Source code for

"""Defines a class describing the local physical Hilbert space.

The :class:`Site` is the prototype, read it's docstring.
# Copyright 2018-2019 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
import itertools
import copy

from ..linalg import np_conserved as npc
from import inverse_permutation

__all__ = [
    'Site', 'GroupedSite', 'group_sites', 'multi_sites_combine_charges', 'SpinHalfSite',
    'SpinSite', 'FermionSite', 'SpinHalfFermionSite', 'BosonSite'

[docs]class Site: """Collects necessary information about a single local site of a lattice. This class defines what the local basis states are: it provides the :attr:`leg` defining the charges of the physical leg for this site. Moreover, it stores (local) on-site operators, which are directly available as attribute, e.g., ``self.Sz`` is the Sz operator for the :class:`SpinSite`. Alternatively, operators can be obained with :meth:`get_op`. The operator names ``Id`` and ``JW`` are reserved for the identy and Jordan-Wigner strings. .. warning :: The order of the local basis can change depending on the charge conservation! This is a *necessary* feature since we need to sort the basis by charges for efficiency. We use the :attr:`state_labels` and :attr:`perm` to keep track of these permutations. Parameters ---------- leg : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge` Charges of the physical states, to be used for the physical leg of MPS. state_labels : None | list of str Optionally a label for each local basis states. ``None`` entries are ignored / not set. **site_ops : Additional keyword arguments of the form ``name=op`` given to :meth:`add_op`. The identity operator ``'Id'`` is automatically included. If no ``'JW'`` for the Jordan-Wigner string is given, ``'JW'`` is set as an alias to ``'Id'``. Attributes ---------- dim onsite_ops leg : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge` Charges of the local basis states. state_labels : {str: int} (Optional) labels for the local basis states. opnames : set Labels of all onsite operators (i.e. ``self.op`` exists if ``'op'`` in ``self.opnames``). Note that :meth:`get_op` allows arbitrary concatenations of them. need_JW_string : set Labels of all onsite operators that need a Jordan-Wigner string. Used in :meth:`op_needs_JW` to determine whether an operator anticommutes or commutes with operators on other sites. ops : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Onsite operators are added directly as attributes to self. For example after ``self.add_op('Sz', Sz)`` you can use ``self.Sz`` for the `Sz` operator. All onsite operators have labels ``'p', 'p*'``. perm : 1D array Index permutation of the physical leg compared to `conserve=None`, i.e. ``OP_conserved = OP_nonconserved[np.ix_(perm,perm)]`` and ``perm[state_labels_conserved["some_state"]] == state_labels_nonconserved["some_state"]``. JW_exponent : 1D array Exponents of the ``'JW'`` operator, such that ``self.JW.to_ndarray() = np.diag(np.exp(1.j*np.pi* JW_exponent))`` Examples -------- The following generates a site for spin-1/2 with Sz conservation. Note that ``Sx = (Sp + Sm)/2`` violates Sz conservation and is thus not a valid on-site operator. >>> chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1], ['Sz']) >>> ch = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [1, -1]) >>> Sp = [[0, 1.], [0, 0]] >>> Sm = [[0, 0], [1., 0]] >>> Sz = [[0.5, 0], [0, -0.5]] >>> site = Site(ch, ['up', 'down'], Splus=Sp, Sminus=Sm, Sz=Sz) >>> print(site.Splus.to_ndarray()) array([[ 0., 1.], [ 0., 0.]]) >>> print(site.get_op('Sminus').to_ndarray()) array([[ 0., 0.], [ 1., 0.]]) >>> print(site.get_op('Splus Sminus').to_ndarray()) array([[ 1., 0.], [ 0., 0.]]) """ def __init__(self, leg, state_labels=None, **site_ops): self.leg = leg self.state_labels = dict() if state_labels is not None: for i, v in enumerate(state_labels): if v is not None: self.state_labels[str(v)] = i self.opnames = set() self.need_JW_string = set(['JW']) self.add_op('Id', npc.diag(1., self.leg)) for name, op in site_ops.items(): self.add_op(name, op) if not hasattr(self, 'perm'): # default permutation for the local states self.perm = np.arange(self.dim) if 'JW' not in self.opnames: # include trivial `JW` to allow combinations # of bosonic and fermionic sites in an MPS self.add_op('JW', self.Id) self.test_sanity()
[docs] def change_charge(self, new_leg_charge=None, permute=None): """Change the charges of the site (in place). Parameters ---------- new_leg_charge : :class:`LegCharge` | None The new charges to be used. If ``None``, use trivial charges. permute : ndarray | None The permuation applied to the physical leg, which gets used to adjust :attr:`state_labels` and :attr:`perm`. If you sorted the previous leg with ``perm_qind, new_leg_charge = leg.sort()``, use ``leg.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind)``. Ignored if ``None``. """ if new_leg_charge is None: new_leg_charge = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(self.dim) self.leg = new_leg_charge if permute is not None: permute = np.asarray(permute, dtype=np.intp) inv_perm = inverse_permutation(permute) self.perm = self.perm[permute] state_labels = self.state_labels.copy() for label in state_labels: self.state_labels[label] = inv_perm[state_labels[label]] for opname in self.opnames.copy(): op = self.get_op(opname).to_ndarray() need_JW = opname in self.need_JW_string self.remove_op(opname) if permute is not None: op = op[np.ix_(permute, permute)] self.add_op(opname, op, need_JW)
