Source code for tenpy.algorithms.tebd

r"""Time evolving block decimation (TEBD).

The TEBD algorithm (proposed in [Vidal2004]_) uses a trotter decomposition of the
Hamiltonian to perform a time evoltion of an MPS. It works only for nearest-neighbor hamiltonians
(in tenpy given by a :class:`~tenpy.models.model.NearestNeighborModel`),
which can be written as :math:`H = H^{even} + H^{odd}`,  such that :math:`H^{even}` contains the
the terms on even bonds (and similar :math:`H^{odd}` the terms on odd bonds).
In the simplest case, we apply first :math:`U=\exp(-i*dt*H^{even})`,
then :math:`U=\exp(-i*dt*H^{odd})` for each time step :math:`dt`.
This is correct up to errors of :math:`O(dt^2)`, but to evolve until a time :math:`T`, we need
:math:`T/dt` steps, so in total it is only correct up to error of :math:`O(T*dt)`.
Similarly, there are higher order schemata (in dt) (for more details see :meth:`Engine.update`).

Remember, that bond `i` is between sites `(i-1, i)`, so for a finite MPS it looks like::

    |     - B0 - B1 - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6 -
    |       |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    |       |----|    |----|    |----|    |
    |       | U1 |    | U3 |    | U5 |    |
    |       |----|    |----|    |----|    |
    |       |    |----|    |----|    |----|
    |       |    | U2 |    | U4 |    | U6 |
    |       |    |----|    |----|    |----|
    |                   .
    |                   .
    |                   .

After each application of a `Ui`, the MPS needs to be truncated - otherwise the bond dimension
`chi` would grow indefinitely. A bound for the error introduced by the truncation is returned.

If one chooses imaginary :math:`dt`, the exponential projects
(for sufficiently long 'time' evolution) onto the ground state of the Hamiltonian.

.. note ::
    The application of DMRG is typically much more efficient than imaginary TEBD!
    Yet, imaginary TEBD might be usefull for cross-checks and testing.

# Copyright 2018-2019 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
import time

from ..linalg import np_conserved as npc
from .truncation import svd_theta, TruncationError
from import get_parameter, unused_parameters
from ..linalg.random_matrix import CUE

__all__ = ['Engine', 'RandomUnitaryEvolution']

[docs]class Engine: """Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) 'engine'. Parameters ---------- psi : :class:`~tenpy.networs.mps.MPS` Initial state to be time evolved. Modified in place. model : :class:`~tenpy.models.model.NearestNeighborModel` The model representing the Hamiltonian for which we want to find the ground state. TEBD_params : dict Further optional parameters as described in the tables in :func:`run` and :func:`run_GS` for more details. Use ``verbose=1`` to print the used parameters during runtime. Attributes ---------- verbose : int Level of verbosity (i.e. how much status information to print); higher=more output. evolved_time : float | complex Indicating how long `psi` has been evolved, ``psi = exp(-i * evolved_time * H) psi(t=0)``. trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced due to the truncation during the sequence of update steps. psi : :class:`~tenpy.networks.mps.MPS` The MPS, time evolved in-place. model : :class:`~tenpy.models.model.NearestNeighborModel` The model defining the Hamiltonian. TEBD_params: dict Optional parameters, see :func:`run` and :func:`run_GS` for more details. _U : list of list of :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Exponentiated `H_bond` (bond Hamiltonians), i.e. roughly ``exp(-i H_bond dt_i)``. First list for different `dt_i` as necessary for the chosen `order`, second list for the `L` different bonds. _U_param : dict A dictionary containing the information of the latest created `_U`. We don't recalculate `_U` if those parameters didn't change. _trunc_err_bonds : list of :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The *local* truncation error introduced at each bond, ignoring the errors at other bonds. The `i`-th entry is left of site `i`. _update_index : None | (int, int) The indices ``i_dt,i_bond`` of ``U_bond = self._U[i_dt][i_bond]`` during update_step. """ def __init__(self, psi, model, TEBD_params): self.verbose = get_parameter(TEBD_params, 'verbose', 1, 'TEBD') self.TEBD_params = TEBD_params self.trunc_params = get_parameter(TEBD_params, 'trunc_params', {}, 'TEBD') self.trunc_params.setdefault('verbose', self.verbose / 10) # reduced verbosity self.psi = psi self.model = model self.evolved_time = get_parameter(TEBD_params, 'start_time', 0., 'TEBD') self.trunc_err = get_parameter(TEBD_params, 'start_trunc_err', TruncationError(), 'TEBD') self._U = None self._U_param = {} self._trunc_err_bonds = [TruncationError() for i in range(psi.L + 1)] self._update_index = None def __del__(self): unused_parameters(self.TEBD_params['trunc_params'], "TEBD trunc_params") unused_parameters(self.TEBD_params, "TEBD") @property def trunc_err_bonds(self): """truncation error introduced on each non-trivial bond.""" return self._trunc_err_bonds[self.psi.nontrivial_bonds]
[docs] def run(self): """(Real-)time evolution with TEBD (time evolving block decimation). The following (optional) parameters are read out from the :attr:`TEBD_params`. ============== ====== ====================================================== key type description ============== ====== ====================================================== dt float Time step. -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ order int Order of the algorithm. The total error scales as O(t, dt^order). -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ N_steps int Number of time steps `dt` to evolve. (The Trotter decompositions of order > 1 are slightly more efficient if more than one step is performed at once.) -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ trunc_params dict Truncation parameters as described in :func:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.truncate`. ============== ====== ====================================================== """ # initialize parameters delta_t = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'dt', 0.1, 'TEBD') N_steps = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'N_steps', 10, 'TEBD') TrotterOrder = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'order', 2, 'TEBD') self.calc_U(TrotterOrder, delta_t, type_evo='real', E_offset=None) if self.verbose >= 1: Sold = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) start_time = time.time() self.update(N_steps) if self.verbose >= 1: S = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) DeltaS = np.abs(Sold - S) msg = ("--> time={t:3.3f}, max_chi={chi:d}, " "Delta_S={dS:.4e}, S={S:.10f}, since last update: {time:.1f} s") msg = msg.format( t=self.evolved_time, chi=max(self.psi.chi), dS=DeltaS, S=S.real, time=time.time() - start_time, ) print(msg, flush=True)
[docs] def run_GS(self): """TEBD algorithm in imaginary time to find the ground state. .. note :: It is almost always more efficient (and hence advisable) to use DMRG. This algorithms can nonetheless be used quite well as a benchmark and for comparison. The following (optional) parameters are read out from the :attr:`TEBD_params`. Use ``verbose=1`` to print the used parameters during runtime. ============== ====== ============================================= key type description ============== ====== ============================================= delta_tau_list list A list of floats: the timesteps to be used. Choosing a large timestep `delta_tau` introduces large (Trotter) errors, but a too small time step requires a lot of steps to reach ``exp(-tau H) --> |psi0><psi0|``. Therefore, we start with fairly large time steps for a quick time evolution until convergence, and the gradually decrease the time