Source code for tenpy.algorithms.exact_diag

"""Full diagonalization (ED) of the Hamiltonian.

The full diagonalization of a small system is a simple approach to test other algorithms.
In case you need the full spectrum, a full diagonalization is often the only way.
This module provides functionality to quickly diagonalize the Hamiltonian of a given model.
This might be used to obtain the spectrum, the ground state or highly excited states.

.. note ::
    Good use of symmetries is crucial to increase the treatable system size.
    While we can simply use the defined `LegCharge` of a model, we don't make use of any other
    symmetries like translation symmetry, SU(2) symmetry or inversion symmetries.
    In other words, this code does not aim to provide state-of-the-art exact diagonalization,
    but just the ability to diagonalize the defined models for small system sizes
    without addional extra work.
# Copyright 2018-2019 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
import warnings

from ..linalg import np_conserved as npc
from ..networks.mps import MPS

__all__ = ['ExactDiag']

[docs]class ExactDiag: """(Full) exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~tenpy.models.MPOmodel` | :class:`~tenpy.models.CouplingModel` The model which is to be diagonalized. charge_sector : ``None`` | charges If not ``None``, project onto the given charge sector. sparse : bool If ``True``, don't sort/bunch the LegPipe used to combine the physical legs. This results in array `blocks` with just one entry, requires much more charge data, and is not what `np_conserved` was designed for, so it's not recommended. max_size : int The `build_H_*` functions will do nothing (but emit a warning) if the total size of the Hamiltonian would be larger than this. Attributes ---------- model : :class:`~tenpy.models.MPOmodel` | :class:`~tenpy.models.CouplingModel` The model which is to be diagonalized. chinfo : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.ChargeInfo` The nature of the charge (which is the same for all sites). charge_sector : ``None`` | charges If not ``None``, we project onto the given charge sector. max_size : int The ``build_H_*`` functions will do nothing (but emit a warning) if the total size of the Hamiltonian would be larger than this. full_H : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` | ``None`` The full Hamiltonian to be diagonalized with legs ``'(p0.p1....)', '(p0*,p1*...)'`` (in that order). ``None`` if the ``build_H_*`` functions haven't been called yet, or if `max_size` would have been exceeded. E : ndarray | ``None`` 1D array of eigenvalues. V : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` | ``None`` Eigenvectors. First leg 'ps' are physical legs, the second leg ``'ps*'`` corresponds to the eigenvalues. _sites : list of :class:`` The sites in the given order. _labels_p : list or str The labels use for the physical legs; just ``['p0', 'p1', ...., 'p{L-1}']``. _labels_pconj : list or str Just each of `_labels_p` with an ``*``. _pipe : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegPipe` The pipe from the single physical legs to the full combined leg. _pipe_conj : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.charges.LegPipe` Just ``_pipe.conj()``. _mask : 1D bool ndarray | ``None`` Bool mask, which of the indices of the pipe are in the desired `charge_sector`. """ def __init__(self, model, charge_sector=None, sparse=False, max_size=2e6): if != 'finite': raise ValueError("Full diagonalization works only on finite systems") self.model = model self.chinfo =[0].leg.chinfo self.full_H = None self.E = None self.V = None self.max_size = max_size self._labels_p = ['p' + str(i) for i in range(] self._labels_pconj = [l + '*' for l in self._labels_p] self._sites = legs = [s.leg for s in self._sites] self._pipe = npc.LegPipe(legs, qconj=1, sort=(not sparse), bunch=(not sparse)) self._pipe_conj = self._pipe.conj() if charge_sector is not None: self.charge_sector = self.chinfo.make_valid(charge_sector) self._mask = np.all(self._pipe.to_qflat() == self.charge_sector[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) if np.sum(self._mask) == 0: raise ValueError("The chosen charge sector is empty.") else: self.charge_sector = None self._mask = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_H_mpo(cls, H_MPO, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper taking directly an MPO instead of a Model. Parameters ---------- H_MPO : :class:`~tenpy.networks.mpo.MPO` The MPO representing the Hamiltonian. *args, **kwargs : Other arguments as for the ``__init__`` of the class. """ from ..models.model import MPOModel from ..models.lattice import TrivialLattice assert H_MPO.bc == 'finite' M = MPOModel(TrivialLattice(H_MPO.sites), H_MPO) return cls(M, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def build_full_H_from_mpo(self): """Calculate self.full_H from self.mpo.""" if self._exceeds_max_size(): return mpo = self.model.H_MPO full_H = mpo.get_W(0).take_slice(mpo.get_IdL(0), 'wL') full_H.ireplace_labels(['p', 'p*'], [self._labels_p[0], self._labels_pconj[0]]) for i in range(1, mpo.L): W = mpo.get_W(i, copy=True) W.ireplace_labels(['p', 'p*'], [self._labels_p[i], self._labels_pconj[i]]) if i == mpo.L - 1: W = W.take_slice(mpo.get_IdR(mpo.L - 1), 'wR') full_H = npc.tensordot(full_H, W, axes=['wR', 'wL']) full_H = full_H.combine_legs([self._labels_p, self._labels_pconj], new_axes=[0, 1], pipes=[self._pipe, self._pipe_conj]) self._set_full_H(full_H)