# done
[docs] def test_sanity(self): """Sanity check, raises ValueErrors, if something is wrong.""" for lab, ind in self.state_labels.items(): if not isinstance(lab, str): raise ValueError("wrong type of state label") if not 0 <= ind < self.dim: raise ValueError("index of state label out of bounds") for name in self.opnames: if not hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError("missing onsite operator " + name) for op in self.onsite_ops.values(): if op.rank != 2: raise ValueError("only rank-2 onsite operators allowed") op.legs[0].test_equal(self.leg) op.legs[1].test_contractible(self.leg) op.test_sanity() for op in self.need_JW_string: assert op in self.opnames np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.diag(np.exp(1.j * np.pi * self.JW_exponent)), self.JW.to_ndarray(), 15)
@property def dim(self): """Dimension of the local Hilbert space.""" return self.leg.ind_len @property def onsite_ops(self): """Dictionary of on-site operators for iteration. Single operators are accessible as attributes. """ return dict([(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in sorted(self.opnames)])
[docs] def add_op(self, name, op, need_JW=False): """Add one on-site operators. Parameters ---------- name : str A valid python variable name, used to label the operator. The name under which `op` is added as attribute to self. op : np.ndarray | :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` A matrix acting on the local hilbert space representing the local operator. Dense numpy arrays are automatically converted to :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array`. LegCharges have to be ``[leg, leg.conj()]``. We set labels ``'p', 'p*'``. need_JW : bool Whether the operator needs a Jordan-Wigner string. If ``True``, the function adds `name` to :attr:`need_JW_string`. """ name = str(name) if not name.isidentifier(): raise ValueError("Invalid operator name: " + name) if name in self.opnames: raise ValueError("Operator with that name already existent: " + name) if hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError("Site already has that attribute name: " + name) if not isinstance(op, npc.Array): op = np.asarray(op) if op.shape != (self.dim, self.dim): raise ValueError("wrong shape of on-site operator") # try to convert op into npc.Array op = npc.Array.from_ndarray(op, [self.leg, self.leg.conj()]) if op.rank != 2: raise ValueError("only rank-2 on-site operators allowed") op.legs[0].test_equal(self.leg) op.legs[1].test_contractible(self.leg) op.test_sanity() op.iset_leg_labels(['p', 'p*']) setattr(self, name, op) self.opnames.add(name) if need_JW: self.need_JW_string.add(name) if name == 'JW': self.JW_exponent = np.angle(np.real_if_close(np.diag(op.to_ndarray()))) / np.pi
[docs] def rename_op(self, old_name, new_name): """Rename an added operator. Parameters ---------- old_name : str The old name of the operator. new_name : str The new name of the operator. """ if old_name == new_name: return if new_name in self.opnames: raise ValueError("new_name already exists") op = getattr(self, old_name) need_JW = old_name in self.need_JW_string self.remove_op(old_name) setattr(self, new_name, op) self.opnames.add(new_name) if need_JW: self.need_JW_string.add(new_name) if new_name == 'JW': self.JW_exponent = np.real_if_close(np.angle(np.diag(op.to_ndarray())) / np.pi)
[docs] def remove_op(self, name): """Remove an added operator. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the operator to be removed. """ self.opnames.remove(name) delattr(self, name) self.need_JW_string.discard(name)
[docs] def state_index(self, label): """Return index of a basis state from its label. Parameters ---------- label : int | string eather the index directly or a label (string) set before. Returns ------- state_index : int the index of the basis state associated with the label. """ res = self.state_labels.get(label, label) try: res = int(res) except ValueError: raise KeyError("label not found: " + repr(label)) return res
[docs] def state_indices(self, labels): """Same as :meth:`state_index`, but for multiple labels.""" return [self.state_index(lbl) for lbl in labels]
[docs] def get_op(self, name): """Return operator of given name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the operator to be returned. In case of multiple operator names separated by whitespace, we multiply them together to a single on-site operator (with the one on the right acting first). Returns ------- op : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved` The operator given by `name`, with labels ``'p', 'p*'``. If name already was an npc Array, it's directly returned. """ names = name.split(' ') op = getattr(self, names[0], None) if op is None: raise ValueError("{0!r} doesn't have the operator {1!r}".format(self, names[0])) for name2 in names[1:]: op2 = getattr(self, name2, None) if op2 is None: raise ValueError("{0!r} doesn't have the operator {1!r}".format(self, name2)) op = npc.tensordot(op, op2, axes=['p*', 'p']) return op
[docs] def op_needs_JW(self, name): """Whether an (composite) onsite operator is fermionic and needs a Jordan-Wigner string. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the operator, as in :meth:`get_op`. Returns ------- needs_JW : bool Whether the operator needs a Jordan-Wigner string, judging from :attr:`need_JW_string`. """ names = name.split() need_JW = bool(names[0] in self.need_JW_string) for op in names[1:]: if op in self.need_JW_string: need_JW = not need_JW # == need_JW xor (op in self.need_JW_string) return need_JW
