Source code for tenpy.linalg.charges

r"""Basic definitions of a charge.

This module contains implementations for handling the quantum numbers ("charges") of
the :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array`.

In particular, the classes :class:`ChargeInfo`, :class:`LegCharge` and :class:`LegPipe` are
implemented here.

.. note ::
    The contents of this module are imported in :mod:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved`,
    so you usually don't need to import this module in your application.

A detailed introduction to `np_conserved` can be found in :doc:`/intro_npc`.

In this module, some functions have the python decorator ``@use_cython``.
Functions with this decorator are replaced by the ones written in Cython, implemented in
the file ``tenpy/linalg/_npc_helper.pyx``.
For further details, see the definition of :func:``.
# Copyright 2018-2019 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
import copy
import bisect
import warnings

from import lexsort, inverse_permutation
from import vert_join
from import optimize, OptimizationFlag, use_cython

__all__ = ['ChargeInfo', 'LegCharge', 'LegPipe', 'QTYPE']

QTYPE = np.int_  # numpy dtype for the charges
"""Numpy data type for the charges."""

[docs]class ChargeInfo: """Meta-data about the charge of a tensor. Saves info about the nature of the charge of a tensor. Provides :meth:`make_valid` for taking modulo `m`. (This class is implemented in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.charges` but also imported in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.np_conserved` for convenience.) Parameters ---------- mod : iterable of QTYPE The len gives the number of charges, `qnumber`. For each charge one entry `m`: the charge is conserved modulo `m`. Defaults to trivial, i.e., no charge. names : list of str Descriptive names for the charges. Defaults to ``['']*qnumber``. Attributes ---------- qnumber : int The number of charges. mod : ndarray[QTYPE,ndim=1] Modulo how much each of the charges is taken. 1 for a :math:`U(1)` charge, N for a :math:`Z_N` symmetry. names : list of strings A descriptive name for each of the charges. May have '' entries. _mask_mod1 : 1D array bool mask ``(mod == 1)``, to speed up `make_valid` in pure python. _mod_masked : 1D array QTYPE Equivalent to ``self.mod[self._maks_mod1]`` _qnumber, _mod : Storage of `qnumber` and `mod`. Notes ----- Instances of this class can (should) be shared between different `LegCharge` and `Array`'s. """ def __init__(self, mod=[], names=None): mod = np.array(mod, dtype=QTYPE) assert mod.ndim == 1 if names is None: names = [''] * len(mod) names = [str(n) for n in names] self.__setstate__((len(mod), mod, names)) self.test_sanity() # checks for invalid arguments
[docs] @classmethod def add(cls, chinfos): """Create a :class:`ChargeInfo` combining multiple charges. Parameters ---------- chinfos : iterable of :class:`ChargeInfo` ChargeInfo instances to be combined into a single one (in the given order). Returns ------- chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` ChargeInfo combining all the given charges. """ charges = [ci.mod for ci in chinfos] names = sum([ci.names for ci in chinfos], []) return cls(np.concatenate(charges), names)
[docs] @classmethod def drop(cls, chinfo, charge=None): """Remove a charge from a :class:`ChargeInfo`. Parameters ---------- chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The ChargeInfo from where to drop/remove a charge. charge : int | str Number or `name` of the charge (within `chinfo`) which is to be dropped. ``None`` means dropping all charges. Returns ------- chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` ChargeInfo where the specified charge is dropped. """ if charge is None: return cls() # trivial charge if isinstance(charge, str): charge = chinfo.names.index(charge) names = list(chinfo.names) names.pop(charge) return cls(np.delete(chinfo.mod, charge), names)
[docs] @classmethod def change(cls, chinfo, charge, new_qmod, new_name=''): """Change the `qmod` of a given charge. Parameters ---------- chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The ChargeInfo for which `qmod` of `charge` should be changed. new_qmod : int The new `qmod` to be set. new_name : str The new name of the charge. Returns ------- chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` ChargeInfo where `qmod` of the specified charge was changed. """ if isinstance(charge, str): charge = chinfo.names.index(charge) names = list(chinfo.names) names[charge] = new_name mod = chinfo.mod.copy() mod[charge] = new_qmod return cls(mod, names)
[docs] def test_sanity(self): """Sanity check, raises ValueErrors, if something is wrong.""" if self._mod_masked.ndim != 1 or tuple(self.mod.shape) != (self.qnumber, ): raise ValueError("mod has wrong shape") if np.any(self._mod_masked <= 0): raise ValueError("mod should be > 0") if len(self.names) != self.qnumber: raise ValueError("names has incompatible length with mod") if np.any(self.mod < 0): raise ValueError("mod with negative entries???")