[docs] def build_full_H_from_bonds(self): """Calculate self.full_H from self.mpo.""" if self._exceeds_max_size(): return sites = H_bond = self.model.H_bond L = len(sites) Ids = [ s.Id.replace_labels(['p', 'p*'], [self._labels_p[i], self._labels_pconj[i]]) for i, s in enumerate(sites) ] Ids_L = [Ids[0]] # Ids_L[j] has identity up to (including) site j Ids_R = [Ids[-1]] # Ids_R[j] is identity starting from (including) site L-1-j for j in range(1, L - 2): Ids_L.append(npc.outer(Ids_L[-1], Ids[j])) Ids_R.append(npc.outer(Ids[L - j - 1], Ids_R[-1])) full_H = None for i in range(1, L): # H_bond[i] lifes on sites (i-1, i) lL, lLc = self._labels_p[i - 1], self._labels_pconj[i - 1] lR, lRc = self._labels_p[i], self._labels_pconj[i] Hb = H_bond[i] if Hb is None: continue Hb = Hb.replace_labels(['p0', 'p0*', 'p1', 'p1*'], [lL, lLc, lR, lRc]) if i > 1: Hb = npc.outer(Ids_L[i - 2], Hb) # need i-2 == j if i < L - 1: Hb = npc.outer(Hb, Ids_R[L - 2 - i]) # need i+1 == L-1-j => j = L-2-i Hb = Hb.combine_legs([self._labels_p, self._labels_pconj], new_axes=[0, 1], pipes=[self._pipe, self._pipe_conj]) if full_H is None: full_H = Hb else: full_H += Hb self._set_full_H(full_H)
[docs] def full_diagonalization(self, *args, **kwargs): """Full diagonalization to obtain all eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Arguments are given to :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.eigh`. """ if self.full_H is None: raise ValueError("You need to call one of `build_full_H_*` first!") E, V = npc.eigh(self.full_H, *args, **kwargs) V.iset_leg_labels(['ps', 'ps*']) self.E = E self.V = V
[docs] def groundstate(self, charge_sector=None): """Pick the ground state energy and ground state from ``self.V``. Parameters ---------- charge_sector : None | 1D ndarray By default (``None``), consider all charge sectors. Alternatively, give the `qtotal` which the returned state should have. Returns ------- E0 : float Ground state energy (possibly in the given sector). psi0 : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` Ground state (possibly in the given sector). """ if self.E is None or self.V is None: raise ValueError("You need to call `full_diagonalization` first!") if charge_sector is None: i0 = np.argmin(self.E) else: if self.charge_sector is not None: raise ValueError("``self.charge_sector`` was specified before.") charge_sector = self.chinfo.make_valid(charge_sector) mask = np.all(self._pipe.to_qflat() == charge_sector[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) if np.sum(mask) == 0: raise ValueError("The chosen charge sector is empty.") i0 = np.argmin(np.where(mask, self.E, np.max(self.E) + 1.)) return self.E[i0], self.V.take_slice(i0, axes='ps*')
[docs] def exp_H(self, dt): """Return ``U(dt) := exp(-i H dt)``.""" if self.E is None or self.V is None: raise ValueError("You need to call `full_diagonalization` first!") return npc.tensordot(self.V.scale_axis(np.exp(-1.j * dt * self.E), 'ps*'), self.V.conj(), axes=['ps*', 'ps'])
[docs] def mps_to_full(self, mps): """Contract an MPS along the virtual bonds and combine its legs. Parameters ---------- mps : :class:`~tenpy.networks.mps.MPS` The MPS to be contracted. Returns ------- psi : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` The MPO contracted along the virtual bonds. """ if mps.bc != 'finite': raise ValueError("Full diagonalization works only on finite systems") psi = mps.get_theta(0, mps.L) # does exactly what we need psi = psi.take_slice([0, 0], ['vL', 'vR']) psi = psi.combine_legs(range(mps.L)) if self.charge_sector is not None: psi.legs[0] = psi.legs[0].to_LegCharge() psi = psi[self._mask] return psi
[docs] def full_to_mps(self, psi, canonical_form='B'): """Convert a full state (with a single leg) to an MPS. Parameters ---------- psi : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` The state (with a single leg) which should be splitted into an MPS. canonical_from : :class:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.Array` The form in which the MPS will be afterwards. Returns ------- mps : :class:`~tenpy.networks.mps.MPS` An normalized MPS representation in canonical form. """ if not isinstance(psi.legs[0], npc.LegPipe): # projected onto charge_sector: need to restore the LegPipe. full_psi = npc.zeros([self._pipe], psi.dtype, psi.qtotal) full_psi[self._mask] = psi psi = full_psi psi.iset_leg_labels(['(' + '.'.join(self._labels_p) + ')']) psi = psi.split_legs([0]) # split the combined leg into the physical legs of the sites return MPS.from_full(self._sites, psi, form=canonical_form)
[docs] def matvec(self, psi): """Allow to use `self` as LinearOperator for lanczos. Just applies `full_H` to (the first axis of) the given `psi`. """ return npc.tensordot(self.full_H, psi, axes=1)
[docs] def sparse_diag(self, k, *args, **kwargs): """Call :func:`~tenpy.linalg.np_conserved.speigs`.""" return npc.speigs(self.full_H, self.charge_sector, k, *args, **kwargs)
def _set_full_H(self, full_H): if self.full_H is not None: warnings.warn("full_H calculated multiple times!?", stacklevel=2) if self.charge_sector is not None: full_H.legs = [l.to_LegCharge() for l in full_H.legs] # avoids warnings of project full_H = full_H[self._mask, self._mask] self.full_H = full_H def _exceeds_max_size(self): size =[float(s.dim) for s in self._sites])**2 # use float to avoid overflow! if size > self.max_size: msg = "size {0:.2e} exceeds max_size {1:.2e}".format(size, self.max_size) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) return True return False