[docs] def valid_opname(self, name): """Check whether 'name' labels a valid onsite-operator. Parameters ---------- name : str Label for the operator. Can be multiple operator(labels) separated by whitespace, indicating that they should be multiplied together. Returns ------- valid : bool ``True`` if `name` is a valid argument to :meth:`get_op`. """ for name2 in name.split(): if name2 not in self.opnames: return False return True
[docs] def multiply_op_names(self, names): """Multiply operator names together. Join the operator names in `names` such that `get_op` returns the product of the corresponding operators. Parameters ---------- names : list of str List of valid operator labels. Returns ------- combined_opname : str A valid operator name Operatorname representing the product of operators in `names`. """ return ' '.join(names)
def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "<Site, d={dim:d}, ops={ops!r}>".format(dim=self.dim, ops=self.opnames)
[docs]class GroupedSite(Site): """Group two or more :class:`Site` into a larger one. A typical use-case is that you want a NearestNeighborModel for TEBD although you have next-nearest neighbor interactions: you just double your local Hilbertspace to consist of two original sites. Note that this is a 'hack' at the cost of other things (e.g., measurements of 'local' operators) getting more complicated/computationally expensive. If the individual sites indicate fermionic operators (with entries in `need_JW_string`), we construct the new on-site oerators of `site1` to include the JW string of `site0`, i.e., we use the Kronecker product of ``[JW, op]`` instead of ``[Id, op]`` if necessary (but always ``[op, Id]``). In that way the onsite operators of this DoubleSite automatically fulfill the expected commutation relations. See also :doc:`/intro_JordanWigner`. Parameters ---------- sites : list of :class:`Site` The individual sites being grouped together. Copied before use if ``charges!='same'``. labels : Include the Kronecker product of the each onsite operator `op` on ``sites[i]`` and identities on other sites with the name ``opname+labels[i]``. Similarly, set state labels for ``' '.join(state[i]+'_'+labels[i])``. Defaults to ``[str(i) for i in range(n_sites)]``, which for example grouping two SpinSites gives operators name like ``"Sz0"`` and sites labels like ``'up_0 down_1'``. charges : ``'same' | 'drop' | 'independent'`` How to handle charges, defaults to 'same'. ``'same'`` means that all `sites` have the same `ChargeInfo`, and the total charge is the sum of the charges on the individual `sites`. ``'independent'`` means that the `sites` have possibly different `ChargeInfo`, and the charges are conserved separately, i.e., we have `n_sites` conserved charges. For ``'drop'``, we drop any charges, such that the remaining legcharges are trivial. Attributes ---------- n_sites : int The number of sites grouped together, i.e. ``len(sites)``. sites : list of :class:`Site` The sites grouped together into self. labels: list of str The labels using which the single-site operators are added during construction. """ def __init__(self, sites, labels=None, charges='same'): self.n_sites = n_sites = len(sites) self.sites = sites self.labels = labels self.charges = charges assert n_sites > 0 if labels is None: labels = [str(i) for i in range(n_sites)] if charges == 'same': pass # nothing to do elif charges == 'drop': legs = [npc.LegCharge.from_drop_charge(sites[0].leg)] chinfo = legs[0].chinfo for site in sites[1:]: legs.append(npc.LegCharge.from_drop_charge(sites[0].leg, chargeinfo=chinfo)) elif charges == 'independent': # charges are separately conserved legs = [] for i in range(n_sites): d = sites[i].dim # trivial charges legs_triv = [npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(d, s.leg.chinfo) for s in sites] legs_triv[i] = sites[i].leg # except on site i chinfo = None if i == 0 else legs[0].chinfo leg = npc.LegCharge.from_add_charge(legs_triv, chinfo) # combine the charges legs.append(leg) else: raise ValueError("Unknown option for `charges`: " + repr(charges)) if charges != 'same': sites = [copy.copy(s) for s in sites] # avoid modifying the existing sites. # sort legs for i in range(n_sites): perm_qind, leg_s = legs[i].sort() sites[i].change_charge(leg_s, legs[i].perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind)) chinfo = sites[0].leg.chinfo for s in sites[1:]: assert s.leg.chinfo == chinfo # check for compatibility legs = [s.leg for s in sites] pipe = npc.LegPipe(legs) self.leg = pipe # needed in kroneckerproduct JW_all = self.kroneckerproduct([s.JW for s in sites]) # initialize Site Site.__init__(self, pipe, None, JW=JW_all) # set state labels for states_labels in itertools.product(*[s.state_labels.items() for s in sites]): inds = [v for k, v in states_labels] # values of the dictionaries ind_pipe = pipe.map_incoming_flat(inds) label = ' '.join([st + '_' + lbl for (st, idx), lbl in zip(states_labels, labels)]) self.state_labels[label] = ind_pipe # add remaining operators Ids = [s.Id for s in sites] JW_Ids = Ids[:] # in the following loop equivalent to [JW, JW, ... , Id, Id, ...] for i in range(n_sites): site = sites[i] for opname, op in site.onsite_ops.items(): if opname == 'Id': continue need_JW = opname in site.need_JW_string ops = JW_Ids if need_JW else Ids ops[i] = op self.add_op(opname + labels[i], self.kroneckerproduct(ops), need_JW) Ids[i] = site.Id JW_Ids[i] = site.JW # done