@property def qnumber(self): """The number of charges.""" return self._qnumber @property def mod(self): """Modulo how much each of the charges is taken. 1 for a U(1) charge, i.e., mod 1 -> mod infinity. """ return self._mod
[docs] @use_cython(replacement='ChargeInfo_make_valid') def make_valid(self, charges=None): """Take charges modulo self.mod. Parameters ---------- charges : array_like or None 1D or 2D array of charges, last dimension `self.qnumber` None defaults to trivial charges ``np.zeros(qnumber, dtype=QTYPE)``. Returns ------- charges : A copy of `charges` taken modulo `mod`, but with ``x % 1 := x`` """ if charges is None: return np.zeros((self.qnumber, ), dtype=QTYPE) charges = np.asarray(charges, dtype=QTYPE) charges[..., self._mask] = np.mod(charges[..., self._mask], self._mod_masked) return charges
[docs] @use_cython(replacement='ChargeInfo_check_valid') def check_valid(self, charges): r"""Check, if `charges` has all entries as expected from self.mod. Parameters ---------- charges : 2D ndarray QTYPE_t Charge values to be checked. Returns ------- res : bool True, if all 0 <= charges <= self.mod (wherever self.mod != 1) """ charges = np.asarray(charges, dtype=QTYPE)[..., self._mask] return np.all(np.logical_and(0 <= charges, charges < self._mod_masked))
def __repr__(self): """Full string representation.""" return "ChargeInfo({0!s}, {1!s})".format(list(self.mod), self.names) def __eq__(self, other): """Compare self.mod and self.names for equality, ignore missing names.""" if self is other: return True if not np.all(self.mod == other.mod): return False for l, r in zip(self.names, other.names): if r != l and l != '' and r != '': return False return True def __ne__(self, other): r"""Define `self != other` as `not (self == other)`""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __getstate__(self): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" return (self._qnumber, self._mod, self.names) def __setstate__(self, state): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" qnumber, mod, names = state self._mod = mod self._qnumber = mod.shape[0] assert qnumber == self._qnumber self._mask = np.not_equal(mod, 1) # where we need to take modulo in :meth:`make_valid` self._mod_masked = mod[self._mask].copy() # only where mod != 1 self.names = names
[docs]class LegCharge: r"""Save the charge data associated to a leg of a tensor. This class is more or less a wrapper around a 2D numpy array `charges` and a 1D array `slices`. See :doc:`/intro_npc` for more details. (This class is implemented in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.charges` but also imported in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.np_conserved` for convenience.) Parameters ---------- chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The nature of the charge. slices: 1D array_like, len(block_number+1) A block with 'qindex' ``qi`` correspondes to the leg indices in ``slice(slices[qi], slices[qi+1])``. charges : 2D array_like, shape(block_number, chargeinfo.qnumber) ``charges[qi]`` gives the charges for a block with 'qindex' ``qi``. qconj : {+1, -1} A flag telling whether the charge points inwards (+1, default) or outwards (-1). Attributes ---------- ind_len: int The number of indices for this leg. block_number: The number of blocks, i.e., a 'qindex' for this leg is in ``range(block_number)``. chinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` instance The nature of the charge. Can be shared between LegCharges. slices : ndarray[np.intp_t,ndim=1] (block_number+1) A block with 'qindex' ``qi`` correspondes to the leg indices in ``slice(self.slices[qi], self.slices[qi+1])``. See :meth:`get_slice`. charges : ndarray[QTYPE_t,ndim=1] (block_number, chinfo.qnumber) ``charges[qi]`` gives the charges for a block with 'qindex' ``qi``. Note: the sign might be changed by `qconj`. See also :meth:`get_charge`. qconj : {-1, 1} A flag telling whether the charge points inwards (+1) or outwards (-1). Whenever charges are added, they should be multiplied with their `qconj` value. sorted : bool Whether the charges are guaranteed to be sorted. bunched : bool Whether the charges are guaranteed to be bunched. Notes ----- Instances of this class can be shared between different `npc.Array`. Thus, functions changing ``self.slices`` or ``self.charges`` *must* always make copies. Further they *must* set `sorted` and `bunched` to ``False`` (if they might not preserve them). """ def __init__(self, chargeinfo, slices, charges, qconj=1): self.chinfo = chargeinfo self.slices = np.array(slices, dtype=np.intp) self.ind_len = self.slices[-1] self.charges = np.array(charges, dtype=QTYPE) self.block_number = self.charges.shape[0] self.qconj = int(qconj) if self.block_number > 2: self.sorted = False self.bunched = False else: # just one block: trivially sorted self.sorted = True self.bunched = True LegCharge.test_sanity(self)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a (shallow) copy of self.""" res = LegCharge.__new__(LegCharge) res.__setstate__(self.__getstate__()) return res
[docs] @classmethod def from_trivial(cls, ind_len, chargeinfo=None, qconj=1): """Create trivial (qnumber=0) LegCharge for given len of indices `ind_len`.""" if chargeinfo is None: chargeinfo = ChargeInfo() charges = [[]] else: charges = [[0] * chargeinfo.qnumber] return cls(chargeinfo, [0, ind_len], charges, qconj)
[docs] @classmethod def from_qflat(cls, chargeinfo, qflat, qconj=1): """Create a LegCharge from qflat form. Does *neither* bunch *nor* sort. We recommend to sort (and bunch) afterwards, if you expect that tensors using the LegCharge have entries at all positions compatible with the charges. Parameters ---------- chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The nature of the charge. qflat : array_like (ind_len, `qnumber`) `qnumber` charges for each index of the leg on entry. qconj : {-1, 1} A flag telling whether the charge points inwards (+1) or outwards (-1). See also -------- sort : sorts by charges bunch : bunches contiguous blocks of the same charge. """ qflat = np.asarray(qflat, dtype=QTYPE) if qflat.ndim == 1 and chargeinfo.qnumber == 1: # accept also 1D arrays, if the qnumber is 1 qflat = qflat.reshape(-1, 1) ind_len, qnum = qflat.shape if qnum != chargeinfo.qnumber: raise ValueError("qflat with second dimension != qnumber") res = cls(chargeinfo, np.arange(ind_len + 1), qflat, qconj) res.sorted = res.is_sorted() res.bunched = res.is_bunched() return res
