
  • full name: tenpy.networks.terms.order_combine_term

  • parent module: tenpy.networks.terms

  • type: function

tenpy.networks.terms.order_combine_term(term, sites)[source]

Combine operators in a term to one terms per site.

Takes in a term of operators and sites they acts on, commutes operators to order them by site and combines operators acting on the same site with multiply_op_names().

terma list of (opname_i, i) tuples

Represents a product of onsite operators with site indices i they act on. Needs not to be ordered and can have multiple entries acting on the same site.

siteslist of Site

Defines the local Hilbert space for each site. Used to check whether the operators anticommute (= whether they need Jordan-Wigner strings) and for multiplication rules.

combined_term :

Equivalent to term but with at most one operator per site.

overall_sign+1 | -1 | 0

Comes from the (anti-)commutation relations. When the operators in term are multiplied from left to right, and then multiplied by overall_sign, the result is the same operator as the product of combined_term from left to right.