[docs] def kroneckerproduct(self, ops): r"""Return the Kronecker product :math:`op0 \otimes op1` of local operators. Parameters ---------- ops : list of :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` One operator (or operator name) on each of the ungrouped sites. Each operator should have labels ``['p', 'p*']``. Returns ------- prod : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Kronecker product :math:`ops[0] \otimes ops[1] \otimes \cdots`, with labels ``['p', 'p*']``. """ sites = self.sites op = ops[0].transpose(['p', 'p*']) for op2 in ops[1:]: op = npc.outer(op, op2.transpose(['p', 'p*'])) combine = [list(range(0, 2 * self.n_sites - 1, 2)), list(range(1, 2 * self.n_sites, 2))] pipe = self.leg op = op.combine_legs(combine, pipes=[pipe, pipe.conj()]) return op.iset_leg_labels(['p', 'p*'])
def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "GroupedSite({sites!r}, {labels!r}, {charges!r})".format(sites=self.sites, labels=self.labels, charges=self.charges)
[docs]def group_sites(sites, n=2, labels=None, charges='same'): """Given a list of sites, group each `n` sites together. Parameters ---------- sites : list of :class:`Site` The sites to be grouped together. n : int We group each `n` consecutive sites from `sites` together in a :class:`GroupedSite`. labels, charges : See :class:`GroupedSites`. Returns ------- grouped_sites : list of :class:`GroupedSite` The grouped sites. Has length ``(len(sites)-1)//n + 1``. """ grouped_sites = [] if labels is None: labels = [str(i) for i in range(n)] for i in range(0, len(sites), n): group = sites[i:i + n] s = GroupedSite(group, labels[:len(group)], charges) grouped_sites.append(s) return grouped_sites
[docs]def multi_sites_combine_charges(sites, same_charges=[]): """Adjust the charges of the given sites (in place) such that they can be used together. When we want to contract tensors corresponding to different :class:`Site` instances, these sites need to share a single :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.ChargeInfo`. This function adjusts the charges of these sites such that they can be used together. Parameters ---------- sites : list of :class:`Site` The sites to be combined. Modified **in place**. same_charges : ``[[(int, int|str), (int, int|str), ...], ...]`` Defines which charges actually are the same, i.e. their quantum numbers are added up. Each charge is specified by a tuple ``(s, i)= (int, int|str)``, where `s` gives the index of the site within ``sites`` and `i` the index or name of the charge in the :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.ChargeInfo` of this site. Returns ------- perms : list of ndarray For each site the permutation performed on the physical leg to sort by charges. Examples -------- >>> ferm = SpinHalfFermionSite(cons_N='N', cons_Sz='Sz') >>> spin = SpinSite(1.0, 'Sz') >>> ferm.leg.chinfo is spin.leg.chinfo False >>> print(spin.leg) +1 0 [[-1] 1 [ 1]] 2 >>> multi_sites_combine_charges([ferm, spin], same_charges=[[(0, 'Sz'), (1, 0)]]) [array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1])] >>> # no permutations where needed >>> ferm.leg.chinfo is spin.leg.chinfo True >> ferm.leg.chinfo.names ['N', 'Sz'] >>> print(spin.leg) +1 0 [[ 0 -1] 1 [ 0 1]] 2 """ # parse same_charges argument same_charges = list(same_charges) # need to modify elements... same_charges_flat = [] for j in range(len(same_charges)): same_charges_j = [] for s, i in same_charges[j]: if isinstance(i, str): # map string to ints i = sites[s].leg.chinfo.names.index(i) i = int(i) # should be integer now... same_charges_j.append((s, i)) same_charges_flat.append((s, i)) same_charges[j] = same_charges_j if len(same_charges_flat) != len(set(same_charges_flat)): raise ValueError("Can't have duplicates in same_charges!") # find out which charges we keep keep_charges = [] # list of (s, i) which appear in the new ChargeInfo map_charges = {} # dict (s, i)->(s,i): those not appearing in keep_charges to the one in it for s, site in enumerate(sites): for i in range(site.leg.chinfo.qnumber): keep_charges.append((s, i)) # first all, remove some below for same_charges_j in same_charges: s0, i0 = same_charges_j[0] for s, i in same_charges_j[1:]: idx = keep_charges.index((s, i)) del keep_charges[idx] map_charges[(s, i)] = (s0, i0) # define common ChargeInfo class qnumber = len(keep_charges) names = [sites[s].leg.chinfo.names[i] for (s, i) in keep_charges] mod = [sites[s].leg.chinfo.mod[i] for (s, i) in keep_charges] chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo(mod, names) # now define the new legs and update the charges of the sites perms = [] for s, site in enumerate(sites): old_qflat = site.leg.to_qflat() new_qflat = np.zeros((site.leg.ind_len, qnumber), old_qflat.dtype) for old_i in range(site.leg.chinfo.qnumber): if (s, old_i) in map_charges: new_i = keep_charges.index(map_charges[(s, old_i)]) else: new_i = keep_charges.index((s, old_i)) new_qflat[:, new_i] = old_qflat[:, old_i] # other charges are 0 = trivial leg_unsorted = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, new_qflat, site.leg.qconj) perm_qind, leg = leg_unsorted.sort() perm_flat = leg_unsorted.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind) perms.append(perm_flat) site.change_charge(leg, perm_flat) return perms
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The most common local sites.
