Source code for tenpy.linalg.sparse

"""Providing support for sparse algorithms (using matrix-vector products only).

Some linear algebra algorithms, e.g. Lanczos, do not require the full representations of a linear
operator, but only the action on a vector, i.e., a matrix-vector product `matvec`. Here we define
the strucuture of such a general operator, :class:`NpcLinearOperator`, as it is used in our own
implementations of these algorithms (e.g., :mod:`~tenpy.linalg.lanczos`). Moreover, the
:class:`FlatLinearOperator` allows to use all the scipy sparse methods by providing functionality
to convert flat numpy arrays to and from np_conserved arrays.
# Copyright 2018-2019 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
from . import np_conserved as npc
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator as ScipyLinearOperator

__all__ = ['NpcLinearOperator', 'FlatLinearOperator', 'FlatHermitianOperator']

[docs]class NpcLinearOperator: """Prototype for a Linear Operator acting on :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array`. Note that an :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` implements a matvec function. Thus you can use any (square) npc Array as an NpcLinearOperator. Attributes ---------- dtype : np.type The data type of its action. acts_on : list of str Labels of the state on which the operator can act. NB: Class attribute. """ acts_on = None
[docs] def matvec(self, vec): """Calculate the action of the operator on a vector `vec`. Note that we don't require `vec` to be one-dimensional. However, for square operators we require that the result of `matvec` has the same legs (in the same order) as `vec` such that they can be added. Note that this excludes a non-trivial `qtotal` for square operators. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this")
[docs]class FlatLinearOperator(ScipyLinearOperator): """Square Linear operator acting on numpy arrays based on a `matvec` acting on npc Arrays. Note that this class represents a square linear operator. In terms of charges, this means it has legs ``[self.leg.conj(), self.leg]`` and trivial (zero) ``qtotal``. Parameters ---------- npc_matvec : function Function to calculate the action of the linear operator on an npc vector (with the specified `leg`). Has to return an npc vector with the same leg. leg : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge` Leg of the vector on which `npc_matvec` can act on. dtype : np.dtype The data type of the arrays. charge_sector : None | charges | ``0`` Selects the charge sector of the vector onto which the Linear operator acts. ``None`` stands for *all* sectors, ``0`` stands for the zero-charge sector. Defaults to ``0``, i.e., *assumes* the dominant eigenvector is in charge sector 0. vec_label : None | str Label to be set to the npc vector before acting on it with `npc_matvec`. Ignored if `None`. Attributes ---------- charge_sector possible_charge_sectors : ndarray[QTYPE, ndim=2] Each row corresponds to one possible choice for `charge_sector`. shape : (int, int) The dimensions for the selected charge sector. dtype : np.dtype The data type of the arrays. leg : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegCharge` Leg of the vector on which `npc_matvec` can act on. vec_label : None | str Label to be set to the npc vector before acting on it with `npc_matvec`. Ignored if `None`. npc_matvec : function Function to calculate the action of the linear operator on an npc vector (with one `leg`). matvec_count : int The number of times `npc_matvec` was called. _mask : ndarray[ndim=1, bool] The indices of `leg` corresponding to the `charge_sector` to be diagonalized. _npc_matvec_multileg : function | None Only set if initalized with :meth:`from_guess_with_pipe`. The `npc_matvec` function to be wrapped around. Takes the npc Array in multidimensional form and returns it that way. _labels_split : list of str Only set if initalized with :meth:`from_guess_with_pipe`. Labels of the guess before combining them into a pipe (stored as `leg`). """ def __init__(self, npc_matvec, leg, dtype, charge_sector=0, vec_label=None): self.npc_matvec = npc_matvec self.leg = leg self.possible_charge_sectors = leg.charge_sectors() self.shape = (leg.ind_len, leg.ind_len) self.dtype = dtype self.vec_label = vec_label self.matvec_count = 0 self._charge_sector = None self._mask = None self.charge_sector = charge_sector # uses the setter self._npc_matvec_multileg = None self._labels_split = None ScipyLinearOperator.__init__(self, self.dtype, self.shape)
[docs] @classmethod def from_NpcArray(cls, mat, charge_sector=0): """Create a `FlatLinearOperator` from a square :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array`. Parameters ---------- mat : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` A square matrix, with contractable legs. charge_sector : None | charges | ``0`` Selects the charge sector of the vector onto which the Linear operator acts. ``None`` stands for *all* sectors, ``0`` stands for the zero-charge sector. Defaults to ``0``, i.e., *assumes* the dominant eigenvector is in charge sector 0. """ if mat.rank != 2: raise ValueError("Works only for square matrices") mat.legs[1].test_contractible(mat.legs[0]) return cls(mat.matvec, mat.legs[0], mat.dtype, charge_sector)