[docs] @classmethod def from_qind(cls, chargeinfo, slices, charges, qconj=1): """Just a wrapper around self.__init__(), see class doc-string for parameters. See also -------- sort : sorts by charges bunch : bunches contiguous blocks of the same charge. """ res = cls(chargeinfo, slices, charges, qconj) res.sorted = res.is_sorted() res.bunched = res.is_bunched() return res
[docs] @classmethod def from_qdict(cls, chargeinfo, qdict, qconj=1): """Create a LegCharge from qdict form. Parameters ---------- chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The nature of the charge. qdict : dict A dictionary mapping a tuple of charges to slices. """ slices = np.array([(sl.start, sl.stop) for sl in qdict.values()], np.intp) charges = np.array(list(qdict.keys()), dtype=QTYPE).reshape((-1, chargeinfo.qnumber)) sort = np.argsort(slices[:, 0]) # sort by slice start slices = slices[sort, :] charges = charges[sort, :] if np.any(slices[:-1, 1] != slices[1:, 0]): raise ValueError("The slices are not contiguous.\n" + str(slices)) slices = np.append(slices[:, 0], [slices[-1, 1]]) res = cls(chargeinfo, slices, charges, qconj) res.sorted = True res.bunched = res.is_bunched() return res
[docs] @classmethod def from_add_charge(cls, legs, chargeinfo=None): """Add the (independent) charges of two or more legs to get larger `qnumber`. Parameters ---------- legs : iterable of :class:`LegCharge` The legs for which the charges are to be combined/added. chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The ChargeInfo for all charges; create new if ``None``. Returns ------- combined : :class:`LegCharge` A LegCharge with the charges of both legs. Is neither sorted nor bunched! """ legs = list(legs) chinfo = ChargeInfo.add([leg.chinfo for leg in legs]) if chargeinfo is not None: assert chinfo == chargeinfo chinfo = chargeinfo ind_len = legs[0].ind_len qconj = legs[0].qconj if any([ind_len != leg.ind_len for leg in legs]): raise ValueError("different length") if any([qconj != leg.qconj for leg in legs]): raise ValueError("different qconj") qflat = np.empty([ind_len, chinfo.qnumber], dtype=QTYPE) i0 = 0 for leg in legs: i1 = i0 + leg.chinfo.qnumber qflat[:, i0:i1] = leg.to_qflat() i0 = i1 return cls.from_qflat(chinfo, qflat, qconj)
[docs] @classmethod def from_drop_charge(cls, leg, charge=None, chargeinfo=None): """Remove a charge from a LegCharge. Parameters ---------- leg : :class:`LegCharge` The leg from which to drop/remove a charge. charge : int | str Number or `name` of the charge (within `chinfo`) which is to be dropped. ``None`` means dropping all charges. chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The ChargeInfo with `charge` dropped; create new if ``None``. Returns ------- dropped : :class:`LegCharge` A LegCharge with the specified charge dropped. Is neither sorted nor bunched! """ if charge is None: return cls.from_trivial(leg.ind_len, chargeinfo, leg.qconj) chinfo = ChargeInfo.drop(leg.chinfo, charge) if chargeinfo is not None: assert chinfo == chargeinfo chinfo = chargeinfo if isinstance(charge, str): charge = chinfo.names.index(charge) return cls.from_qflat(chinfo, np.delete(leg.to_qflat(), charge, 1), leg.qconj)
[docs] @classmethod def from_change_charge(cls, leg, charge, new_qmod, new_name='', chargeinfo=None): """Remove a charge from a LegCharge. Parameters ---------- leg : :class:`LegCharge` The leg from which to drop/remove a charge. charge : int | str Number or `name` of the charge (within `chinfo`) for which `mod` is to be changed. new_qmod : int The new `mod` to be set for `charge` in the :class:`ChargeInfo`. new_name : str The new name for `charge`. chargeinfo : :class:`ChargeInfo` The ChargeInfo with `charge` changed; create new if ``None``. Returns ------- leg : :class:`LegCharge` A LegCharge with the specified charge changed. Is neither sorted nor bunched! """ chinfo = ChargeInfo.change(leg.chinfo, charge, new_qmod, new_name) if chargeinfo is not None: assert chinfo == chargeinfo chinfo = chargeinfo charges = chinfo.make_valid(leg.charges) return cls.from_qind(chinfo, leg.slices, charges, leg.qconj)
[docs] def test_sanity(self): """Sanity check, raises ValueErrors, if something is wrong.""" if optimize(OptimizationFlag.skip_arg_checks): return sl = self.slices ch = self.charges if sl.ndim != 1 or sl.shape[0] != self.block_number + 1: raise ValueError("wrong len of `slices`") if sl[0] != 0: raise ValueError("slices does not start with 0") if ch.ndim != 2 or ch.shape[1] != self.chinfo.qnumber: raise ValueError("shape of `charges` incompatible with qnumber") if not self.chinfo.check_valid(ch): raise ValueError("charges invalid for " + str(self.chinfo) + "\n" + str(self)) if self.qconj != -1 and self.qconj != 1: raise ValueError("qconj has invalid value != +-1 :" + repr(self.qconj))
[docs] def conj(self): """Return a (shallow) copy with opposite ``self.qconj``. Returns ------- conjugated : :class:`LegCharge` Shallow copy of `self` with flipped :attr:`qconj`. :meth:`test_contractible` of `self` with `conjugated` will not raise an error. """ res = self.copy() # shallow copy res.qconj = -self.qconj return res
[docs] def flip_charges_qconj(self): """Return a copy with both negative `qconj` and `charges`. Returns ------- conj_charges : :class:`LegCharge` (Shallow) copy of self with negative `qconj` and `charges`, thus representing the very same charges. :meth:`test_equal` of `self` with `conj_charges` will not raise an error. """ res = self.copy() res.qconj = -self.qconj res.charges = self.chinfo.make_valid(-self.charges) res.sorted = False return res
[docs] def to_qflat(self): """Return charges in `qflat` form.""" qflat = np.empty((self.ind_len, self.chinfo.qnumber), dtype=QTYPE) for start, stop, ch in zip(self.slices[:-1], self.slices[1:], self.charges): qflat[slice(start, stop)] = ch return qflat
