
class tenpy.algorithms.purification_tebd.Disentangler(parent)[source]

Bases: object

Prototype for a disentangler. Trivial, does nothing.

In purification, we write \(\rho_P = Tr_Q{|\psi_{P,Q}><\psi_{P,Q}|}\). Thus, we can actually apply any unitary to the auxiliar Q space of \(|\psi>\) without changing the physical expectation values.


We have to apply the same unitary to the ‘bra’ and ‘ket’ used for expectation values / correlation functions!

However, the unitary can strongly influence the entanglement structure of \(|\psi>\). Therefore, the PurificationTEBD includes a hook in PurificationTEBD.update_bond() (and similar methods) to find and apply a disentangling unitary to the auxiliar indices of a two-site wave function by calling (__call__ method) a Disentangler.

This class is a ‘trivial’ disentangler which does nothing to the two-site wave function; derived classes use different strategies to find various disentanglers.


The parent class calling the disentangler.


The parent class calling the disentangler.


__call__(self, theta)

Find and apply a unitary to disentangle theta.