step. -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------- order int Order of the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition. -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------- N_steps int Number of steps before measurement can be performed -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------- trunc_params dict Truncation parameters as described in :func:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.truncate` ============== ====== ============================================= """ # initialize parameters delta_tau_list = get_parameter( self.TEBD_params, 'delta_tau_list', [0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1.e-4, 1.e-5, 1.e-6, 1.e-7, 1.e-8, 1.e-9, 1.e-10, 1.e-11, 0.], 'run_GS') max_error_E = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'max_error_E', 1.e-13, 'run_GS') N_steps = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'N_steps', 10, 'run_GS') TrotterOrder = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'order', 2, 'run_GS') Eold = np.average(self.model.bond_energies(self.psi)) if self.verbose >= 1: Sold = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) start_time = time.time() for delta_tau in delta_tau_list: if self.verbose >= 1: print("delta_tau = {dt:e}".format(dt=delta_tau)) self.calc_U(TrotterOrder, delta_tau, type_evo='imag') DeltaE = 2 * max_error_E DeltaS = 2 * max_error_E step = 0 while (DeltaE > max_error_E): if self.psi.finite and TrotterOrder == 2: self.update_imag(N_steps) else: self.update(N_steps) step += N_steps E = np.average(self.model.bond_energies(self.psi)) DeltaE = np.abs(Eold - E) Eold = E if self.verbose >= 1: S = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) DeltaS = np.abs(Sold - S) Sold = S msg = ("--> step={step:6d}, time={t:3.3f}, max chi={chi:d}, " + "Delta_E={dE:.2e}, E_bond={E:.10f}, Delta_S={dS:.4e}, " + "S={S:.10f}, time simulated: {time:.1f} s") msg = msg.format( step=step, t=self.evolved_time, chi=max(self.psi.chi), dE=DeltaE, dS=DeltaS, E=E.real, S=S.real, time=time.time() - start_time, ) print(msg, flush=True)
# done
[docs] @staticmethod def suzuki_trotter_time_steps(order): """Return time steps of U for the Suzuki Trotter decomposition of desired order. See :meth:`suzuki_trotter_decomposition` for details. Parameters ---------- order : int The desired order of the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition. Returns ------- time_steps : list of float We need ``U = exp(-i H_{even/odd} delta_t * dt)`` for the `dt` returned in this list. """ if order == 1: return [1.] elif order == 2: return [0.5, 1.] elif order == 4: t1 = 1. / (4. - 4.**(1 / 3.)) t3 = 1. - 4. * t1 return [t1 / 2., t1, (t1 + t3) / 2., t3] # else raise ValueError("Unknown order {0!r} for Suzuki Trotter decomposition".format(order))
[docs] @staticmethod def suzuki_trotter_decomposition(order, N_steps): r"""Returns list of necessary steps for the suzuki trotter decomposition. We split the Hamiltonian as :math:`H = H_{even} + H_{odd} = H[0] + H[1]`. The Suzuki-Trotter decomposition is an approximation :math:`\exp(t H) \approx prod_{(j, k) \in ST} \exp(d[j] t H[k]) + O(t^{order+1 })`. Parameters ---------- order : int The desired order of the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition. Returns ------- ST_decomposition : list of (int, int) Indices ``j, k`` of the time-steps ``d = suzuki_trotter_time_step(order)`` and the decomposition of `H`. They are chosen such that a subsequent application of ``exp(d[j] t H[k])`` to a given state ``|psi>`` yields ``(exp(N_steps t H[k]) + O(N_steps t^{order+1}))|psi>``. """ even, odd = 0, 1 if N_steps == 0: return [] if order == 1: a = (0, odd) b = (0, even) return [a, b] * N_steps elif order == 2: a = (0, odd) # dt/2 a2 = (1, odd) # dt b = (1, even) # dt # U = [a b a]*N # = a b [a2 b]*(N-1) a return [a, b] + [a2, b] * (N_steps - 1) + [a] elif order == 4: a = (0, odd) # t1/2 a2 = (1, odd) # t1 b = (1, even) # t1 c = (2, odd) # (t1 + t3) / 2 == (1 - 3 * t1)/2 d = (3, even) # t3 = 1 - 4 * t1 # From Schollwoeck 2011 (:arxiv:`1008.3477`): # U = U(t1) U(t2) U(t3) U(t2) U(t1) # with U(dt) = U(dt/2, odd) U(dt, even) U(dt/2, odd) and t1 == t2 # Uusing above definitions, we arrive at: # U = [a b a2 b c d c b a2 b a] * N # = [a b a2 b c d c b a2 b] + [a2 b a2 b c d c b a2 b a] * (N-1) + [a] steps = [a, b, a2, b, c, d, c, b, a2, b] steps = steps + [a2, b, a2, b, c, d, c, b, a2, b] * (N_steps - 1) steps = steps + [a] return steps # else raise ValueError("Unknown order {0!r} for Suzuki Trotter decomposition".format(order))
[docs] def calc_U(self, order, delta_t, type_evo='real', E_offset=None): """Calculate ``self.U_bond`` from ``self.bond_eig_{vals,vecs}``. This function calculates * ``U_bond = exp(-i dt (H_bond-E_offset_bond))`` for ``type_evo='real'``, or * ``U_bond = exp(- dt H_bond)`` for ``type_evo='imag'``. For first order (in `delta_t`), we need just one ``dt=delta_t``. Higher order requires smaller `dt` steps, as given by :meth:`suzuki_trotter_time_steps`. Parameters ---------- order : int Trotter order calculated U_bond. See update for more information. delta_t : float Size of the time-step used in calculating U_bond type_evo : ``'imag' | 'real'`` Determines whether we perform real or imaginary time-evolution. E_offset : None | list of float Possible offset added to `H_bond` for real-time evolution. """ U_param = dict(order=order, delta_t=delta_t, type_evo=type_evo, E_offset=E_offset) if type_evo == 'real': U_param['tau'] = delta_t elif type_evo == 'imag': U_param['tau'] = -1.j * delta_t else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `type_evo`: " + repr(type_evo)) if self._U_param == U_param: # same keys and values as cached if self.verbose >= 10: print("Skip recalculation of U with same parameters as before: ", U_param) return # nothing to do: U is cached self._U_param = U_param if self.verbose >= 1: print("Calculate U for ", U_param) L = self.psi.L self._U = [] for dt in self.suzuki_trotter_time_steps(order): U_bond = [ self._calc_U_bond(i_bond, dt * delta_t, type_evo, E_offset) for i_bond in range(L) ] self._U.append(U_bond)
# done
[docs] def update(self, N_steps): """Evolve by ``N_steps * U_param['dt']``. Parameters ---------- N_steps : int The number of steps for which the whole lattice should be updated. Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced due to the truncation during this sequence of update steps. """ trunc_err = TruncationError() order = self._U_param['order'] for U_idx_dt, odd in self.suzuki_trotter_decomposition(order, N_steps): trunc_err += self.update_step(U_idx_dt, odd) self.evolved_time = self.evolved_time + N_steps * self._U_param['tau'] self.trunc_err = self.trunc_err + trunc_err # not += : make a copy! # (this is done to avoid problems of users storing self.trunc_err after each `update`) return trunc_err
[docs] def update_step(self, U_idx_dt, odd): """Updates either even *or* odd bonds in unit cell. Depending on the choice of p, this function updates all even (``E``, odd=False,0) **or** odd (``O``) (odd=True,1) bonds:: | - B0 - B1 - B2 - B3 - B4 - B5 - B6 - | | | | | | | | | | |----| |----| |----| | | | E | | E | | E | | | |----| |----| |----| | |----| |----| |----| | | | O | | O | | O | | | |----| |----| |----| | Note that finite boundary conditions are taken care of by having ``Us[0] = None``. Parameters ---------- U_idx_dt : int Time step index in ``self._U``, evolve with ``Us[i] = self.U[U_idx_dt][i]`` at bond ``(i-1,i)``. odd : bool/int Indication of whether to update even (``odd=False,0``) or even (``odd=True,1``) sites Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced due to the truncation during this sequence of update steps. """ Us = self._U[U_idx_dt] trunc_err = TruncationError() for i_bond in np.arange(int(odd) % 2, self.psi.L, 2): if Us[i_bond] is None: if self.verbose >= 10: print("Skip U_bond element:", i_bond) continue # handles finite vs. infinite boundary conditions if self.verbose >= 10: print("Apply U_bond element", i_bond) self._update_index = (U_idx_dt, i_bond) trunc_err += self.update_bond(i_bond, Us[i_bond]) self._update_index = None return trunc_err