[docs] def to_qdict(self): """Return charges in `qdict` form. Raises ValueError, if not blocked. """ res = dict() for start, stop, ch in zip(self.slices[:-1], self.slices[1:], self.charges): res[tuple(ch)] = slice(start, stop) if len(res) < self.block_number: # ensures self is blocked raise ValueError("can't convert qflat to qdict for non-blocked LegCharge") return res
[docs] def is_blocked(self): """Returns whether self is blocked, i.e. qindex map 1:1 to charge values.""" if self.sorted and self.bunched: return True s = {tuple(c) for c in self.charges} # a set has unique elements return (len(s) == self.block_number)
[docs] def is_sorted(self): """Returns whether `self.charges` is sorted lexiographically.""" if self.chinfo._qnumber == 0: return True res = lexsort(self.charges.T) return np.all(res == np.arange(len(res)))
[docs] def is_bunched(self): """Checks whether :meth:`bunch` would change something.""" return len(_find_row_differences(self.charges)) == self.block_number + 1
[docs] def test_contractible(self, other): """Raises a ValueError if charges are incompatible for contraction with other. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`LegCharge` The LegCharge of the other leg condsidered for contraction. Raises ------ ValueError If the charges are incompatible for direct contraction. Notes ----- This function checks that two legs are `ready` for contraction. This is the case, if all of the following conditions are met: - the ``ChargeInfo`` is equal - the `slices` are equal - the `charges` are the same up to *opposite* signs ``qconj``:: self.charges * self.qconj = - other.charges * other.qconj In general, there could also be a change of the total charge, see :doc:`/intro_npc` This special case is not considered here - instead use :meth:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.gauge_total_charge`, if a change of the charge is desired. If you are sure that the legs should be contractable, check whether the charges are actually valid or whether ``self`` and ``other`` are blocked or should be sorted. See also -------- test_equal : ``self.test_contractible(other)`` just performs ``self.test_equal(other.conj())``. """ if optimize(OptimizationFlag.skip_arg_checks): return self.test_equal(other.conj())
[docs] def test_equal(self, other): """Test if charges are *equal* including `qconj`. Check that all of the following conditions are met: - the ``ChargeInfo`` is equal - the `slices` are equal - the `charges` are the same up to the signs ``qconj``:: self.charges * self.qconj = other.charges * other.qconj See also -------- test_contractible : ``self.test_equal(other)`` is equivalent to ``self.test_contractible(other.conj())``. """ if optimize(OptimizationFlag.skip_arg_checks): return if self.chinfo != other.chinfo: raise ValueError(''.join( ["incompatible ChargeInfo\n", str(self.chinfo), str(other.chinfo)])) if self.charges is other.charges and self.qconj == other.qconj and \ (self.slices is other.slices or np.all(self.slices == other.slices)): return # optimize: don't need to check all charges explicitly if not np.array_equal(self.slices, other.slices) or \ not np.array_equal(self.charges * self.qconj, other.charges * other.qconj): raise ValueError("incompatible LegCharge\n" + vert_join(["self\n" + str(self), "other\n" + str(other)], delim=' | '))
[docs] def get_slice(self, qindex): """Return slice selecting the block for a given `qindex`.""" return slice(self.slices[qindex], self.slices[qindex + 1])
[docs] def get_qindex(self, flat_index): """Find qindex containing a flat index. Given a flat index, to find the corresponding entry in an Array, we need to determine the block it is saved in. For example, if ``slices = [[0, 3], [3, 7], [7, 12]]``, the flat index ``5`` corresponds to the second entry, ``qindex = 1`` (since 5 is in [3:7]), and the index within the block would be ``2 = 5 - 3``. Parameters ---------- flat_index : int A flat index of the leg. Negative index counts from behind. Returns ------- qindex : int The qindex, i.e. the index of the block containing `flat_index`. index_within_block : int The index of `flat_index` within the block given by `qindex`. """ if flat_index < 0: flat_index += self.ind_len if flat_index < 0: raise IndexError("flat index {0:d} too negative for leg with ind_len {1:d}".format( flat_index - self.ind_len, self.ind_len)) elif flat_index > self.ind_len: raise IndexError("flat index {0:d} too large for leg with ind_len {1:d}".format( flat_index, self.ind_len)) qind = bisect.bisect(self.slices, flat_index) - 1 return qind, flat_index - self.slices[qind]
[docs] def get_qindex_of_charges(self, charges): """Return the slice selecting the block for given charge values. Inverse function of :meth:`get_charge`. Parameters ---------- charges : 1D array_like Charge values for which the slice of the block is to be determined. Returns ------- slice(i, j) : slice Slice of the charge values for Raises ------ ValueError : if the answer is not unique (because `self` is not blocked). """ charges = self.chinfo.make_valid(self.qconj * np.asarray(charges)) equal_rows = np.all(charges[np.newaxis, :] == self.charges, axis=1) qinds = np.nonzero(equal_rows)[0] if len(qinds) > 1: raise ValueError("Non-unique answer: " + repr(qinds)) elif len(qinds) == 0: raise ValueError("Charge block not found") # else return qinds[0]
[docs] def get_charge(self, qindex): """Return charge ``self.charges[qindex] * self.qconj`` for a given `qindex`.""" return self.charges[qindex] * self.qconj
[docs] def sort(self, bunch=True): """Return a copy of `self` sorted by charges (but maybe not bunched). If bunch=True, the returned copy is completely blocked by charge. Parameters ---------- bunch : bool Whether `self.bunch` is called after sorting. If True, the leg is guaranteed to be fully blocked by charge. Returns ------- perm_qind : array (self.block_len,) The permutation of the qindices (before bunching) used for the sorting. To obtain the flat permuation such that ``sorted_array[..., :] = unsorted_array[..., perm_flat]``, use ``perm_flat = unsorted_leg.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind)`` sorted_copy : :class:`LegCharge` A shallow copy of self, with new qind sorted (and thus blocked if bunch) by charges. See also -------- bunch : enlarge blocks for contiguous qind of the same charges. numpy.take : can apply `perm_flat` to a given axis : returns inverse of a permutation """ if self.sorted and ((not bunch) or self.bunched): # nothing to do return np.arange(self.block_number, dtype=np.intp), self perm_qind = lexsort(self.charges.T) cp = self.copy() cp._set_charges(self.charges[perm_qind, :]) block_sizes = self._get_block_sizes() cp._set_block_sizes(block_sizes[perm_qind]) cp.sorted = True # finally bunch: re-ordering can have brought together equal charges if bunch: _, cp = cp.bunch() else: cp.bunched = False return perm_qind, cp