[docs]class SpinHalfSite(Site): r"""Spin-1/2 site. Local states are ``up`` (0) and ``down`` (1). Local operators are the usual spin-1/2 operators, e.g. ``Sz = [[0.5, 0.], [0., -0.5]]``, ``Sx = 0.5*sigma_x`` for the Pauli matrix `sigma_x`. =========================== ================================================ operator description =========================== ================================================ ``Id, JW`` Identity :math:`\mathbb{1}` ``Sx, Sy, Sz`` Spin components :math:`S^{x,y,z}`, equal to half the Pauli matrices. ``Sigmax, Sigmay, Sigmaz`` Pauli matrices :math:`\sigma^{x,y,z}` ``Sp, Sm`` Spin flips :math:`S^{\pm} = S^{x} \pm i S^{y}` =========================== ================================================ ============== ==== ============================ `conserve` qmod *excluded* onsite operators ============== ==== ============================ ``'Sz'`` [1] ``Sx, Sy, Sigmax, Sigmay`` ``'parity'`` [2] -- ``None`` [] -- ============== ==== ============================ Parameters ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. Attributes ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. """ def __init__(self, conserve='Sz'): if conserve not in ['Sz', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `conserve`: " + repr(conserve)) Sx = [[0., 0.5], [0.5, 0.]] Sy = [[0., -0.5j], [+0.5j, 0.]] Sz = [[0.5, 0.], [0., -0.5]] Sp = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] # == Sx + i Sy Sm = [[0., 0.], [1., 0.]] # == Sx - i Sy ops = dict(Sp=Sp, Sm=Sm, Sz=Sz) if conserve == 'Sz': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1], ['2*Sz']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [1, -1]) else: ops.update(Sx=Sx, Sy=Sy) if conserve == 'parity': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([2], ['parity']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [1, 0]) # ([1, -1] would need ``qmod=[4]``) else: leg = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(2) self.conserve = conserve Site.__init__(self, leg, ['up', 'down'], **ops) # further alias for state labels self.state_labels['-0.5'] = self.state_labels['down'] self.state_labels['0.5'] = self.state_labels['up'] # Add Pauli matrices if conserve != 'Sz': self.add_op('Sigmax', 2. * self.Sx) self.add_op('Sigmay', 2. * self.Sy) self.add_op('Sigmaz', 2. * self.Sz) def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "SpinHalfSite({c!r})".format(c=self.conserve)
[docs]class SpinSite(Site): r"""General Spin S site. There are `2S+1` local states range from ``down`` (0) to ``up`` (2S+1), corresponding to ``Sz=-S, -S+1, ..., S-1, S``. Local operators are the spin-S operators, e.g. ``Sz = [[0.5, 0.], [0., -0.5]]``, ``Sx = 0.5*sigma_x`` for the Pauli matrix `sigma_x`. ============== ================================================ operator description ============== ================================================ ``Id, JW`` Identity :math:`\mathbb{1}` ``Sx, Sy, Sz`` Spin components :math:`S^{x,y,z}`, equal to half the Pauli matrices. ``Sp, Sm`` Spin flips :math:`S^{\pm} = S^{x} \pm i S^{y}` ============== ================================================ ============== ==== ============================ `conserve` qmod *excluded* onsite operators ============== ==== ============================ ``'Sz'`` [1] ``Sx, Sy`` ``'parity'`` [2] -- ``None`` [] -- ============== ==== ============================ Parameters ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. Attributes ---------- S : {0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, ...} The 2S+1 states range from m = -S, -S+1, ... +S. conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. """ def __init__(self, S=0.5, conserve='Sz'): if conserve not in ['Sz', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `conserve`: " + repr(conserve)) self.S = S = float(S) d = 2 * S + 1 if d <= 1: raise ValueError("negative S?") if np.rint(d) != d: raise ValueError("S is not half-integer or integer") d = int(d) Sz_diag = -S + np.arange(d) Sz = np.diag(Sz_diag) Sp = np.zeros([d, d]) for n in np.arange(d - 1): # Sp |m> =sqrt( S(S+1)-m(m+1)) |m+1> m = n - S Sp[n + 1, n] = np.sqrt(S * (S + 1) - m * (m + 1)) Sm = np.transpose(Sp) # Sp = Sx + i Sy, Sm = Sx - i Sy Sx = (Sp + Sm) * 0.5 Sy = (Sm - Sp) * 0.5j # Note: For S=1/2, Sy might look wrong compared to the Pauli matrix or SpinHalfSite. # Don't worry, I'm 99.99% sure it's correct (J. Hauschild) # The reason it looks wrong is