[docs] def update_bond(self, i, U_bond): """Updates the B matrices on a given bond. Function that updates the B matrices, the bond matrix s between and the bond dimension chi for bond i. The correponding tensor networks look like this:: | --S--B1--B2-- --B1--B2-- | | | | | | theta: U_bond C: U_bond | | | | | Parameters ---------- i : int Bond index; we update the matrices at sites ``i-1, i``. U_bond : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` The bond operator which we apply to the wave function. We expect labels ``'p0', 'p1', 'p0*', 'p1*'``. Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced by the truncation during this update step. """ i0, i1 = i - 1, i if self.verbose >= 100: print("Update sites ({0:d}, {1:d})".format(i0, i1)) # Construct the theta matrix C = self.psi.get_theta(i0, n=2, formL=0.) # the two B without the S on the left C = npc.tensordot(U_bond, C, axes=(['p0*', 'p1*'], ['p0', 'p1'])) # apply U C.itranspose(['vL', 'p0', 'p1', 'vR']) theta = C.scale_axis(self.psi.get_SL(i0), 'vL') # now theta is the same as if we had done # theta = self.psi.get_theta(i0, n=2) # theta = npc.tensordot(U_bond, theta, axes=(['p0*', 'p1*'], ['p0', 'p1'])) # apply U # but also have C which is the same except the missing "S" on the left # so we don't have to apply inverses of S (see below) theta = theta.combine_legs([('vL', 'p0'), ('p1', 'vR')], qconj=[+1, -1]) # Perform the SVD and truncate the wavefunction U, S, V, trunc_err, renormalize = svd_theta(theta, self.trunc_params, inner_labels=['vR', 'vL']) # Split tensor and update matrices B_R = V.split_legs(1).ireplace_label('p1', 'p') # In general, we want to do the following: # U = U.iscale_axis(S, 'vR') # B_L = U.split_legs(0).iscale_axis(self.psi.get_SL(i0)**-1, 'vL') # B_L = B_L.ireplace_label('p0', 'p') # i.e. with SL = self.psi.get_SL(i0), we have ``B_L = SL**-1 U S`` # # However, the inverse of SL is problematic, as it might contain very small singular # values. Instead, we use ``C == SL**-1 theta == SL**-1 U S V``, # such that we obtain ``B_L = SL**-1 U S = SL**-1 U S V V^dagger = C V^dagger`` # here, C is the same as theta, but without the `S` on the very left # (Note: this requires no inverse if the MPS is initially in 'B' canonical form) B_L = npc.tensordot(C.combine_legs(('p1', 'vR'), pipes=theta.legs[1]), V.conj(), axes=['(p1.vR)', '(p1*.vR*)']) B_L.ireplace_labels(['vL*', 'p0'], ['vR', 'p']) B_L /= renormalize # re-normalize to <psi|psi> = 1 self.psi.set_SR(i0, S) self.psi.set_B(i0, B_L, form='B') self.psi.set_B(i1, B_R, form='B') self._trunc_err_bonds[i] = self._trunc_err_bonds[i] + trunc_err return trunc_err
[docs] def update_imag(self, N_steps): """Perform an update suitable for imaginary time evolution. Instead of the even/odd brick structure used for ordinary TEBD, we 'sweep' from left to right and right to left, similar as DMRG. Thanks to that, we are actually able to preserve the canonical form. Parameters ---------- N_steps : int The number of steps for which the whole lattice should be updated. Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced due to the truncation during this sequence of update steps. """ trunc_err = TruncationError() order = self._U_param['order'] # allow only second order evolution if order != 2 or not self.psi.finite: # Would lead to loss of canonical form. What about DMRG? raise NotImplementedError("Use DMRG instead...") U_idx_dt = 0 # always with dt=0.5 assert (self.suzuki_trotter_time_steps(order)[U_idx_dt] == 0.5) assert (self.psi.finite) # finite or segment bc Us = self._U[U_idx_dt] for _ in range(N_steps): # sweep right for i_bond in range(self.psi.L): if Us[i_bond] is None: if self.verbose >= 10: print("Skip U_bond element:", i_bond) continue # handles finite vs. infinite boundary conditions if self.verbose >= 10: print("Apply U_bond element", i_bond) self._update_index = (U_idx_dt, i_bond) trunc_err += self.update_bond_imag(i_bond, Us[i_bond]) # sweep left for i_bond in range(self.psi.L - 1, -1, -1): if Us[i_bond] is None: if self.verbose >= 10: print("Skip U_bond element:", i_bond) continue # handles finite vs. infinite boundary conditions if self.verbose >= 10: print("Apply U_bond element", i_bond) self._update_index = (U_idx_dt, i_bond) trunc_err += self.update_bond_imag(i_bond, Us[i_bond]) self._update_index = None self.evolved_time = self.evolved_time + N_steps * self._U_param['tau'] self.trunc_err = self.trunc_err + trunc_err # not += : make a copy! # (this is done to avoid problems of users storing self.trunc_err after each `update`) return trunc_err
[docs] def update_bond_imag(self, i, U_bond): """Update a bond with a (possibly non-unitary) `U_bond`. Similar as :meth:`update_bond`; but after the SVD just keep the `A, S, B` canonical form. In that way, one can sweep left or right without using old singular values, thus preserving the canonical form during imaginary time evolution. Parameters ---------- i : int Bond index; we update the matrices at sites ``i-1, i``. U_bond : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` The bond operator which we apply to the wave function. We expect labels ``'p0', 'p1', 'p0*', 'p1*'``. Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced by the truncation during this update step. """ i0, i1 = i - 1, i if self.verbose >= 100: print("Update sites ({0:d}, {1:d})".format(i0, i1)) # Construct the theta matrix theta = self.psi.get_theta(i0, n=2) # 'vL', 'vR', 'p0', 'p1' theta = npc.tensordot(U_bond, theta, axes=(['p0*', 'p1*'], ['p0', 'p1'])) theta = theta.combine_legs([('vL', 'p0'), ('vR', 'p1')], qconj=[+1, -1]) # Perform the SVD and truncate the wavefunction U, S, V, trunc_err, renormalize = svd_theta(theta, self.trunc_params, inner_labels=['vR', 'vL']) # Split legs and update matrices B_R = V.split_legs(1).ireplace_label('p1', 'p') A_L = U.split_legs(0).ireplace_label('p0', 'p') self.psi.set_SR(i0, S) self.psi.set_B(i0, A_L, form='A') self.psi.set_B(i1, B_R, form='B') self._trunc_err_bonds[i] = self._trunc_err_bonds[i] + trunc_err return trunc_err
def _calc_U_bond(self, i_bond, dt, type_evo, E_offset): """Calculate exponential of a bond Hamitonian. * ``U_bond = exp(-i dt (H_bond-E_offset_bond))`` for ``type_evo='real'``, or * ``U_bond = exp(- dt H_bond)`` for ``type_evo='imag'``. """ h = self.model.H_bond[i_bond] if h is None: return None # don't calculate exp(i H t), if `H` is None H2 = h.combine_legs([('p0', 'p1'), ('p0*', 'p1*')], qconj=[+1, -1]) if type_evo == 'imag': H2 = (-dt) * H2 elif type_evo == 'real': if E_offset is not None: H2 = H2 - npc.diag(E_offset[i_bond], H2.legs[0]) H2 = (-1.j * dt) * H2 else: raise ValueError("Expect either 'real' or 'imag'inary time, got " + repr(type_evo)) U = npc.expm(H2) assert (tuple(U.get_leg_labels()) == ('(p0.p1)', '(p0*.p1*)')) return U.split_legs()
[docs]class RandomUnitaryEvolution(Engine): """Evolution of an MPS with random two-site unitaries in a TEBD-like fashion. Instead of using a model Hamiltonian, this TEBD engine evolves with random two-site unitaries. These unitaries are drawn according to the Haar measure on unitaries obeying the conservation laws dictated by the conserved charges. If no charge is preserved, this distribution is called circular unitary ensemble (CUE), see :func:`~tenpy.linalg.random_matrix.CUE`. On one hand, such an evolution is of interest in recent research (see eg. :arxiv:`1710.09827`). On the other hand, it also comes in handy to "randomize" an initial state, e.g. for DMRG. Note that the entanglement grows very quickly, choose the truncation paramters accordingly! Parameters ---------- psi : :class:`~tenpy.networs.mps.MPS` Initial