[docs] def bunch(self): """Return a copy with bunched self.charges: form blocks for contiguous equal charges. Returns ------- idx : 1D array ``idx[:-1]`` are the indices of the old qind which are kept, ``idx[-1] = old_block_number``. cp : :class:`LegCharge` A new LegCharge with the same charges at given indices of the leg, but (possibly) shorter ``self.charges`` and ``self.slices``. See also -------- sort : sorts by charges, thus enforcing complete blocking in combination with bunch. """ if self.bunched: # nothing to do return np.arange(self.block_number + 1, dtype=np.intp), self cp = self.copy() idx = _find_row_differences(self.charges) cp._set_charges(cp.charges[idx[:-1]]) # avanced indexing -> copy cp._set_slices(cp.slices[idx]) cp.bunched = True return idx, cp
[docs] def project(self, mask): """Return copy keeping only the indices specified by `mask`. Parameters ---------- mask : 1D array(bool) Whether to keep of the indices. Returns ------- map_qind : 1D array Map of qindices, such that ``qind_new = map_qind[qind_old]``, and ``map_qind[qind_old] = -1`` for qindices projected out. block_masks : 1D array The bool mask for each of the *remaining* blocks. projected_copy : :class:`LegCharge` Copy of self with the qind projected by `mask`. """ mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool_) cp = self.copy() block_masks = [mask[b:e] for b, e in self._slice_start_stop()] new_block_lens = [np.sum(bm) for bm in block_masks] keep = np.nonzero(new_block_lens)[0] block_masks = [block_masks[i] for i in keep] cp._set_charges(cp.charges[keep]) map_qind = -np.ones(self.block_number, np.intp) map_qind[keep] = np.arange(len(keep)) cp._set_block_sizes(np.array(new_block_lens, dtype=np.intp)[keep]) cp.bunched = self.is_blocked() # no, it's not `is_bunched` return map_qind, block_masks, cp
[docs] def extend(self, extra): """Return a new :class:`LegCharge`, which extends self with futher charges. This is needed to formally increase the dimension of an Array. Parameters ---------- extra : :class:`LegCharge` | int By what to extend, i.e. the charges to be appended to `self`. An int stands for extending the length of the array by a single new block of that size and zero charges. Returns ------- extended_leg : :class:`LegCharge` Copy of `self` extended by the charge blocks of the `extra` leg. """ if not isinstance(extra, LegCharge): extra = LegCharge.from_trivial(extra, self.chinfo, self.qconj) bn = self.block_number new_slices = np.zeros(bn + extra.block_number + 1, np.intp) new_slices[:bn + 1] = self.slices new_slices[bn:] = extra.slices + self.ind_len new_charges = np.zeros((bn + extra.block_number, self.chinfo.qnumber), dtype=QTYPE) new_charges[:bn] = self.charges if self.qconj == extra.qconj: new_charges[bn:] = extra.charges else: new_charges[bn:] = -extra.charges return LegCharge(self.chinfo, new_slices, new_charges, qconj=self.qconj)
[docs] def charge_sectors(self): """Return unique rows of self.charges. Returns ------- charges : array[QTYPE, ndim=2] Rows are the rows of self.charges lexsorted and without duplicates. """ charges = self.charges.copy() if not self.sorted: charges = charges[np.lexsort(self.charges.T), :] charges = charges[_find_row_differences(charges)[:-1], :] return charges
def __str__(self): """Return a string of nicely formatted slices & charges.""" qconj = " {0:+d}\n".format(self.qconj) slices = '\n'.join([str(s) for s in self.slices]) return qconj + vert_join([slices, str(self.charges)], delim=' ') def __repr__(self): """Full string representation.""" return "LegCharge({0!r}, qconj={1:+d},\n{2!r}, {3!r})".format( self.chinfo, self.qconj, self.slices, self.charges) # TODO: property for this! def _set_charges(self, charges): """Provide hook to set 'private' charges.""" self.charges = charges self.block_number = charges.shape[0] def _set_slices(self, slices): self.slices = slices self.ind_len = slices[-1] def _set_block_sizes(self, block_sizes): """Set self.slices from an list of the block-sizes.""" self._set_slices(np.append([0], np.cumsum(block_sizes)).astype(np.intp, copy=False)) def _get_block_sizes(self): """Return block sizes.""" return self.slices[1:] - self.slices[:-1] def _slice_start_stop(self): """Yield (start, stop) for each qindex.""" return zip(self.slices[:-1], self.slices[1:])
[docs] def perm_flat_from_perm_qind(self, perm_qind): """Convert a permutation of qind (acting on self) into a flat permutation.""" begend = np.stack([self.slices[:-1], self.slices[1:]], axis=0).T res = [np.arange(b, e) for b, e in begend[perm_qind]] return np.concatenate(res)
[docs] def perm_qind_from_perm_flat(self, perm_flat): """Convert flat permutation into qind permutation. Parameters ---------- perm_flat : 1D array A permutation acting on self, which doesn't mix the blocks of qind. Returns ------- perm_qind : 1D array The permutation of self.qind described by perm_flat. Raises ------ ValueError If perm_flat mixes blocks of different qindex. """ perm_flat = np.asarray(perm_flat) perm_qind = perm_flat[self.slices[:-1]] # check if perm_qind indeed resembles the permutation if np.any(perm_flat != self.perm_flat_from_perm_qind(perm_qind)): raise ValueError("Permutation mixes qind") return perm_qind
def __getstate__(self): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" return (self.ind_len, self.block_number, self.chinfo, self.slices, self.charges, self.qconj, self.sorted, self.bunched) def __setstate__(self, state): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" ind_len, block_number, chinfo, slices, charges, qconj, sorted, bunched = state self.ind_len = ind_len self.block_number = block_number self.chinfo = chinfo self.slices = slices self.charges = charges self.qconj = qconj self.sorted = sorted self.bunched = bunched