simply that this class orders the states as ['down', 'up'], # while the usual spin-1/2 convention is ['up', 'down'], as you can also see if you look # at the Sz entries... # (The commutation relations are checked explicitly in `tests/`) ops = dict(Sp=Sp, Sm=Sm, Sz=Sz) if conserve == 'Sz': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1], ['2*Sz']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, np.array(2 * Sz_diag, else: ops.update(Sx=Sx, Sy=Sy) if conserve == 'parity': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([2], ['parity']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, np.mod(np.arange(d), 2)) else: leg = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(d) self.conserve = conserve names = [str(i) for i in np.arange(-S, S + 1, 1.)] Site.__init__(self, leg, names, **ops) self.state_labels['down'] = self.state_labels[names[0]] self.state_labels['up'] = self.state_labels[names[-1]] def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "SpinSite(S={S!s}, {c!r})".format(S=self.S, c=self.conserve)
[docs]class FermionSite(Site): r"""Create a :class:`Site` for spin-less fermions. Local states are ``empty`` and ``full``. .. warning :: Using the Jordan-Wigner string (``JW``) is crucial to get correct results, otherwise you just describe hardcore bosons! Further details in :doc:`/intro_JordanWigner`. ============== =================================================================== operator description ============== =================================================================== ``Id`` Identity :math:`\mathbb{1}` ``JW`` Sign for the Jordan-Wigner string. ``C`` Annihilation operator :math:`c` (up to 'JW'-string left of it) ``Cd`` Creation operator :math:`c^\dagger` (up to 'JW'-string left of it) ``N`` Number operator :math:`n= c^\dagger c` ``dN`` :math:`\delta n := n - filling` ``dNdN`` :math:`(\delta n)^2` ============== =================================================================== ============== ==== =============================== `conserve` qmod *exluded* onsite operators ============== ==== =============================== ``'N'`` [1] -- ``'parity'`` [2] -- ``None`` [] -- ============== ==== =============================== Parameters ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. Attributes ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. """ def __init__(self, conserve='N', filling=0.5): if conserve not in ['N', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `conserve`: " + repr(conserve)) JW = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]]) C = np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]]) Cd = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]]) N = np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]]) dN = np.array([[-filling, 0.], [0., 1. - filling]]) dNdN = dN**2 # (element wise power is fine since dN is diagonal) ops = dict(JW=JW, C=C, Cd=Cd, N=N, dN=dN, dNdN=dNdN) if conserve == 'N': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1], ['N']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [0, 1]) elif conserve == 'parity': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([2], ['parity']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [0, 1]) else: leg = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(2) self.conserve = conserve self.filling = filling Site.__init__(self, leg, ['empty', 'full'], **ops) # specify fermionic operators self.need_JW_string |= set(['C', 'Cd', 'JW']) def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "FermionSite({c!r}, {f:f})".format(c=self.conserve, f=self.filling)
[docs]class SpinHalfFermionSite(Site): r"""Create a :class:`Site` for spinful (spin-1/2) fermions. Local states are: ``empty`` (vacuum), ``up`` (one spin-up electron), ``down`` (one spin-down electron), and ``full`` (both electrons) Local operators can be built from creation operators. .. warning :: Using the Jordan-Wigner string (``JW``) in the correct way is crucial to get correct results, otherwise you just describe hardcore bosons! ============== ============================================================================= operator description ============== ============================================================================= ``Id`` Identity :math:`\mathbb{1}` ``JW`` Sign for the Jordan-Wigner string :math:`(-1)^{n_{\uparrow}+n_{\downarrow}}` ``JWu`` Partial sign for the Jordan-Wigner string :math:`(-1)^{n_{\uparrow}}` ``JWd`` Partial