still under development and not yet tested for correctness. Use at your own risk! Replicate known results to confirm models work correctly. Long term: implement different lattices. Long term: implement variable hopping strengths Jx, Jy.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.hofstadter, line 3.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.Honeycomb.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.IrregularLattice.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.Kagome.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.Ladder.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.Lattice.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.lattice.TrivialLattice.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


implement MPO for time evolution…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.model.MPOModel, line 7.)


make sure this function is used for expectation values…

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.models.toric_code.DualSquare.mps2lat_values, line 53.)


This is a naive, expensive implementation contracting the full network. Try to follow arXiv:1711.01104 for a better estimate; would that even work in the infinite limit?

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.networks.mpo.MPO.variance, line 5.)


might be useful to add a “cleanup” function which removes operators cancelling each other and/or unused states. Or better use a ‘compress’ of the MPO?

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.networks.mpo.MPOGraph, line 17.)


Make more general: it should be possible to specify states as strings.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.networks.mps.build_initial_state, line 14.)


One can also look at the canonical ensembles by defining the conserved quantities differently, see [barthel2016] for details. Idea: usual charges on p, trivial charges on q; fix total charge to desired value. I think it should suffice to implement another from_infiniteT.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of tenpy.networks.purification_mps, line 106.)


Check if Jordan-Wigner strings for 4x4 operators are correct.

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of, line 61.)


For memory caching with big MPO environments, we need a Hdf5Cacher clearing the memo’s every now and then (triggered by what?).

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of, line 60.)