state to be time evolved. Modified in place. TEBD_params : dict Use ``verbose=1`` to print the used parameters during runtime. See :func:`run` and :func:`run_GS` for more details. Examples -------- One can initialize a "random" state with total Sz = L//2 as follows: >>> L = 8 >>> spin_half = SpinHalfSite(conserve='Sz') >>> psi = MPS.from_product_state([spin_half]*L, [0, 1]*(L//2), bc='finite') # Neel state >>> print(psi.chi) [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] >>> TEBD_params = dict(N_steps=2, trunc_params={'chi_max':10}) >>> eng = RandomUnitaryEvolution(psi, TEBD_params) >>> >>> print(psi.chi) [2, 4, 8, 10, 8, 4, 2] >>> psi.canonical_form() # necessary if you need to truncate (strongly) during the evolution The "random" unitaries preserve the specified charges, e.g. here we have Sz-conservation. If you start in a sector of all up spins, the random unitaries can only apply a phase: >>> psi2 = MPS.from_product_state([spin_half]*L, [0]*L, bc='finite') # all spins up >>> print(psi2.chi) [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] >>> eng2 = RandomUnitaryEvolution(psi2, TEBD_params) >>> # random unitaries respect Sz conservation -> we stay in all-up sector >>> print(psi2.chi) # still a product state, not really random!!! [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] """ def __init__(self, psi, TEBD_params): Engine.__init__(self, psi, None, TEBD_params)
[docs] def run(self): """Time evolution with TEBD (time evolving block decimation) and random two-site unitaries. The following (optional) parameters are read out from the :attr:`TEBD_params`. ============== ====== ====================================================== key type description ============== ====== ====================================================== N_steps int Number of two-site unitaries to be applied on each bond. -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ trunc_params dict Truncation parameters as described in :func:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.truncate` ============== ====== ====================================================== """ N_steps = get_parameter(self.TEBD_params, 'N_steps', 1, 'TEBD') if self.verbose >= 1: Sold = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) start_time = time.time() self.update(N_steps) if self.verbose >= 1: S = np.average(self.psi.entanglement_entropy()) DeltaS = np.abs(Sold - S) msg = ("--> time={t:3.3f}, max_chi={chi:d}, " "Delta_S={dS:.4e}, S={S:.10f}, since last update: {time:.1f} s") print( msg.format( t=self.evolved_time, chi=max(self.psi.chi), dS=DeltaS, S=S.real, time=time.time() - start_time, ))
[docs] def calc_U(self): """Draw new random two-site unitaries replacing the usual `U` of TEBD.""" sites = self.psi.sites L = len(sites) U_bonds = [] for i in range(L): if i == 0 and self.psi.finite: U_bonds.append(None) else: leg_L = sites[i - 1].leg leg_R = sites[i].leg pipe = npc.LegPipe([leg_L, leg_R]) U = npc.Array.from_func_square(CUE, pipe).split_legs() U.iset_leg_labels(['p0', 'p1', 'p0*', 'p1*']) U_bonds.append(U) self._U = [U_bonds]
[docs] def update(self, N_steps): """Apply ``N_steps`` random two-site unitaries to each bond (in even-odd pattern). Parameters ---------- N_steps : int The number of steps for which the whole lattice should be updated. Returns ------- trunc_err : :class:`~tenpy.algorithms.truncation.TruncationError` The error of the represented state which is introduced due to the truncation during this sequence of update steps. """ trunc_err = TruncationError() for i in range(N_steps): self.calc_U() # draw new random unitaries for odd in [1, 0]: trunc_err += self.update_step(0, odd) self.evolved_time = self.evolved_time + N_steps self.trunc_err = self.trunc_err + trunc_err # not += : make a copy! # (this is done to avoid problems of users storing self.trunc_err after each `update`) return trunc_err
def _calc_bond_eig(self): pass # do nothing