[docs] @classmethod def from_guess_with_pipe(cls, npc_matvec, v0_guess, labels_split=None, dtype=None): """Create a `FlatLinearOperator`` from a `matvec` function acting on multiple legs. This function creates a wrapper `matvec` function to allow acting on a "vector" with multiple legs. The wrapper combines the legs into a :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegPipe` before calling the actual `matvec` function, and splits them again in the end. Parameters ---------- npc_matvec : function Function to calculate the action of the linear operator on an npc vector with the given split labels `labels_split`. Has to return an npc vector with the same legs. v0_guess : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Initial guess/starting vector which can be applied to `npc_matvec`. labels_split : None | list of str Labels of v0_guess in the order in which they are to be combined into a :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegPipe`. ``None`` defaults to ``v0_guess.get_leg_labels()``. dtype : np.dtype | None The data type of the arrays. ``None`` defaults to dtype of `v0_guess` (!). Returns ------- lin_op : cls Instance of the class to be used as linear operator guess_flat : np.ndarray Numpy vector representing the guess `v0_guess`. """ if dtype is None: dtype = v0_guess.dtype if labels_split is None: labels_split = v0_guess.get_leg_labels() v0_combined = v0_guess.combine_legs(labels_split, qconj=+1) if v0_combined.rank != 1: raise ValueError("`labels_split` must contain all the legs of `v0_guess`") pipe = v0_combined.legs[0] pipe_label = v0_combined.get_leg_labels()[0] res = cls(npc_matvec, pipe, dtype, v0_combined.qtotal, pipe_label) res._labels_split = labels_split res._npc_matvec_multileg = npc_matvec res.npc_matvec = res._npc_matvec_wrapper # activate the wrapper guess_flat = res.npc_to_flat(v0_combined) return res, guess_flat
@property def charge_sector(self): """Charge sector of the vector which is acted on.""" return self._charge_sector @charge_sector.setter def charge_sector(self, value): if type(value) == int and value == 0: value = self.leg.chinfo.make_valid() # zero charges elif value is not None: value = self.leg.chinfo.make_valid(value) self._charge_sector = value if value is not None: self._mask = np.all(self.leg.to_qflat() == value[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) self.shape = tuple([np.sum(self._mask)] * 2) else: chi2 = self.leg.ind_len self.shape = (chi2, chi2) self._mask = np.ones([chi2], dtype=np.bool) def _matvec(self, vec): """Matvec operation acting on a numpy ndarray of the selected charge sector. Parameters ---------- vec : np.ndarray Vector (or N x 1 matrix) to be acted on by self. Returns ------- matvec_vec : np.ndarray The result of acting the represented LinearOperator (`self`) on `vec`, i.e., the result of applying `npc_matvec` to an npc Array generated from `vec`. """ vec = np.asarray(vec) if vec.ndim != 1: vec = np.squeeze(vec, axis=1) # need a vector, not a Nx1 matrix if self._charge_sector is not None: npc_vec = self.flat_to_npc(vec) # convert into npc Array npc_vec = self.npc_matvec(npc_vec) # apply the transfer matrix self.matvec_count += 1 return self.npc_to_flat(npc_vec) # convert back into numpy ndarray. else: result = np.zeros(self.shape[0], self.dtype) # iterator over all charge sectors for sector in self.possible_charge_sectors: self.charge_sector = sector assert self._charge_sector is not None npc_vec = self.flat_to_npc(vec[self._mask]) # convert into npc Array npc_vec = self.npc_matvec(npc_vec) # apply the transfer matrix self.matvec_count += 1 result[self._mask] = self.npc_to_flat(npc_vec) # convert back into numpy ndarray. return result
[docs] def flat_to_npc(self, vec): """Convert flat vector of selected charge sector into npc Array. Parameters ---------- vec : 1D ndarray Numpy vector to be converted. Should have the entries according to self.charge_sector. Returns ------- npc_vec : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Same as `vec`, but converted into a flat array. """ if self._charge_sector is None: raise ValueError("By definition, this can't work for all charges at once!") res = npc.zeros([self.leg], vec.dtype, self._charge_sector) res[self._mask] = vec if self.vec_label is not None: res.iset_leg_labels([self.vec_label]) return res
[docs] def npc_to_flat(self, npc_vec): """Convert npc Array with qtotal = self.charge_sector into ndarray. Parameters ---------- npc_vec : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Npc Array to be converted. Should only have entries in `self.charge_sector`. Returns ------- vec : 1D ndarray Same as `npc_vec`, but converted into a flat Numpy array. """ if self._charge_sector is not None and np.any(npc_vec.qtotal != self._charge_sector): raise ValueError("npc_vec.qtotal and charge sector don't match!") if isinstance(npc_vec.legs[0], npc.LegPipe): npc_vec = npc_vec.copy(deep=False) npc_vec.legs[0] = npc_vec.legs[0].to_LegCharge() return npc_vec[self._mask].to_ndarray()
def _npc_matvec_wrapper(self, vec): """Wrapper around ``self._npc_matvec_multileg`` acting on a LegPipe. Used when the class was generated with :meth:`from_guess_with_pipe`. ``self._npc_matvec_multileg`` is a function which can act on a multi-dimensional npc Array and returns it with the same legs (with labels ``self._labels_split``). This function can act on a vector where these legs are combined into a LegPipe (the pipe is stored as ``self.leg``). Parameters ---------- vec : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Npc Array to act on. Can have multiple legs (as necessary for ``self._npc_matvec_multileg``), or have the legs combined in the LegPipe stored as ``self.leg``. Returns ------- matvec_vec : np.ndarray The result of acting the represented LinearOperator (`self`) on `vec`, i.e., the result of applying `npc_matvec` to an npc Array generated from `vec`. Has the same leg structure as `vec`. """ legs_initially_combined = (vec.rank == 1) if legs_initially_combined: vec = vec.split_legs(0) vec.itranspose(self._labels_split) # ensure correct leg/label structure vec = self._npc_matvec_multileg(vec) # apply matvec acting on multi-leg Array vec.itranspose(self._labels_split) if legs_initially_combined: vec = vec.combine_legs(self._labels_split, pipes=self.leg) return vec
[docs]class FlatHermitianOperator(FlatLinearOperator): """Hermitian variant of :class:`FlatLinearOperator`. Note that we don't check :meth:`matvec` to return a hermitian result, we only define an adjoint to be `self`. """ def _adjoint(self): return self