sign for the Jordan-Wigner string :math:`(-1)^{n_{\downarrow}}` ``Cu`` Annihilation operator spin-up :math:`c_{\uparrow}` (up to 'JW'-string on sites left of it). ``Cdu`` Creation operator spin-up :math:`c^\dagger_{\uparrow}` (up to 'JW'-string on sites left of it). ``Cd`` Annihilation operator spin-down :math:`c_{\downarrow}` (up to 'JW'-string on sites left of it). Includes ``JWu`` such that it anti-commutes onsite with ``Cu, Cdu``. ``Cdd`` Creation operator spin-down :math:`c^\dagger_{\downarrow}` (up to 'JW'-string on sites left of it). Includes ``JWu`` such that it anti-commutes onsite with ``Cu, Cdu``. ``Nu`` Number operator :math:`n_{\uparrow}= c^\dagger_{\uparrow} c_{\uparrow}` ``Nd`` Number operator :math:`n_{\downarrow}= c^\dagger_{\downarrow} c_{\downarrow}` ``NuNd`` Dotted number operators :math:`n_{\uparrow} n_{\downarrow}` ``Ntot`` Total number operator :math:`n_t= n_{\uparrow} + n_{\downarrow}` ``dN`` Total number operator compared to the filling :math:`\Delta n = n_t-filling` ``Sx, Sy, Sz`` Spin operators :math:`S^{x,y,z}`, in particular :math:`S^z = \frac{1}{2}( n_\uparrow - n_\downarrow )` ``Sp, Sm`` Spin flips :math:`S^{\pm} = S^{x} \pm i S^{y}`, e.g. :math:`S^{+} = c^\dagger_\uparrow c_\downarrow` ============== ============================================================================= The spin operators are defined as :math:`S^\gamma = (c^\dagger_{\uparrow}, c^\dagger_{\downarrow}) \sigma^\gamma (c_{\uparrow}, c_{\downarrow})^T`, where :math:`\sigma^\gamma` are spin-1/2 matrices (i.e. half the pauli matrices). ============= ============= ======= ======================================= `cons_N` `cons_Sz` qmod *excluded* onsite operators ============= ============= ======= ======================================= ``'N'`` ``'Sz'`` [1, 1] ``Sx, Sy`` ``'N'`` ``'parity'`` [1, 2] -- ``'N'`` ``None`` [1] -- ``'parity'`` ``'Sz'`` [2, 1] ``Sx, Sy`` ``'parity'`` ``'parity'`` [2, 2] -- ``'parity'`` ``None`` [2] -- ``None`` ``'Sz'`` [1] ``Sx, Sy`` ``None`` ``'parity'`` [2] -- ``None`` ``None`` [] -- ============= ============= ======= ======================================= .. todo :: Check if Jordan-Wigner strings for 4x4 operators are correct. Parameters ---------- cons_N : ``'N' | 'parity' | None`` Whether particle number is conserved, c.f. table above. cons_Sz : ``'Sz' | 'parity' | None`` Whether spin is conserved, c.f. table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. Attributes ---------- cons_N : ``'N' | 'parity' | None`` Whether particle number is conserved, c.f. table above. cons_Sz : ``'Sz' | 'parity' | None`` Whether spin is conserved, c.f. table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. """ def __init__(self, cons_N='N', cons_Sz='Sz', filling=1.): if cons_N not in ['N', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `cons_N`: " + repr(cons_N)) if cons_Sz not in ['Sz', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `cons_Sz`: " + repr(cons_Sz)) d = 4 states = ['empty', 'up', 'down', 'full'] # 0) Build the operators. Nu_diag = np.array([0., 1., 0., 1.], dtype=np.float) Nd_diag = np.array([0., 0., 1., 1.], dtype=np.float) Nu = np.diag(Nu_diag) Nd = np.diag(Nd_diag) Ntot = np.diag(Nu_diag + Nd_diag) dN = np.diag(Nu_diag + Nd_diag - filling) NuNd = np.diag(Nu_diag * Nd_diag) JWu = np.diag(1. - 2 * Nu_diag) # (-1)^Nu JWd = np.diag(1. - 2 * Nd_diag) # (-1)^Nd JW = JWu * JWd # (-1)^{Nu+Nd} Cu = np.zeros((d, d)) Cu[0, 1] = Cu[2, 3] = 1 Cdu = np.transpose(Cu) # For spin-down annihilation operator: include a Jordan-Wigner string JWu # this ensures that Cdu.Cd = - Cd.Cdu # c.f. the chapter on the Jordan-Wigner trafo in the userguide Cd_noJW = np.zeros((d, d)) Cd_noJW[0, 2] = Cd_noJW[1, 3] = 1 Cd =, Cd_noJW) # (don't do this for spin-up...) Cdd = np.transpose(Cd) # spin operators are defined as (Cdu, Cdd) S^gamma (Cu, Cd)^T, # where S^gamma is the 2x2 matrix for spin-half Sz = np.diag(0.5 * (Nu_diag - Nd_diag)) Sp =, Cd) Sm =, Cu) Sx = 0.5 * (Sp + Sm) Sy = -0.5j * (Sp - Sm) ops = dict(JW=JW, JWu=JWu, JWd=JWd, Cu=Cu, Cdu=Cdu, Cd=Cd, Cdd=Cdd, Nu=Nu, Nd=Nd, Ntot=Ntot, NuNd=NuNd, dN=dN, Sx=Sx, Sy=Sy, Sz=Sz, Sp=Sp, Sm=Sm) # yapf: disable # handle charges qmod = [] qnames = [] charges = [] if cons_N == 'N': qnames.append('N') qmod.append(1) charges.append([0, 1, 1, 2]) elif cons_N == 'parity': qnames.append('N') qmod.append(2) charges.append([0, 1, 1, 0]) if cons_Sz == 