[docs]class LegPipe(LegCharge): r"""A `LegPipe` combines multiple legs of a tensor to one. Often, it is necessary to "combine" multiple legs into one: for example to perfom a SVD, the tensor needs to be viewed as a matrix. This class does exactly this job: it combines multiple LegCharges ('incoming legs') into one 'pipe' (*the* 'outgoing leg'). The pipe itself is a :class:`LegCharge`, with indices running from 0 to the product of the individual legs' `ind_len`, corresponding to all possible combinations of input leg indices. (This class is implemented in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.charges` but also imported in :mod:`tenpy.linalg.np_conserved` for convenience.) Parameters ---------- legs : list of :class:`LegCharge` The legs which are to be combined. qconj : {+1, -1} A flag telling whether the charge of the *resulting* pipe points inwards (+1, default) or outwards (-1). sort : bool Whether the outgoing pipe should be sorted. Default ``True``; recommended. Note: calling :meth:`sort` after initialization converts to a LegCharge. bunch : bool Whether the outgoing pipe should be bunched. Default ``True``; recommended. Note: calling :meth:`bunch` after initialization converts to a LegCharge. Attributes ---------- nlegs : int The number of legs. legs : tuple of :class:`LegCharge` The original legs, which were combined in the pipe. subshape : tuple of int `ind_len` for each of the incoming legs. subqshape : tuple of int `block_number` for each of the incoming legs. q_map: array[np.intp, ndim=2] Shape (`block_number`, 3 + `nlegs`). Rows: ``[ b_j, b_{j+1}, I_s, i_1, ..., i_{nlegs}]``, See Notes below for details. q_map_slices : array[np.intp, ndim=1] Defined such that the row indices of in ``range(q_map_slices[I_s], q_map_slices[I_s+1])`` have ``q_map[:, 2] == I_s``. _perm : 1D array A permutation such that ``q_map[_perm, 3:]`` is sorted by `i_l`. _strides : 1D array Strides for mapping incoming qindices `i_l` to the index of ``q_map[_perm, :]``. Notes ----- For np.reshape, taking, for example, :math:`i,j,... \rightarrow k` amounted to :math:`k = s_1*i + s_2*j + ...` for appropriate strides :math:`s_1,s_2`. In the charged case, however, we want to block :math:`k` by charge, so we must implicitly permute as well. This reordering is encoded in `q_map`. Each qindex combination of the `nlegs` input legs :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{nlegs})`, will end up getting placed in some slice :math:`a_j:a_{j+1}` of the outgoing pipe. Within this slice, the data is simply reshaped in usual row-major fashion ('C'-order), i.e., with strides :math:`s_1 > s_2 > ...`. It will be a subslice of a new total block labeled by qindex :math:`I_s`. Because many charge combinations fuse to the same total charge, in general there will be many tuples :math:`(i_1, ..., i_{nlegs})` belonging to the same :math:`I_s`. The rows of `q_map` are precisely the collections of ``[b_j, b_{j+1}, I_s, i_1, . . . , i_{nlegs}]``. Here, :math:`b_j:b_{j+1}` denotes the slice of this qindex combination *within* the total block `I_s`, i.e., ``b_j = a_j - self.slices[I_s]``. The rows of `q_map` are lex-sorted first by ``I_s``, then the ``i``. Each ``I_s`` will have multiple rows, and the order in which they are stored in `q_map` is the order the data is stored in the actual tensor, i.e., it might look like :: [ ..., [ b_j, b_{j+1}, I_s, i_1, ..., i_{nlegs} ], [ b_{j+1}, b_{j+2}, I_s, i'_1, ..., i'_{nlegs} ], [ 0, b_{j+3}, I_s + 1, i''_1, ..., i''_{nlegs} ], [ b_{j+3}, b_{j+4}, I_s + 1, i'''_1, ..., i'''_{nlegs}], ...] The charge fusion rule is:: self.charges[Qi]*self.qconj == sum([l.charges[qi_l]*l.qconj for l in self.legs]) mod qmod Here the qindex ``Qi`` of the pipe corresponds to qindices ``qi_l`` on the individual legs. """ def __init__(self, legs, qconj=1, sort=True, bunch=True): chinfo = legs[0].chinfo # initialize LegCharge with trivial charges/slices; gets overwritten in _init_from_legs LegCharge.__init__(self, chinfo, [0, 1], [[0] * chinfo.qnumber], qconj) # additional attributes self.legs = legs = tuple(legs) self.nlegs = len(legs) self.subshape = tuple([l.ind_len for l in legs]) self.subqshape = tuple([l.block_number for l in legs]) self.q_map = None # overwritten in _init_from_legs, but necessary for copies self.q_map_slices = None # overwritten in _init_from_legs, but necessary for copies # the difficult part: calculate self.slices, self.charges, self.q_map and self.q_map_slices if self.subqshape == (1, ) * len(legs): # special case: only legs with each a single block, usually the case if qnumber=0 self.ind_len = ind_len = self.slices = np.array([0, ind_len], np.intp) z = [0] * len(legs) self.charges = _partial_qtotal(chinfo, legs, np.array([z], np.intp), qconj, None) self.q_map = np.array([[0, ind_len, 0] + z], np.intp) self.q_map_slices = np.array([0, 1], np.intp) self._strides = np.array(z, np.intp) self._perm = None else: # sourced out and optimized self.sorted = False self.bunched = False self._init_from_legs(sort, bunch) self.test_sanity()
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a (shallow) copy of self.""" res = LegPipe.__new__(LegPipe) res.__setstate__(self.__getstate__()) return res
[docs] def test_sanity(self): """Sanity check, raises ValueErrors, if something is wrong.""" if optimize(OptimizationFlag.skip_arg_checks): return assert (all([l.chinfo == self.chinfo for l in self.legs])) assert (self.subshape == tuple([l.ind_len for l in self.legs])) assert (self.subqshape == tuple([l.block_number for l in self.legs]))
[docs] def to_LegCharge(self): """Convert self to a LegCharge, discarding the information how to split the legs. Usually not needed, but called by functions, which are not implemented for a LegPipe. """ res = LegCharge.__new__(LegCharge) res.__setstate__(LegCharge.__getstate__(self)) return res