'Sz': qnames.append('Sz') qmod.append(1) charges.append([0, 1, -1, 0]) del ops['Sx'] del ops['Sy'] elif cons_Sz == 'parity': qnames.append('Sz') qmod.append(4) # difference between up and down is 2! charges.append([0, 1, 3, 0]) # == [0, 1, -1, 0] mod 4 # chosen s.t. Cu, Cd have well-defined charges! if len(qmod) == 0: leg = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(d) else: if len(qmod) == 1: charges = charges[0] else: # len(charges) == 2: need to transpose charges = [[q1, q2] for q1, q2 in zip(charges[0], charges[1])] chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo(qmod, qnames) leg_unsorted = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, charges) # sort by charges perm_qind, leg = leg_unsorted.sort() perm_flat = leg_unsorted.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind) self.perm = perm_flat # permute operators accordingly for opname in ops: ops[opname] = ops[opname][np.ix_(perm_flat, perm_flat)] # and the states states = [states[i] for i in perm_flat] self.cons_N = cons_N self.cons_Sz = cons_Sz self.filling = filling Site.__init__(self, leg, states, **ops) # specify fermionic operators self.need_JW_string |= set(['Cu', 'Cdu', 'Cd', 'Cdd', 'JWu', 'JWd', 'JW']) def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "SpinHalfFermionSite({cN!r}, {cS!r}, {f:f})".format(cN=self.cons_N, cS=self.cons_Sz, f=self.filling)
[docs]class BosonSite(Site): r"""Create a :class:`Site` for up to `Nmax` bosons. Local states are ``vac, 1, 2, ... , Nc``. (Exception: for parity conservation, we sort as ``vac, 2, 4, ..., 1, 3, 5, ...``.) ============== ======================================== operator description ============== ======================================== ``Id, JW`` Identity :math:`\mathbb{1}` ``B`` Annihilation operator :math:`b` ``Bd`` Creation operator :math:`b^\dagger` ``N`` Number operator :math:`n= b^\dagger b` ``NN`` :math:`n^2` ``dN`` :math:`\delta n := n - filling` ``dNdN`` :math:`(\delta n)^2` ``P`` Parity :math:`Id - 2 (n \mod 2)`. ============== ======================================== ============== ==== ================================== `conserve` qmod *excluded* onsite operators ============== ==== ================================== ``'N'`` [1] -- ``'parity'`` [2] -- ``None`` [] -- ============== ==== ================================== Parameters ---------- Nmax : int Cutoff defining the maximum number of bosons per site. The default ``Nmax=1`` describes hard-core bosons. conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. Attributes ---------- conserve : str Defines what is conserved, see table above. filling : float Average filling. Used to define ``dN``. """ def __init__(self, Nmax=1, conserve='N', filling=0.): if conserve not in ['N', 'parity', None]: raise ValueError("invalid `conserve`: " + repr(conserve)) dim = Nmax + 1 states = [str(n) for n in range(0, dim)] if dim < 2: raise ValueError("local dimension should be larger than 1....") B = np.zeros([dim, dim], dtype=np.float) # destruction/annihilation operator for n in range(1, dim): B[n - 1, n] = np.sqrt(n) Bd = np.transpose(B) # .conj() wouldn't do anything # Note:, B) has numerical roundoff errors of eps~=4.4e-16. Ndiag = np.arange(dim, dtype=np.float) N = np.diag(Ndiag) NN = np.diag(Ndiag**2) dN = np.diag(Ndiag - filling) dNdN = np.diag((Ndiag - filling)**2) P = np.diag(1. - 2. * np.mod(Ndiag, 2)) ops = dict(B=B, Bd=Bd, N=N, NN=NN, dN=dN, dNdN=dNdN, P=P) if conserve == 'N': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1], ['N']) leg = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, range(dim)) elif conserve == 'parity': chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([2], ['parity']) leg_unsorted = npc.LegCharge.from_qflat(chinfo, [i % 2 for i in range(dim)]) # sort by charges perm_qind, leg = leg_unsorted.sort() perm_flat = leg_unsorted.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind) self.perm = perm_flat # permute operators accordingly for opname in ops: ops[opname] = ops[opname][np.ix_(perm_flat, perm_flat)] # and the states states = [states[i] for i in perm_flat] else: leg = npc.LegCharge.from_trivial(dim) self.Nmax = Nmax self.conserve = conserve self.filling = filling Site.__init__(self, leg, states, **ops) self.state_labels['vac'] = self.state_labels['0'] # alias def __repr__(self): """Debug representation of self.""" return "BosonSite({N:d}, {c!r}, {f:f})".format(N=self.Nmax, c=self.conserve, f=self.filling)