[docs] def conj(self): """Return a shallow copy with opposite ``self.qconj``. Returns ------- conjugated : :class:`LegCharge` Shallow copy of `self` with flipped :attr:`qconj`. Whenever we contract two legs, they need to be conjugated to each other. The incoming legs of the pipe are also conjugated. """ res = LegCharge.conj(self) # invert self.qconj res.legs = tuple([l.conj() for l in self.legs]) return res
[docs] def outer_conj(self): """Like :meth:`conj`, but don't change ``qconj`` for incoming legs.""" res = self.copy() # shallow res.qconj = -1 res._set_charges(self.chinfo.make_valid(-self.charges)) return res
[docs] def sort(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert to LegCharge and call :meth:`LegCharge.sort`.""" # could be implemented for a LegPipe, but who needs it? warnings.warn("Converting LegPipe to LegCharge for `sort`", stacklevel=2) res = self.to_LegCharge() return res.sort(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def bunch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert to LegCharge and call :meth:`LegCharge.bunch`.""" # could be implemented for a LegPipe, but who needs it? warnings.warn("Converting LegPipe to LegCharge for `bunch`", stacklevel=2) res = self.to_LegCharge() return res.bunch(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def project(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert self to LegCharge and call :meth:`LegCharge.project`. In general, this could be implemented for a LegPipe, but would make :meth:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array.split_legs` more complicated, thus we keep it simple. If you really want to project and split afterwards, use the following work-around, which is for example used in :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.exact_diagonalization`: 1) Create the full pipe and save it separetely. 2) Convert the Pipe to a Leg & project the array with it. 3) [... do calculations ...] 4) To split the 'projected pipe' of `A`, create and empty array `B` with the legs of A, but replace the projected leg by the full pipe. Set `A` as a slice of `B`. Finally split the pipe. """ warnings.warn("Converting LegPipe to LegCharge for `project`", stacklevel=2) res = self.to_LegCharge() return res.project(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def map_incoming_flat(self, incoming_indices): """Map (flat) incoming indices to an index in the outgoing pipe. Parameters ---------- incoming_indices : iterable of int One (flat) index on each of the incoming legs. Returns ------- outgoing_index : int The index in the outgoing leg. """ # need to calculate the `a_j` in the Notes of the doc-string of self. if len(incoming_indices) != self.nlegs: raise ValueError("wrong len of flat_ind_incoming") qind_in = np.empty((1, self.nlegs), dtype=np.intp) within_block_out = 0 stride = 1 for ax in range(self.nlegs - 1, -1, -1): # reversed: C order within the block leg = self.legs[ax] qind, within_block = leg.get_qindex(incoming_indices[ax]) qind_in[0, ax] = qind within_block_out += stride * within_block stride *= (leg.slices[qind + 1] - leg.slices[qind]) j = self._map_incoming_qind(qind_in)[0] q_map = self.q_map[j, :] assert (q_map[1] - q_map[0] == stride) qind_out = q_map[2] # I_s return self.slices[qind_out] + q_map[0] + within_block_out
def __str__(self): """Fairly short debug output.""" res_lines = [ "LegPipe(shape {0!s}->{1:d}, ".format(self.subshape, self.ind_len), " qconj {0}->{1:+1};".format( '(' + ', '.join(['%+d' % l.qconj for l in self.legs]) + ')', self.qconj), " block numbers {0!s}->{1:d})".format(self.subqshape, self.block_number), vert_join([str(l) for l in self.legs], delim=' | '), ')' ] return '\n'.join(res_lines) def __repr__(self): """Full string representation.""" return "LegPipe({legs},\nqconj={qconj:+d}, sort={s!r}, bunch={b!r})".format( legs='[' + ',\n'.join([repr(l) for l in self.legs]) + ']', qconj=self.qconj, s=self.sorted, b=self.bunched) @use_cython(replacement='LegPipe__init_from_legs') def _init_from_legs(self, sort=True, bunch=True): """Calculate ``self.qind``, ``self.q_map`` and ``self.q_map_slices`` from ``self.legs``. `qind` is constructed to fullfill the charge fusion rule stated in the class doc-string. """ # this function heavily uses numpys advanced indexing, for details see # ``_ nlegs = self.nlegs qnumber = self.chinfo.qnumber self._strides = _make_stride(self.subqshape, True) # (save strides for :meth:`_map_incoming_qind`) # create a grid to select the multi-index sector grid = np.indices(self.subqshape, np.intp) # grid is an array with shape ``(nlegs,) + subqshape``, # with grid[li, ...] = {np.arange(subqshape[li]) increasing in the li-th direcion} # save the strides of grid, which is needed for :meth:`_map_incoming_qind` # collapse the different directions into one. grid = grid.reshape(nlegs, -1) # *this* is the actual `reshaping` # *columns* of grid are now all possible cominations of qindices. nblocks = grid.shape[1] # number of blocks in the pipe = np.product(self.subqshape) # determine q_map -- it's essentially the grid. q_map = np.empty((nblocks, 3 + nlegs), dtype=np.intp) q_map[:, 3:] = grid.T # transpose -> rows are possible combinations. # the block size for given (i1, i2, ...) is the product of ``legs._get_block_sizes()[il]`` legbs = [l._get_block_sizes() for l in self.legs] # andvanced indexing: # ``grid[li]`` is a 1D array containing the qindex `q_li` of leg ``li`` for all blocks blocksizes =[lbs[gr] for lbs, gr in zip(legbs, grid)], axis=0) # q_map[:, :3] is initialized after sort/bunch. # calculate total charges charges = np.zeros((nblocks, qnumber), dtype=QTYPE) if qnumber > 0: # similar scheme as for the block sizes above, but now for 1D arrays of charges legcharges = [(self.qconj * l.qconj) * l.charges for l in self.legs] # ``legcharges[li]`` is a 2D array mapping `q_li` to the charges. # thus ``(legcharges[li])[grid[li], :]`` gives a 2D array of shape (nblocks, qnumber) charges = np.sum([lq[gr] for lq, gr in zip(legcharges, grid)], axis=0) # now, we have what we need according to the charge **fusion rule** # namely for qi=`leg qindices` and li=`legs`: # charges[(q1, q2,...)] == self.qconj * (l1.qind[q1]*l1.qconj + # l2.qind[q2]*l2.qconj + ...) charges = self.chinfo.make_valid(charges) # modulo qmod if sort and qnumber > 0: # sort by charge. Similar code as in :meth:`LegCharge.sort`, # but don't want to create a copy, nor is qind[:, 0] initialized yet. perm_qind = lexsort(charges.T) q_map = q_map[perm_qind] charges = charges[perm_qind] blocksizes = blocksizes[perm_qind] self._perm = inverse_permutation(perm_qind) else: self._perm = None self._set_charges(charges) self.sorted = sort or (qnumber == 0) self._set_block_sizes(blocksizes) # sets self.slices q_map[:, 0] = self.slices[:-1] q_map[:, 1] = self.slices[1:] if bunch: # call LegCharge.bunch(), which also calculates new blocksizes idx, bunched = LegCharge.bunch(self) self._set_charges(bunched.charges) # copy information back to self self._set_slices(bunched.slices) # calculate q_map[:, 2], the qindices corresponding to the rows of q_map q_map_Qi = np.zeros(len(q_map), dtype=np.intp) q_map_Qi[idx[1:-1]] = 1 # not for the first entry => np.cumsum starts with 0 q_map[:, 2] = q_map_Qi = np.cumsum(q_map_Qi) else: q_map[:, 2] = q_map_Qi = np.arange(len(q_map), dtype=np.intp) idx = np.arange(len(q_map) + 1, dtype=np.intp) # calculate the slices within blocks: subtract the start of each block q_map[:, :2] -= (self.slices[q_map_Qi])[:, np.newaxis] self.q_map = q_map # finished self.q_map_slices = idx def _map_incoming_qind(self, qind_incoming): """Map incoming qindices to indices of q_map. Needed for :meth:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array.combine_legs`. Parameters ---------- qind_incoming : 2D array Rows are qindices :math:`(i_1, i_2, ... i_{nlegs})` for incoming legs. Returns ------- q_map_indices : 1D array For each row of `qind_incoming` an index `j` such that ``self.q_map[j, 3:] == qind_incoming[j]``. """ assert (qind_incoming.shape[1] == self.nlegs) # calculate indices of q_map[_perm], which is sorted by :math:`i_1, i_2, ...`, # by using the appropriate strides inds_before_perm = np.sum(qind_incoming * self._strides[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) # permute them to indices in q_map if self._perm is None: return inds_before_perm # no permutation necessary return self._perm[inds_before_perm] def __getstate__(self): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" super_state = LegCharge.__getstate__(self) return (super_state, self.nlegs, self.legs, self.subshape, self.subqshape, self.q_map, self.q_map_slices, self._perm, self._strides) def __setstate__(self, state): """Allow to pickle and copy.""" super_state, nlegs, legs, subshape, subqshape, q_map, q_map_slices, _perm, _strides = state self.nlegs = nlegs self.legs = legs self.subshape = subshape self.subqshape = subqshape self.q_map = q_map self.q_map_slices = q_map_slices self._perm = _perm self._strides = _strides LegCharge.__setstate__(self, super_state)
# (in cython, but with different arguments) def _partial_qtotal(chinfo, legs, qdata, qconj, add_qtotal): """Calculate qtotal of a part of the legs of a npc.Array. Equivalent to: charges = np.sum([l.get_charge(qi) for l, qi in zip(legs, qdata.T)], axis=0) return chinfo.make_valid(charges * qconj + add_qtotal) """ if chinfo.qnumber == 0: return np.zeros([qdata.shape[0], 0], QTYPE) if len(legs) == 0: if add_qtotal is not None: return np.ones([qdata.shape[0], chinfo.qnumber], QTYPE) * add_qtotal[np.newaxis, :] else: return np.zeros([qdata.shape[0], chinfo.qnumber], QTYPE) charges_ = np.sum([l.get_charge(qi) for l, qi in zip(legs, qdata.T)], axis=0) if qconj != 1: charges_ *= qconj if add_qtotal is not None: charges_ += add_qtotal[np.newaxis, :] return chinfo.make_valid(charges_) @use_cython def _find_row_differences(qflat): """Return indices where the rows of the 2D array `qflat` change. Parameters ---------- qflat : 2D array The rows of this array are compared. Returns ------- diffs: 1D array The indices where rows change, including the first and last. Equivalent to: ``[0]+[i for i in range(1, len(qflat)) if np.any(qflat[i-1] != qflat[i])] + [len(qflat)]`` """ if qflat.shape[1] == 0: return np.array([0, qflat.shape[0]], dtype=np.intp) diff = np.ones(qflat.shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.bool_) diff[1:-1] = np.any(qflat[1:] != qflat[:-1], axis=1) return np.nonzero(diff)[0] # get the indices of True-values def _map_blocks(blocksizes): """Create an index array mapping 1D blocks of given sizes to a new array. Equivalent to ``np.concatenate([np.ones(s, np.intp)*i for i, s in enumerate(blocksizes)])``. """ if len(blocksizes) == 0: return np.zeros((0, ), np.intp) return np.concatenate([np.ones(s, np.intp) * i for i, s in enumerate(blocksizes)]) @use_cython def _sliced_copy(dest, dest_beg, src, src_beg, slice_shape): """Copy slices from `src` into slices of `dest`. *Assumes* that `src` and `dest` are C-contiguous (strided) Arrays of same data type and ndim. Equivalent to :: dst_sl = tuple([slice(i, i+d) for (i, d) in zip(dest_beg, slice_shape)]) src_sl = tuple([slice(i, i+d) for (i, d) in zip(src_beg, slice_shape)]) dest[dst_sl] = src[src_sl] For example ``dest[0:4, 2:5] = src[1:5, 0:3]`` is equivalent to ``_sliced_copy(dest, [0, 2], src, [1, 0], [4, 3])`` Parameters ---------- dest : array The array to copy into. Assumed to be C-contiguous. dest_beg : intp[ndim] Entries are start of the slices used for `dest` src : array The array to copy from. Assumed to be C-contiguous and of same dtype and dimension as `dest`. src_beg : intp[ndim] Entries are start of the slices used for `src` slice_shape : intp[ndim] The lenght of the slices. """ if dest_beg is None: dest_beg = [0] * dest.ndim if src_beg is None: src_beg = [0] * dest.ndim assert dest.ndim == src.ndim == len(dest_beg) == len(src_beg) == len(slice_shape) dst_sl = tuple([slice(i, i + d) for (i, d) in zip(dest_beg, slice_shape)]) src_sl = tuple([slice(i, i + d) for (i, d) in zip(src_beg, slice_shape)]) dest[dst_sl] = src[src_sl] @use_cython def _make_stride(shape, cstyle=True): """Create the strides for C-style arrays with a given shape. Equivalent to ``x = np.zeros(shape); return np.array(x.strides, np.intp) // x.itemsize``. """ L = len(shape) stride = 1 res = np.empty([L], np.intp) if cstyle: res[L - 1] = 1 for a in range(L - 1, 0, -1): stride *= shape[a] res[a - 1] = stride else: res[0] = 1 for a in range(0, L - 1): stride *= shape[a] res[a + 1] = stride return res